Open call to likeminded conservatives - join "The Victory Friends" Today!

What's wrong Fowl? Can't face those who point out your lies and hypocrisy?
But yeah, we understand, you only read and agree with the shit from the liberal
assholes and pathetic far left fascists and racists on this board. You're the scum
of the earth who will bring this great country down. You sure aren't an American,
go kiss that racist piece of shit guno's ass some more. Fuck you and die.

You contemptuousness pos. bollocks.
If the rapist is confirmed there will be riots and never ending harassment and investigations from the good people. If not, the white supremacists fascist mofos will riot and go on an assassination spree and the rapists will be unbridled. They will rape your mothers, sisters, and daughters.

There will be blood.

It's a win, win, for we good people on the left.
All the evil people who sign grind's satanic compact are destined for
hell as heathen bastards always are. Heh, heh, heh,

I, the angel of mercy has spoken.


If the rapist is confirmed there will be riots and never ending harassment and investigations from the good people. If not, the white supremacists fascist mofos will riot and go on an assassination spree and the rapists will be unbridled. They will rape your mothers, sisters, and daughters.

There will be blood.

It's a win, win, for we good people on the left.

You really need to stop having people drop you on your head; because it appears to be having a negative affect on your cognitive abilities. :good4u:
If the rapist is confirmed there will be riots and never ending harassment and investigations from the good people. If not, the white supremacists fascist mofos will riot and go on an assassination spree and the rapists will be unbridled. They will rape your mothers, sisters, and daughters.

There will be blood.

It's a win, win, for we good people on the left.

The left will riot and harass? Not surprising though...
You only think this because you were high when you read them. DeshRants are like "The Wall", great when you're you're stoned but when you're not...

Hey! Come on now, some of "The Wall" is listenable while sober.
You only think this because you were high when you read them. DeshRants are like "The Wall", great when you're you're stoned but when you're not...
Hello! Is there anyone in there?

You don’t need to be stoned to appreciate Desh. Not if you don’t take yourself to seriously. :)