Oldest Latino civil rights group breaks with past to endorse Harris

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If it’s about Trump why didn’t they endorse Hillary or Biden? Is it about polling showing more Hispanics trending towards Trump and they think this will counteract that? Is this about their funding in some way?

As mentioned, I’ve never heard of this group so outside reading they are a liberal advocacy group I’m not familiar with their M.O. and what drives them.
I believe they would hav endorsed Biden. Have you been watching Trump? If so you cannot continue to clam you aren’t alarmed by what you see. He is not well.
No, they do not. You are delusional. New Yorkers have never thought much of Trump. The Jews have leaned way left.
Trying to define Jews as a homogenous group is like doing the same for black voters. It doesn't work.

Quite a large number of Jews will vote for any candidate that panders to Israel. My father was a staunch republican for all of his life. I'm on two separate jobs right now for religious Jews that have Fox on t.v. whenever I'm there. Many of these people are older and crusty old Republicans.

Younger Jews tend to have a more open eyed approach to politics. There are many thousands of NY Jews who will indeed vote for trump, mainly because they are just Republicans for life.
Except that they have never endorsed a candidate for President during their 95 year history. So I think you’re asking the wrong question. The question is why they chose now. Hint: The answer isn’t about her.
There are quite a few groups of Latinos who always vote Republican. Every Cuban immigrant in Florida for one. I find that quite a few immigrants from all nations lean Right simply because their grasp of English isn't as good as it should be, and they believe Fox is telling them the truth.
Legal immigrants who happened to hit the immigration lottery will always denounce those of their same nationality who are trying to get here 'illegally'. That has a lot to do with why they lean Right.

It doesn't matter that they are being lied to. They don't realize it.

Hasn't that been the history of immigration in this nation? Competition for jobs from new immigrants always created a rift between nationalities.

Perhaps the Latino community is finally becoming more educated w/respect to the issues?

Oldest Latino civil rights group breaks with past to endorse Harris​

'2050s. By 2050, the share of the U.S. population that is white and not Hispanic will be under 50% for the first time. Currently, 58.9% of U.S. residents are white and not Hispanic. By 2050, Hispanic residents will account for a quarter of the U.S. population, up from 19.1% today.

https://apnews.com/article/growth-p...a5d7cdade#:~:text=2050s,, up from 19.1% today. '

And that, sisters and brothers will be THE END of white, Evangelical government in the USA- and that will mean the end of Zionism.
The Harris-Walz campaign has received the first-ever presidential endorsement from the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the oldest and largest Latino civil rights group in the country.

The endorsement breaks from the 95-year-old group’s practice of not endorsing in presidential races, and LULAC leaders are expected to make an appearance at a campaign rally in Las Vegas on Saturday.

“Throughout her career, [Vice President] Harris has demonstrated a commitment to justice, equality, and inclusivity—values that resonate deeply with the Latino community and will move our country forward in the right direction,” Domingo Garcia, LULAC Adelante PAC chair and former LULAC president, said in a statement.

“Today, we are proud to endorse Kamala Harris and Tim Walz because of the real issues facing Latino communities and all Americans across the nation; we can trust them to do what is right for our community and the country.”

Oh noes. "A DEI hire being endorsed by other DEI hires. When will it ever end?!?" -- every MAGAT at once.
Virtually every police organization in the US endorses Trump.


ExpressLane said:
Virtually every police organization in the US endorses Trump.



  1. 1.
    nearly; almost.
    "the college became virtually bankrupt

NAPO Endorses Donald Trump for President

On July 24, NAPO announced our endorsement of Donald J. Trump for President of the United States. The NAPO endorsement recognizes Mr. Trump’s steadfast and public support for our men and women that represent the thin blue line protecting our communities.....

....The National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) is a coalition of police unions and associations from across the United States and was organized for the purpose of advancing the interests of America’s law enforcement officers through legislative advocacy, political action and education.....

Founded in 1978, NAPO is the strongest unified voice supporting law enforcement officers in the United States. NAPO represents more than 1,000 police units and associations, and more than 241,000 sworn law enforcement officers who share a common dedication to vigorous and effective representation on behalf of our nation’s law enforcement officers.
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Oldest Latino civil rights group breaks with past to endorse Harris​

'2050s. By 2050, the share of the U.S. population that is white and not Hispanic will be under 50% for the first time. Currently, 58.9% of U.S. residents are white and not Hispanic. By 2050, Hispanic residents will account for a quarter of the U.S. population, up from 19.1% today.

https://apnews.com/article/growth-population-demographics-race-hispanic-f563ebc4537f83792f3f91ba5d7cdade#:~:text=2050s,, up from 19.1% today. '

And that, sisters and brothers will be THE END of white, Evangelical government in the USA- and that will mean the end of Zionism.
why do you assume that Latinos and blacks will be pro-palestinian......currently most of your supporters are white......

Trump wins backing of largest U.S. police union as he touts 'law and order'

The United States' largest police union on Friday endorsed President Donald Trump's re-election bid, boosting the Republican's message that he is the candidate of "law and order" amid U.S. protests against police brutality and racial injustice.

The Fraternal Order of Police, which has more than 355,000 members nationally, said Trump had shown his support and understanding for law enforcement officers facing civil unrest around the country in recent months.