Not really, it is why people associated the two remarks. Why some people are ZOMG!!1!!'ing everywhere about what he said.

Pretending that all things are in a vacuum is one of the simplest forms of disingenuous manipulation. That it cannot be seen from a larger context is definitely the favorite of people on this board. They'll forget what you said just one thread ago so that they can pretend there is some sort of dichotomy in what you stated just 2 seconds after.

Why would people assume he was taking a dig at Palin? Well, didn't she recently make a famous line about "lipstick"?

I'm not saying that it is what means he was saying she was a "pig" because I don't believe he was. I am saying it is why people associated the two statements.

No, its because McCain told them that was what he was doing, and some people are too dumb to figure out that McCain is lying! The same people who could not figure out the SBVFT were lying. The same people who could not figure out that Bush was lying for the first 6 years.
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If the Palin/McSame ticket is that sensative, they are too sensative to be president and vice.
I'm not criticizing him, you dink.

I am pointing out the obvious. I think people associated things with what he said. I am explaining why some of this idiotic non-issue got started. McCain should have let it grow its own legs rather than attempting to take the offense on it though. I think that was a mistake. Over reaction will only hurt them.

Im just pointing out as well. Just pointing out.
If this attack on Omama works, it is a VERY sad comentary on the American political system. But I will not be suprised, the Swift Boat lies worked, and the lie about Gore and the internet worked...

Why should this not work.
Read more, you may figure out what I mean rather than post crap like this.

You are wrong... People did not associate the comments until McSame told them to.

Man people are so dumb they will belive anything McSame says. Just like they belived Bush for the first 6 years or so.

Its the same thing Bush did with OBL and Saddam and 911 and Iraq. Just use them in the same sentence and people will belive they are associated.

What the Obama needs to say now before EVERY SPEECH is that he had some people trained in sensativity read his comments to make sure that McCain and his campaign can't get their feelings hurt. Can't be mean to the McPansy ticket.
You are wrong... People did not associate the comments until McSame told them to.

Man people are so dumb they will belive anything McSame says. Just like they belived Bush for the first 6 years or so.
Wrong jarod. It's why the choice of words was hilarious. I actualy agree with damo. Republicans should NOT have responded though. Obama joned on them quite effectively and they got pissed and thought they could turn it around. They had mixed success.
You are wrong... People did not associate the comments until McSame told them to.

Man people are so dumb they will belive anything McSame says. Just like they belived Bush for the first 6 years or so.

Its the same thing Bush did with OBL and Saddam and 911 and Iraq. Just use them in the same sentence and people will belive they are associated.

I disagree. There would have been very little reaction to his remark with no association (I'm talking about from those in the crowd that were there to listen to him). It wasn't even delivered all that well.
He should read a disclamer before every speech.

"I know my opponants are sensative and get offended very easily so... Please do not insinuate anything from the words I say, other than the plain meanings. If I am going to say something about someone, I will say it directly. If I am going to call someone a pig, Ill do it directly"
I disagree. There would have been very little reaction to his remark with no association (I'm talking about from those in the crowd that were there to listen to him). It wasn't even delivered all that well.

It was very poorly delivered, and without the McSame commercial noone would have even known about it. Had McSame not claimed to be offended, noone would have paid any attention.
Wrong jarod. It's why the choice of words was hilarious. I actualy agree with damo. Republicans should NOT have responded though. Obama joned on them quite effectively and they got pissed and thought they could turn it around. They had mixed success.
Yes, that is my point. McCain tried to take the offensive on something that he didn't need to. It would have been far more effective to just stand aside.
It was very poorly delivered, and without the McSame commercial noone would have even known about it. Had McSame not claimed to be offended, noone would have paid any attention.
Nah, I'm sure Rush or somebody would get the tape of it, and boom. All McCain had to do was have some patience.
Yes, that is my point. McCain tried to take the offensive on something that he didn't need to. It would have been far more effective to just stand aside.

It would have had zero legs if they stood aside. People would just have laughed openly with Obama at Palin, and the republicans would just look foolish. Now they ended up looking foolish, desperate, and dishonest.
Yes, that is my point. McCain tried to take the offensive on something that he didn't need to. It would have been far more effective to just stand aside.

Had he left it alone noone woud have known about it. He created the association.

So, the word lipstick is off limits because the use of it is offensive to Palin? WTF? He used a common expression about dressing up old ideas and pigs. Weeks earlier she said something about pitbulls and lipstick.

Whats wrong with people?
I do hope, and have faith in the American people, that this will backfire on McCain. Ill watch the polls closely in the comming days.