Over EIGHT years of being in a constant grinder.....

I mean, if you're too weak to handle criticism - don't get into public life & politics.

It's pretty simple. Someone as fragile and weak as Trump should have probably owned a pet supplies store, or something like that.
Just think of it. Over eight years,....since he first announced he was running for POTUS Donald Trump has been put through the ringer. Eight years of nonstop negative media coverage. EVERY SINGLE DAY. The constant TRUMP BAD , TRUMP EVIL , TRUMP HITLER..... Non stop with no let up. In fact it has only gotten worse. They have tried to destroy him in every way imaginable. Attacked from all sides daily. They have tried to bankrupt him, steal his money, they have tried to jail or imprison him, they have tried to run him out of office, they have tried to threaten and intimidate him. They have tried to literally MURDER HIM, TWICE,.....with the first attempt missing by literally a fraction of an inch. And yet the " machine" STILL cant get rid of him. Just about anyone else would have been DEAD years ago already from a heart attack or stroke brought on by the stress put under from the continuous and constant attacks. But NOT HIM.

And this,.........is also WHY he will once again be our POTUS. The constant attacks coming from every angle have woken up even the most braindead of the electorate to what has been going on it has been so obvious. This time,......."the machine" loses and the people WIN. Better yet,....THIS TIME we fully DESTROY the machine and blast it to rubble bringing down ALL who have enriched themselves from it so this can never happen again as this will be our last and final chance. Failure is not an option. We must and WILL WIN.
Every bit of the shit that's come his way, he asked for.

Brought it on himself.

Everything that's been said about him by his opponents and in many cases, his fellow Republicans, has been true.

So stop sniveling and crying victim.

You're just making yourself look sad and pathetic.
I mean, if you're too weak to handle criticism - don't get into public life & politics.

It's pretty simple. Someone as fragile and weak as Trump should have probably owned a pet supplies store, or something like that.
Except that he has no pets, doesn't like animals, and they don't like him, either.