Open call to likeminded conservatives - join "The Victory Friends" Today!

I’m qualified. I voted for Reagan twice. I even voted for H. Ross Perot. Granted I’m a pain in the ass but I am a free thinker. You don’t want this place to be a redneck echo chamber of semi-literate proles, do you? Hell I even give Trump credit when he’s due and laugh at liberal angst over him. Not only that I’m fun to be around. You ever try having fun with Dark Soul? Cheap mother fucker has alligator arms.

Not only that I look just as good in an Armani suit as I do in a pair of Carhartts. Can you say that about these other swinging dicks?

you must support kavanaugh and acknowledge the existence of a deep state. these are the minimum qualifications to get in.
I’m qualified. I voted for Reagan twice. I even voted for H. Ross Perot. Granted I’m a pain in the ass but I am a free thinker. You don’t want this place to be a redneck echo chamber of semi-literate proles, do you? Hell I even give Trump credit when he’s due and laugh at liberal angst over him. Not only that I’m fun to be around. You ever try having fun with Dark Soul? Cheap mother fucker has alligator arms.

Not only that I look just as good in an Armani suit as I do in a pair of Carhartts. Can you say that about these other swinging dicks?

Actually you have been the only reasonable lefty on this board since the 2016 election
you must support kavanaugh and acknowledge the existence of a deep state. these are the minimum qualifications to get in.

:palm: (shaking head) You know, if Kav doesn't pass muster, can I request we change the name of this thread to: "Friends of the Titanic".
(I predict Legina will be the first rat to leave the sinking ship)
you must support kavanaugh and acknowledge the existence of a deep state. these are the minimum qualifications to get in.
Well of course there’s a “Deep State”. We’ve had one since 1883 when the Civil Service Act of 1883 was adopted to end the spoils system. The rest of the world calls in an entrenched bureaucracy. Who do you think has been running our government while politicians run around begging for money, scream at each other and bang interns?

As for supporting Kavanaugh how do you support someone who is supposed to be an independent, disinterested, objective jurist? It’s not like I can vote for him. Do I think he’s qualified? Yes. Do I think he will be seated? Yes. Do I think he should be seated? Yes. Do I respect the institution he will belong too? Yes. Is this what you mean by support?

I’ll be honest in that I do have a bias where SCOTUS Nominees are concerned. It’s probably not what you think. That is I’m opposed to the Harvard/Yale intellectual inbreeding. There’s only one member of SCOTUS who is not a Harvard or Yale law school graduate and he’s retiring! Now that’s not to say I want to see Saul Goodman nominated but a little more intellectual diversity wouldn’t hurt. Having said that I dont want to see someone nominated because they belong to “insert identity group here.”.
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