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you must support kavanaugh and acknowledge the existence of a deep state. these are the minimum qualifications to get in.

Ah. So it's like an insane asylum, only you exchanged Kavanaugh for Leprechauns, and deep state for the voices in your head. Nice!
Such a shame. lol
Today, 09:18 AM
RabidButterfly 60

This message is hidden because this loser is on your ignore list.
Such a shame. lol
Today, 09:18 AM
RabidButterfly 60

This message is hidden because this loser is on your ignore list.

What's wrong Fowl? Can't face those who point out your lies and hypocrisy?
But yeah, we understand, you only read and agree with the shit from the liberal
assholes and pathetic far left fascists and racists on this board. You're the scum
of the earth who will bring this great country down. You sure aren't an American,
go kiss that racist piece of shit guno's ass some more. Fuck you and die.
God! I sure hope this FBI Report doesn't send 'Free911' over the edge. I'm a little concerned.

Why? Do you think their report will find any credible evidence other than Kav had a few beers in his younger days? Didn't most of us who didn't lead a sheltered and/or boring life?
God! I sure hope this FBI Report doesn't send 'Free911' over the edge. I'm a little concerned.

How you arrived at the idea that I'm even close to "the edge" should provide a lot of amusement and entertainment; this is, if you had any proof to back your "accusation".

But then; like Ford, you FEEL you don't need any. :laugh:

Why? Do you think their report will find any credible evidence other than Kav had a few beers in his younger days? Didn't most of us who didn't lead a sheltered and/or boring life?

'Free911' has gone overboard on this. Pushed ALL the chips in on this (and, I'm afraid dragged Dark Soul into another one of his hair brained schemes).

RB, ... our friend here went and stocked his basement with 'Kavanaugh T-shirts', 'Kavanaugh baseball caps', 'Kavanaugh Bumper Stickers' and 'Kavanaugh Yard Signs' ... and I'm afraid his sidekick got sucked into something he would have rather not been involved in.
(sigh) This SO reminds me of a television program that used to be on the air.

"Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into".

'Free911' has gone overboard on this. Pushed ALL the chips in on this (and, I'm afraid dragged Dark Soul into another one of his hair brained schemes).

RB, ... our friend here went and stocked his basement with 'Kavanaugh T-shirts', 'Kavanaugh baseball caps', 'Kavanaugh Bumper Stickers' and 'Kavanaugh Yard Signs' ... and I'm afraid his sidekick got sucked into something he would have rather not been involved in.
(sigh) This SO reminds me of a television program that used to be on the air.

"Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into".

DAMN; I am living so rent free, in your cranium. :laugh:

i do like you mott, but you will try to troll us, and i don't think you truly believe in the deep state.