Once you eliminate the impossible...

The Ugly Truth

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You've probably seen this quote.

"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."

Let'a apply this quote to the Creation/Evolution debate.

First, we'll look at the impossible.

It is impossible for something physical to created itself. This is a scientific fact. It is the law of causality. In fact, it is the foundation of all modern science.

In spite of this scientific evidence, atheists actually believe that the universe just popped into existence all by itself. This belief violates the most fundamental law of science, yet they believe it anyway.

Now that I have proven that the universe could not have created itself, what does that leave us with? You guessed it. The universe was created. Simple logic. Backed by science. End of discussion.
You've probably seen this quote.

"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."

Let'a apply this quote to the Creation/Evolution debate.

First, we'll look at the impossible.

It is impossible for something physical to created itself. This is a scientific fact. It is the law of causality. In fact, it is the foundation of all modern science.

In spite of this scientific evidence, atheists actually believe that the universe just popped into existence all by itself. This belief violates the most fundamental law of science, yet they believe it anyway.

Now that I have proven that the universe could not have created itself, what does that leave us with? You guessed it. The universe was created. Simple logic. Backed by science. End of discussion.

Hogwash.. Many people who believe in God don't believe the creation myth.
Hogwash.. Many people who believe in God don't believe the creation myth.

Do you have anything other than deflection? You completely ignored my argument and claimed that the only other alternative is a myth, because you cannot come up with a logical argument to save your life. I have posted the simple truth. That is why you did not even try to refute it. You can't.
Matter did not create itself

matter is just merely what exists

It is the nature of reality

from matter life was created

recombining conditions and matter in combination after combination

life is the result of some of those combinations under the right conditions.

matter can be proven to exist

no gods or monsters have ever been proven to exist
Anyone who doesn't believe that God created the universe is not a Christian.

The Mythical Dilmun and The Island of the Dead | Ancient Origins


Oct 12, 2016 - In Sumerian mythology, the mythical Dilmun was known as the bright and pure land, a paradise where sickness and death did not exist. The land of Dilmun was filled with divinely ordained and abundant water sources, brought forth from the subterranean realm by Utu/Shamash—the sun god—at the behest ...
The Mythical Dilmun and The Island of the Dead | Ancient Origins


Oct 12, 2016 - In Sumerian mythology, the mythical Dilmun was known as the bright and pure land, a paradise where sickness and death did not exist. The land of Dilmun was filled with divinely ordained and abundant water sources, brought forth from the subterranean realm by Utu/Shamash—the sun god—at the behest ...

A non sequitur. Since you have conclusively demonstrated your total lack of any ability to present a logical argument, how about answering a simple yes or no question. Do you believe that it is possible for something to create itself? I require a simple yes or no. Can you do that?
A non sequitur. Since you have conclusively demonstrated your total lack of any ability to present a logical argument, how about answering a simple yes or no question. Do you believe that it is possible for something to create itself? I require a simple yes or no. Can you do that?

I enjoy creation myths and many like the one about Dilmun is much older than Genesis..

You want either/or... dump science and believe a fairy tale. I don't give a shit what you "require".....
I enjoy creation myths and many like the one about Dilmun is much older than Genesis..

You want either/or... dump science and believe a fairy tale. I don't give a shit what you "require".....

You can't even answer a simple question. Is it any wonder no one takes you seriously? You're a pathetic joke. I offered scientific evidence to support my position. You have offered...nothing. Sucks to be you.
your whole premise is built on the idea that matter created its self

No one pretends that is true to my knowledge
You can't even answer a simple question. Is it any wonder no one takes you seriously? You're a pathetic joke. I offered scientific evidence to support my position. You have offered...nothing. Sucks to be you.

There is no scientific proof for creation... Do you also believe that disease is caused by demons?

You do believers a huge disservice to demand they believe in burning bushes, talking snakes ... or worldwide floods. You miss the whole point of these teaching narratives.
There is no scientific proof for creation... Do you also believe that disease is caused by demons?

You do believers a huge disservice to demand they believe in burning bushes, talking snakes ... or worldwide floods. You miss the whole point of these teaching narratives.

More deflection...YAWWWWWWWN!

This discussion is not about God or the Bible. I stated a scientific fact. I used that fact to prove that the universe requires a creator, whoever or whatever that is. A Creator who was not created but has always existed. This view is backed by science. There had to be a primal cause for the physical universe. Science is clear on this, since you cannot have an infinite regression of causes. Simple logic, backed by science.

So, this discussion cannot continue until you answer my question. Do you believe that it is possible for something to create itself? It's a simple question. Why won't you answer it?
I know why you won't answer my question. If you answer yes, you look like an idiot, because it is contrary to all of science. If you answer no, you would be agreeing with my argument. So your best bet is to not answer the question. Good call.
More deflection...YAWWWWWWWN!

This discussion is not about God or the Bible. I stated a scientific fact. I used that fact to prove that the universe requires a creator, whoever or whatever that is. A Creator who was not created but has always existed. This view is backed by science. There had to be a primal cause for the physical universe. Science is clear on this, since you cannot have an infinite regression of causes. Simple logic, backed by science.

So, this discussion cannot continue until you answer my question. Do you believe that it is possible for something to create itself? It's a simple question. Why won't you answer it?

You haven't scientifically proven there must be a creator.. You're conflating religious explanation of origins for a bronze age people to try and challenge modern scientific theory and ongoing study. Its asinine.

There are plenty of scientists, engineers, chemists, geologists, archaeologist who also believe in God .. Unlike you they don't believe the earth is 6,000 years old or that men shared the planet with dinosaurs.
You haven't scientifically proven there must be a creator.. You're conflating religious explanation of origins for a bronze age people to try and challenge modern scientific theory and ongoing study. Its asinine.

There are plenty of scientists, engineers, chemists, geologists, archaeologist who also believe in God .. Unlike you they don't believe the earth is 6,000 years old or that men shared the planet with dinosaurs.

Answer the question.