Our debt isn't actually increasing at all that crazy a rate

Yeah, that's where the money went, rebuiding New Orleans and the war. That's where the $3,500,000,000,000.10 extra dollars went. Do you have an accounting of that Larry, or was this the headline in the Limbaugh Letter?

I am no partisan hack, spending rose across the board, and Republicans have paid the price for it, but electing people who don't even acknowledge the problem doesn't make much sense either. Newt nearly balanced the budget, Bush the 'lame duck' President has been the one of the most effective in 30 + years of controlling congressional Democrats spending spree's, like welfare to people making 80,000 a year, the recent S CHIP fight.
Nearly 40% of our national debt was incurred over the last 7 years, under Republican control.

But there was a hurricane and a terrorist attack!

$3.5 Trillion - Nearly a billion and a half per day more owed since W took office. But, he's the greatest leader ever!

No question, the idiots in DC have screwed us over in a big way in the past seven years.
Negative. At best you could argue that divided government with Republicans in control of the White House and Republicans in control on Congress is best from a deficit perspective. Or you could simply argue that modern Republican presidents suck from a deficit perspective.

Really? so the President who had nothing but peace and the benefit of one of the greatest booms in our nations history still raising the national debt by 1.6 trillion dollars was somehow good?

Give me a fucking break. The debt to GDP remained over 55% his entire time in office. The politicians in BOTH parties have been screwing us for over 47 years. They have done such a good job that they get us arguing which one of them sucked the least. Both parties bent us over and hammered us.... while at the same time screwing future generations.

Both parties do little but talk about fiscal responsibility. They con idiots into believing that it is somehow an accomplishment to cut the budget deficit rather than the ideal eliminating it.
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No question, the idiots in DC have screwed us over in a big way in the past seven years.

And the nice little cherry on top is that the Republicans have now given the Democrats a $3 trillion dollar launching pad when we have those asshats controlling the Whitehouse and Congress starting next year.

And the wars aren't reflected in the budget either. The spending is an absolute calamity.
I am no partisan hack, spending rose across the board, and Republicans have paid the price for it, but electing people who don't even acknowledge the problem doesn't make much sense either. Newt nearly balanced the budget, Bush the 'lame duck' President has been the one of the most effective in 30 + years of controlling congressional Democrats spending spree's, like welfare to people making 80,000 a year, the recent S CHIP fight.

That has to be one of the most ignorant things I have seen. BUSH has been effective???? at spending controls????? Give me a friggin break.
And the nice little cherry on top is that the Republicans have now given the Democrats a $3 trillion dollar launching pad when we have those asshats controlling the Whitehouse and Congress starting next year.

And the wars aren't reflected in the budget either. The spending is an absolute calamity.

The wars aren't reflected in the budget, but they are reflected in the national debt. Calling it a calamity is probably the understatement of the century.
Nearly 40% of our national debt was incurred over the last 7 years, under Republican control.

But there was a hurricane and a terrorist attack!

$3.5 Trillion - Nearly a billion and a half per day more owed since W took office. But, he's the greatest leader ever!

Nearly 40% of 1989's national debt was incurred over a seven year period.
That has to be one of the most ignorant things I have seen. BUSH has been effective???? at spending controls????? Give me a friggin break.

How many times has be broke out the veto pen this year, do I really need to go through the horrible legislative year the Democrats just had because they lack compromise. From S CHIP, to nearly all 12 federal budgets Bush fought tooth and nail, being labeled a child hater, tared and feathered but the fact is he trimmed down the democrats budget considerably.
Beefy you are far more a partisan hack than I am, I disagree with Republicans on trade, immigration, however on a majority of issues, including the most important, I trust Republicans. I consistently poll center right, do to some major disagreements I have with Republicans, especially unfettered free trade.
How many times has be broke out the veto pen this year, do I really need to go through the horrible legislative year the Democrats just had because they lack compromise. From S CHIP, to nearly all 12 federal budgets Bush fought tooth and nail, being labeled a child hater, tared and feathered but the fact is he trimmed down the democrats budget considerably.

So you are going to ignore the fact that when the Reps were in charge he spent like a drunken liberal? You are going to act as though just because he is rejecting some Dem projects that the spending has somehow come under control? Give me a break. He will still outspend revenues by at least $200b this year. Yes, he may have cut some of their spending and not spent as much as he could have, but he still is a complete fiscal failure over his 7 years in office.
Beefy you are far more a partisan hack than I am, I disagree with Republicans on trade, immigration, however on a majority of issues, including the most important, I trust Republicans. I consistently poll center right, do to some major disagreements I have with Republicans, especially unfettered free trade.

really? What party does he belong to and support?
die hard libertarian, at least I can point to well thought out positions on major topics in which I disagree with the party I mostly vote for. I don't think that makes me a partisan hack, but if I need to, in case some have short memories, I can link dozens of articles on the budget fights this year. Then laugh, fact is Bush broke out the veto pen effectively and thwarted General Pelosi, time and again on the budget. Call me what you will, Bush got his way on the war, on the level on spending the Federal government would allow, all while being constantly chided as a 'lame duck'
You are like the people that say if you adjust for inflation gas prices are at an all time low-- but it still costs me 40 bucks to fill my tank.
You are like the people that say if you adjust for inflation gas prices are at an all time low-- but it still costs me 40 bucks to fill my tank.

actually even adjusted for inflation I believe we're at, at least 30 year highs.
die hard libertarian, at least I can point to well thought out positions on major topics in which I disagree with the party I mostly vote for. I don't think that makes me a partisan hack, but if I need to, in case some have short memories, I can link dozens of articles on the budget fights this year. Then laugh, fact is Bush broke out the veto pen effectively and thwarted General Pelosi, time and again on the budget. Call me what you will, Bush got his way on the war, on the level on spending the Federal government would allow, all while being constantly chided as a 'lame duck'

No, I used to belong to the Libertarian Party, but they're almost as inept as the Republicans so I left. They're total idiots. I don't have a party and I'm not going to settle for one just because I feel like I need to be in one.

But when you start making the claim that W is somehow a responsible man with our money, then your republican underpants start showing.