our prius was keyed

somebody must not have liked the campaign materials on the back seat

we live in a heavily rep area :(

it happened while we were having lunch

Do you know it was done by someone who didn't share your political beliefs?

Or could it have been a Ford worker who hates Toyota?

Or perhaps it was just some dumbass kid screwing around?

So, are you simply assuming that it was politically motivated or do you have some evidence?
I feel for you.....hardest thing I've done in my life was give up cigerettes....had it bad....two and a half packs a day. I did it though....cold turkey! You can too though i won't bullshit you and tell you it's easy....it's not.

my older son gave up smoking when his daughter was born :)

good luck and strong will to keep away from the stuff
Do you know it was done by someone who didn't share your political beliefs?

Or could it have been a Ford worker who hates Toyota?

Or perhaps it was just some dumbass kid screwing around?

So, are you simply assuming that it was politically motivated or do you have some evidence?

it happened while we were eating lunch and we could see the car - some guys were milling around a 'big-wheel' pickup right next to our car - no kids
I've been stunned at who I've seen with McCain stickers. Our work, as I've described before, is broken up between two groups, one that is Unionized and is old school and my group which has rejected the union twice running.

Now you would figure that the group with the anti-union bias might have all the McCain stickers, but you would be wrong.

Some of the most vehement Union supporters have McCain stickers on their cars and are just as vehemently for McCain. It's surreal...

It's the same where my folks live in western Ohio. The union working men there are mostly pro McCain and for some unfathomable reason there's only two issues they give a shit about. Gun control and abortion. Odd thing is there are absolutely no gun control measures in their area and certainly no abortion clinics. But fuck their best economic interest, their voting for McCain cause Obama is gonna take their guns away and kill babies.

Fuckin morons. I see how their once prosperous farm towns have become rural ghettos and I laugh at them. They deserve it for being stupid.
I have to make a confession......I put a magnetic "Gay Pride" bumper sticker on my brother in laws Dodge 3500 diesel and some asshole keyed it cause he really thought my bro-inlaw is gay. Of course, it's easy to see why people get confused with that since he's a Jeff Gordon fan but still.....I may have gone to far with the gay pride bumper sticker.....he's still not speaking to me.

Remember as a Liberal you should only force your views on people via government.
it happened while we were eating lunch and we could see the car - some guys were milling around a 'big-wheel' pickup right next to our car - no kids

ok, so that eliminates kids, but it does not mean it was politically motivated. It could just as easily be they didn't like foreign cars.
What do civil unions force you to accept?

A particular definition of marriage and the government's role in deciding what views on the issue are and aren't legitimate.

I don't particularly care as far as the issue itself goes. I know gay people and I don't consider myself prejudiced against homosexuals. I'm not a social conservative or a homophobe.

But I do think that the social conservatives is right when they say that civil unions force them to accept the validity of a lifestyle that they may not support.

It is an example of using the institutions of government to rectify supposed ills in society. Sometimes it works out well as in the school systems and SCOTUS using them as a vehicle for desegregation. Sometimes it doesn't work out.