On leaving the internet

I was an angry young man.
Now I am an angry old man.
I came here to try to help change the world, and found that the world I knew has passed by.

Rail on idiots, but realize both sides are wrong.

anatta and your asshat brethren; you know not what you have wrought.
Go fuck yourselves.

I may or may not check back sometime(s)
Sailor; I wish we had more time together over the years.
Grind, Damo, Billy and Froggy; thanks.

FYI Darla is smarter, kinder and sweeter than any of you could imagine.
Maybe she will return with me gone but I wouldn't hold your breathe.
Auto correct sucks
And remember
No one has ever won an argument over the internet.

Those posters who deserve warm goodbyes,
You know who you are.

If we ever get our moving situation figured out I'll be leaving this habit behind myself. Besides the few non-political discussions here I can't do much but laugh or roll my eyes.
I was an angry young man.
Now I am an angry old man.
I came here to try to help change the world, and found that the world I knew has passed by.

Rail on idiots, but realize both sides are wrong.

anatta and your asshat brethren; you know not what you have wrought.
Go fuck yourselves.

I may or may not check back sometime(s)
Sailor; I wish we had more time together over the years.
Grind, Damo, Billy and Froggy; thanks.

FYI Darla is smarter, kinder and sweeter than any of you could imagine.
Maybe she will return with me gone but I wouldn't hold your breathe.
Auto correct sucks
And remember
No one has ever won an argument over the internet.

Those posters who deserve warm goodbyes,
You know who you are.

take care, cannabis cousin. safe travels.
If we ever get our moving situation figured out I'll be leaving this habit behind myself. Besides the few non-political discussions here I can't do much but laugh or roll my eyes.

Yeah, you've threatened that before. Just like you've threatened to move to Canada....
It's a contraction.

Tamp: Verb
Gerund or present participle: tamping

To ram or pack (a substance) down or into something firmly.

You know, that thing you do when you're trying to force a tampon up your ass. Tampin'.

Legion is an expert on ramming a tampon up his ass!
Hello Rune,

I was an angry young man.
Now I am an angry old man.
I came here to try to help change the world, and found that the world I knew has passed by.

Rail on idiots, but realize both sides are wrong.

anatta and your asshat brethren; you know not what you have wrought.
Go fuck yourselves.

I may or may not check back sometime(s)
Sailor; I wish we had more time together over the years.
Grind, Damo, Billy and Froggy; thanks.

FYI Darla is smarter, kinder and sweeter than any of you could imagine.
Maybe she will return with me gone but I wouldn't hold your breathe.
Auto correct sucks
And remember
No one has ever won an argument over the internet.

Those posters who deserve warm goodbyes,
You know who you are.

Well, you'll be missed.

Everyone has to decide for themselves if this place works for them. Most couldn't take it.

There is a lot of anger here. Many try to unload theirs upon others, only to find that it doesn't work that way.

I feel so fortunate to be able to be well informed and still able to keep it all in perspective, hang on to the ability to forget it all and just enjoy life. There is so much more to life than politics. Just pick out pass times that make you feel good and do them. Challenge yourself. Life is rewarding when one seeks out truly positive feedback. (Pass times which depend on hurting others in order to provide pleasure are not very rewarding, and should be avoided.) Give the troubling things in life their due attention, but do not dwell upon them to the point that they displace the sources of true happiness.

Farewell, my friend.

I do hope we see you again some time.
Fuck off tampon ass!

What is a "tampin"?

It's the pronunciation we like to use here for "tampon", when razzing our friends. Like when a fellow (male) skier complains of icy conditions, or a sore knee: "shall I get you a new tampin?"

I'm not sure how or when it started, but I find it hilarious.
It's the pronunciation we like to use here for "tampon", when razzing our friends. Like when a fellow (male) skier complains of icy conditions, or a sore knee: "shall I get you a new tampin?"

I'm not sure how or when it started, but I find it hilarious.

Good story!
The board will know when I'm ready to leave when I make multiple 12b violations and get permabanned. But typical rune. He feels the need to announce he's leaving thinking we're actually going to be disappointed he's leaving. Pretentious fuck.