One Less Trump Nutcase...

More like hard-core Antifa member.

Mr Tiny

has has WHITE supremecists on the brain for years which is why he laps up leftie BS by the pound.
Thomas R. Suozzi D

Max Azzarello, Who Set Himself on Fire, is a Former Democrat

So, in case anyone tries to spin this as some kind of “right wing extremist,” I think it’s pretty clear from these photos he is anything but.

No he is no Right Wing Extremist!

If he was, he would have killed as many lives as he could, before killing himself!

This man didn't harm anyone but himself!
Antifa are usually young and far left. This guy is a wackadoodle conspiracy theorist. Standard Qanon material.

Antifa are typically White, college types with lots of college time, not much in the way of employment history, and obsessed with bringing down government because the one in power isn't the one they want in power.

The Qanon type is some tard living in a trailer out in the woods who's paranoid about his neighbors and collects guns he doesn't know how to use.
Antifa are typically White, college types with lots of college time, not much in the way of employment history, and obsessed with bringing down government because the one in power isn't the one they want in power.

The Qanon type is some tard living in a trailer out in the woods who's paranoid about his neighbors and collects guns he doesn't know how to use.

You think that nutjob was a college student?

Not all the Qanon wackadoodles are violent.

Like most such extreme nutjobs, the odds favor he's a paranoid schizophrenic. Untreated, of course. He's too young to be a demented MAGAt.
Azzarello appeared to have had Philadelphia-area connections.A LinkedIn page under Maxwell Azzarello’s name shows his location as Greater Philadelphia. According to the page Azzarello worked as a self-employed "research investigator" from March 2023 to present in the St. Augustine area.

Before that, the account lists several jobs in the Philadelphia area. The page lists no job history from October 2021 to March 2023.

The bio attached to the LinkedIn page appears to express similar concerns to those in a manifesto attributed to Azzarello on a Substack account called "The Ponzi Papers," whose most recent entry implicates television show "The Simpsons" as a brainwashing device in a vast cryptocurrency conspiracy and "totalitarian doomsday cult."
You think that nutjob was a college student?

Not all the Qanon wackadoodles are violent.

Like most such extreme nutjobs, the odds favor he's a paranoid schizophrenic. Untreated, of course. He's too young to be a demented MAGAt.
Azzarello appeared to have had Philadelphia-area connections.A LinkedIn page under Maxwell Azzarello’s name shows his location as Greater Philadelphia. According to the page Azzarello worked as a self-employed "research investigator" from March 2023 to present in the St. Augustine area.

Before that, the account lists several jobs in the Philadelphia area. The page lists no job history from October 2021 to March 2023.

The bio attached to the LinkedIn page appears to express similar concerns to those in a manifesto attributed to Azzarello on a Substack account called "The Ponzi Papers," whose most recent entry implicates television show "The Simpsons" as a brainwashing device in a vast cryptocurrency conspiracy and "totalitarian doomsday cult."

...attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 2005 and 2009, and later attended Rutgers University from 2010 to 2012, receiving a Master's in City and Regional Planning

I posted that earlier in the thread with attributions to it.

My guess is he simply did too much in the way of drugs along the way and ended up a nutter. Hell, even smoking lots of marijuana can cause that these days.
...attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 2005 and 2009, and later attended Rutgers University from 2010 to 2012, receiving a Master's in City and Regional Planning

I posted that earlier in the thread with attributions to it.

My guess is he simply did too much in the way of drugs along the way and ended up a nutter. Hell, even smoking lots of marijuana can cause that these days.
Ahh! So he's an intelligent, educated paranoid schizo. "A Beautiful Mind" with gasoline. Interesting.

Your views about the demon weed are noted, Terry. I'll wait for the investigation into his life. I have no doubt he's been presenting paranoid schizophrenia to his family for several years. It's not against the law to be crazy so, unless he breaks the law, there was nothing for them to do.
Ahh! So he's an intelligent, educated paranoid schizo. "A Beautiful Mind" with gasoline. Interesting.

Your views about the demon weed are noted, Terry. I'll wait for the investigation into his life. I have no doubt he's been presenting paranoid schizophrenia to his family for several years. It's not against the law to be crazy so, unless he breaks the law, there was nothing for them to do.

Probably more of a pot smoking liberal arts major who partied his way through college and now is unemployable because he's a combination know-nothing and lunatic from the drugs. People who first exhibit paranoid schizophrenia or even more commonly bipolar mental disorders as adults are often ones that have been regular and long-term users of marijuana.

Adolescents or young adults who consistently use cannabis may risk developing a psychotic disorder, such as schizophrenia. People with a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia may have an increased risk.

Up to 25–30% of people who visit the emergency department due to cannabis use will have symptoms such as:

suicidal thoughts
symptoms of psychosis, to varying degrees
The mind-altering component of cannabis is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Cannabis also contains other compounds that are chemically related to THC. These are called cannabinoids.

In people with schizophrenia, cannabis use may worsen the course of the condition.

...evidence has linked cannabis use to earlier onset of psychosis in people with genetic risk factors for psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia, as well as worse symptoms in people who already have these conditions.

Young men at highest risk of schizophrenia linked with cannabis use disorder

Heavy Cannabis Use Linked to Schizophrenia, Especially among Young Men
A huge Danish study shows that up to 30 percent of psychosis diagnoses in young men could have been prevented if these individuals hadn’t used marijuana heavily
Probably more of a pot smoking liberal arts major who partied his way through college and now is unemployable because he's a combination know-nothing and lunatic from the drugs. People who first exhibit paranoid schizophrenia or even more commonly bipolar mental disorders as adults are often ones that have been regular and long-term users of marijuana.

Adolescents or young adults who consistently use cannabis may risk developing a psychotic disorder, such as schizophrenia. People with a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia may have an increased risk.

Up to 25–30% of people who visit the emergency department due to cannabis use will have symptoms such as:

suicidal thoughts
symptoms of psychosis, to varying degrees
The mind-altering component of cannabis is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Cannabis also contains other compounds that are chemically related to THC. These are called cannabinoids.

In people with schizophrenia, cannabis use may worsen the course of the condition.

...evidence has linked cannabis use to earlier onset of psychosis in people with genetic risk factors for psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia, as well as worse symptoms in people who already have these conditions.

Young men at highest risk of schizophrenia linked with cannabis use disorder

Heavy Cannabis Use Linked to Schizophrenia, Especially among Young Men
A huge Danish study shows that up to 30 percent of psychosis diagnoses in young men could have been prevented if these individuals hadn’t used marijuana heavily

Time will tell.

FWIW, note those who are already susceptible are the ones at risk. Do you favor a federal law banning all drugs, Terry?
I put that up before you illiterate retard:

Liberal Arts majors tend Leftist in college, and this guy clearly is one. He is also a Democrat.

So according to you, every single person who attends a Liberal Arts College must be a Liberal...UNDERSTOOD.

On LinkedIn, Azzarello wrote that he had worked in 2013 and 2014 for California Democratic Congressman Ami Bera and Democratic New York Representative Tom Suozzi.

So you are saying that no one has EVER changed political parties over the past DECADE...RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT.

In addition, this is the manifesto he left behind at his immolation:

I have set myself on fire outside the Trump Trial.

It is so typical that you are too lazy, stupid, and unskilled in the most basic facets of research that you couldn't manage to come up with all this yourself. Your studious ignorance is on display here for all to see.

Your partisan gullibility is what is on display.
The man, whom police identified as Maxwell Azzarello of St. Augustine, Fla...

Azzarello walked into the center of the park, shuffled around his clothes, opened a backpack and took out and threw numerous pamphlets on the ground. He then pulled out a canister, poured a liquid accelerant on himself, lit himself on fire, fell on a police barrier and then fell to the ground.

Azzarello's pamphlets seemed to be "propaganda-based" about Ponzi schemes and conspiracy theories.


So, it appears from everything that he's a radical Leftist whack-a-doodle that eats up conspiracy theories and other lunatic stuff.

Clearly a MAGA Trumper
I am not really concerned about the political party of someone who would pour gasoline over their head and light themselves on fire- for whatever reason.
Yes you are. You BROUGHT IT UP!
I am willing to admit that mentally ill people vote on on both sides of the aisle.
Mantra 1d. That won't work, lizard.
What bothers me are the POLITICALLY JADED HATEFUL ASSHOLES like TD, that jump at the first chance, here in the forum, at a breaking news story, to call some mentally-ill suicide attempt victim a Liberal or Democrat!
He was a Democrat, Lizard. He worked for the Democrats. He burned himself in front of the courthouse where the Trump trial is occurring.
So go preach your sermon to him OK, I didn't start the finger-pointing!
YES YOU DID, lizard! Don't try to deny your own posts!
Perhaps you should STFU until you can direct your sermon at those who should here it.
He's not giving a sermon, lizard.
Here is the man posing proudly and happily with a major Republican figurehead, wearing an Anti-Bernie t-shirt, and we all saw the Anti Biden poster he carried to the Courthouse.

I figure this was a picture taken during the early 2015 campaign season about 8 years ago.

So you can all go dig up voting records 15 years ago, or whatever, but it pretty much proves this man has not been aligned with the Democratic Party for the last two elections- AT LEAST! And his drifting away from the Democratic Party could have started longer ago than that!



The concern should be that people are going crazy out there with their politics- and that it is getting obvious more and more every day!

So what point does it make for you idiots to claim this man was or is a Democrat- other than just trying to stir up SHIT?


Making up shit about yourself means nothing, lizard. He was a Democrat, just like you. You're just not as tweaked as he was (yet).
Antifa are typically White, college types with lots of college time, not much in the way of employment history, and obsessed with bringing down government because the one in power isn't the one they want in power.

The Qanon type is some tard living in a trailer out in the woods who's paranoid about his neighbors and collects guns he doesn't know how to use.

Well at least you define 'Qanon', I suppose.
Why would a hermit that collects guns be much of a bother to anyone? Especially since he doesn't know how to use the guns?