Once again, archaeology confirms Scripture.

The visit into Egypt is only recorded in Matthew's Gospel.
Luke's gospel tells a very different story.
In Luke's Gospel, there is no visit from the magi, no massacre of innocents by Herod ( and Josephus, who hated Herod and catalogues his many faults and failings as well as the assassinations he ordered, leaves the murder of the innocents in bethlehem out of his account of history).

In Luke's Gospel, Jesus is born in Bethlehem , taken to the temple on the 8th day, then taken by his parents back to Nazareth where they live, and they go down south into Jerusalem every year - in fact we next hear about Jesus at 12 years old talking to the Elders in the temple.

Comparing that to Matthew, Matthew has the Holy family flee to Egypt, and only returning to Israel when Herod is dead. Even then , Joseph makes a home in Nazareth, up in Galilee and out of the jurisdiction of Herod's son (also called Herod , but not Herod the Great ) because he is so fearful. this is hardly the same man who would take Jesus with him to Jerusalem every year, as per Luke's Gospel!

Luke and Matthew have only one point in common. Jesus born in bethlehem , that's all. The rest is two different , mutually exclusive stories. Very likely, Jesus never visited Egypt at all. Matthew seems to have invented the trip to Egypt to fulfill what he saw as a Prophecy " Out of Egypt , I called my son. ( Michah 5;2).

And yet Michah talks in the past tense and the context refers to the exodus, not any future messiah coming up out of Egypt. as I say, it does not look as though Matthew's tale bears out as a historical narrative.

To argue that ‘ the Gospel writers did not include everything’ is to ignore very salient claims - Matthew says also that Jesus was taken to Egypt to flee the wrath of Herod and the Massacre of the Innocents .
It even says that Joseph would not return until Herod was dead - and even then , settled in a region outside his successor’s juristiction.

This cannot be reconciled to Luke’s claim that they visited Jerusalem every year.


there is no contradiction, except in the doubts of the atheist's mind......
142 posts and Grugore still has not shown even one atheist who made the claim in the OP.

Arguing with people who believe mythology as if it were fact is entertaining at the very least but nonproductive.
She realizes she dealing with an emotionally unhinged zealot and is simply amusing herself by toying with it.

Continuing to ask the same question that has been answered is the sign of a stupid cunt. That you agree with her proves you're as dumb as the typical below average, 85 IQ black.

Maybe she wants to be your toy. I heard she's like that.
Actually the Bible is chock full of contradictions.

atheists have devoted their life to creating them and writing them down for you to paste.......that way you never actually have to read scripture to attack it......and they are earth shaking.......did you know that the book of Kings and the book of Chronicles actually disagree about how many horses Solomon had in his stables?......
atheists have devoted their life to creating them and writing them down for you to paste.......that way you never actually have to read scripture to attack it......and they are earth shaking.......did you know that the book of Kings and the book of Chronicles actually disagree about how many horses Solomon had in his stables?......

Are you crazy? Atheists didn't write scripture..

A group of ancient stables was discovered in 1996 on the southeastern corner of the Temple Mount. Archeologists have called it "Solomon's Stables," referring to the knightly Order of Solomon's Temple (the Templars). This order of knights, present during the Crusades, reconstructed the halls after it was presented to them by Crusader King Baldwin, and renamed it Solomon's Stables. The stables are located 12 ½ meters below the Temple Mount Courtyard and include twelve rows of pillars and arches.

Are you crazy? Atheists didn't write scripture..

didn't say they did.....I said they wrote the lists of scripture's "contradictions" that you revere....

A group of ancient stables was discovered in 1996 on the southeastern corner of the Temple Mount. Archeologists have called it "Solomon's Stables," referring to the knightly Order of Solomon's Temple (the Templars). This order of knights, present during the Crusades, reconstructed the halls after it was presented to them by Crusader King Baldwin, and renamed it Solomon's Stables. The stables are located 12 ½ meters below the Temple Mount Courtyard and include twelve rows of pillars and arches.


you are amazingly easy to manipulate......

How many stalls did Solomon have for his horses?
From II Chronicles to I Kings, Solomon experiences a tenfold increase in stalls.

And Solomon had four thousand stalls for horses and chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen; whom he bestowed in the chariot cities, and with the king at Jerusalem.[19]

And Solomon had forty thousand stalls of horses for his chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen.[20]

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The major things archeology has confirmed about "scripture" (what is written in the Bible) is that places like Rome and Egypt actually existed...and that the former was ruled by an emperor...and the latter by a Pharaoh.

The major things archeology has confirmed about "scripture" (what is written in the Bible) is that places like Rome and Egypt actually existed...and that the former was ruled by an emperor...and the latter by a Pharaoh.

The Hebrew story tellers embellished their history a lot.
The major things archeology has confirmed about "scripture" (what is written in the Bible) is that places like Rome and Egypt actually existed...and that the former was ruled by an emperor...and the latter by a Pharaoh.

God had given clear instructions for anyone who would be king: no amassing of horses, no multiplying of wives, and no accumulating of silver and gold (Deuteronomy 17:14-20).

There is very little evidence for horses in Israel.. only Roman officers had horses.