Pakistani troops reportedly fire on US helicopters

The lessor of two evils still gets you evil.

I fully acknowledge the part the republicans played, but democrats like to forget the part they played.

The lesser of 2 evils is still not as bad as the greater of the 2 evils. Most of life is that way. Very few clear cut all the way good vs all the way bad decisions or options are avialble.
I also think there’s something else we shouldn’t forget. Yes, many Americans vote out of steaming hatred, and a willful stupidity which they embrace as a lover. And this does not apply to those very ugly people, a few of whom post here.

But too, many Americans are just too poor, too disenfranchised, too damned busy trying to work in a society that has gone from a one salaried, 9-5 job being able to support an entire family, to two salaries, at jobs insisting on 50 hours a week, struggling to make ends meet.

It’s hard to educate yourself very much when you’re worried about losing your home (people didn’t just start worrying about that this year, it’s been a worry for some, many even, for decades), when you’re doing the “uniquely American” thing of working three jobs, when you got sick and went bankrupt because your insurance company refused to cover enough…I could go on forever.

I mean, none of this happened by accident.

I agree Darla. But am not convinced of any one group of kingmakers and such. I think it is just a cumulative effect of mans greed and laziness and fear. Various other factions have been taking advantage of those shortcomings. We have been heading down the wrong road for too long and have lost our way and cannot back up.
By ISHTIAQ MAHSUD, Associated Press Writer
2 hours, 23 minutes ago

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan - Pakistani troops and tribesmen opened fire on two U.S. helicopters that crossed into the country from neighboring Afghanistan, intelligence officials said Monday.

The helicopters did not return fire and re-entered Afghan airspace without landing, the officials said.

Pakistan's army and the U.S. military in Afghanistan said they had no information on the reported incursion late Sunday, which will likely add to tensions between Islamabad and Washington.

A spate of suspected U.S. missile strikes into Pakistan's border region and a raid by U.S. commandos said to have killed 15 people have angered and embarrassed Pakistani leaders while signaling Washington's impatience with Pakistani efforts to clear out militant havens.

During a recent speech to Parliament, newly elected President Asif Ali Zardari, who is considered U.S.-friendly, warned that no country would be allowed to violate Pakistan's sovereignty in the name of the war on terror.

Zardari is on his way to New York to attend the U.N. General Assembly, and he is expected to meet President Bush.

The two intelligence officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to media.

They said informants in the field told them of the incursion around one mile inside the disputed and poorly demarcated border in the Alwara Mandi area in North Waziristan, a tribal region the U.S. considers a sanctuary for Taliban and al-Qaida fighters.

A week ago, U.S. helicopters reportedly landed near Angoor Ada, a border village in nearby South Waziristan, but returned toward Afghanistan after troops fired warning shots.

A Pakistani military spokesman said last week that troops had orders to open fire in case of another cross-border raid by foreign troops.

This is where Obama is fucking up as bad as the Bush apologists.

He's going to escalate our presence in Afghanistan, and wage war in the Pakistani border region. Who's brilliant idea was that? How exactly is sending a few thousand troops to afghanistan going to accomplish anything, other than get some more innocent civilians killed?

This is going to end badly. But, its tantamount to treason to suggest we withdraw from afghanistan. I've seen this movie before.