Our Job As Jews Is Not To Watch Politics As Sport

Talking about Jewish Supremacy or Jewish propaganda is social suicide. Anyone who did so publicly would be destroyed in the media and ostracized in every way imaginable.

Rightfully so!America is multicultural!
Those days of a White Society are over,no matter what Trump says at his Munich rallies!
I think I was pretty clear. It's ridiculous to call someone a Nazi just because they recognize Jewish Supremacy. It's literally like calling someone a Nazi because they care about animals or the environment.

You forgot you didn't want minorities as citizens either.
Everything you believe is out of the Nazi handbook!
You forgot you didn't want minorities as citizens either.
Everything you believe is out of the Nazi handbook!


Just as before, your claims are ridiculous strawmanning.
I don't want to ban free speech, commit mass murder, burn books, put people in concentration camps, and so on.
When we talk about 'Jews' we can mean a variety of things which, I think, is what causes many of the problems. Like many early peoples, the first Jews had a tribal religion. It happened to be a most unusual one, which gave rise to two other, very major, religions, Christianity and Islam, which are not tribal, and the first of which - because it didn't want to offend the Roman bosses - got into the way of saying 'the Jews' killed Jesus, though he was a Jew executed by the Roman authorities. However, Judaism. like any other religion, is comprehensible: the difficulty comes with 'the Jews' seen as a Germanic-type 'Volk', even, since Hitler, a 'race', whatever that is. To escape what was being done to them in Nineteenth Century Europe (and what they had become because of that treatment) the Zionist movement decided the only hope for 'the Jews' was to have a country like everyone else's, but by then none were available. Palestine was inhabited by people just as likely to be descended from the original inhabitants as those whose ancestors had followed a religion that made very many converts, Judaism, and could only be seized by terrorism and pretty violent colonialism, as it was. Meanwhile, especially in America, those who continued the habit of male circumcision began, more and more, to see themselves as a persecuted national group, like the Irish.

If it is proposed to organise American life by the religious principles of Judaism, whatever the arguments for that, it is not the religion of the majority; if, on the other hand, it is a matter of the power of a sort-of-national group, it is merely one of many, who can hardly be expected to give it priority. Like groups of (pretty distant) English ancestry, some Jewish groups have a lot of property: it's what happens in competitive societies. On the whole (except in 'Israel') 'Jews tend to be fairly admirable people, but just people, like the rest of us, which is about it!