Palin’s Private Tanning Bed in the Alaska Governor’s Mansion


Abreast of the situations
The story is familiar: a politician emerges, we are told, from humble roots and pledges to restore America’s small town family values and represent the common man and woman. Late last month, the Republican Party offered the United States just such a leader in Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, or so they said. “Mother. Moose hunter. Maverick,” announced the video with which the GOP introduced this candidate so far unknown to the rest of the nation.

Governor and vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin has a darkening secret in the Alaska Governor’s Mansion.
It’s the same Cinderella story line that Democrat John Edwards had hoped to ride to the top: the son-of-a-mill-worker from the Carolinas, embodiment of and friend to the just-plain-folks, with all-American good looks and a postcard perfect family in tow. He was going to be a contender… until the smallest little fact began to claw at his authenticity: that he paid $400+ per haircut to his Hollywood stylist to maintain the shine in his bouncy mop.

The $400 haircut became emblematic of Edwards’ inauthenticity problem. It fueled suspicion and critique that he wasn’t quite the sincere man of the people that his campaign had projected, and added a “vanity vs. substance” narrative to everything he did and said. Sometimes it’s the small things that unravel the thread on big truths. But can you imagine the surprise had the public learned that Edwards had also installed an expensive tanning bed in his mansion?

Former Senator John Edwards’ $400 haircut began to raise issues of his authenticity as a populist.
Actually, he didn’t.

But guess who did?

The Republican nominee for vice president, Governor Sarah Palin, it turns out, is a pioneer of the Great Indoors:

“The governor did have a tanning bed put in the Governor’s Mansion,” Roger Wetherell, chief communications officer of Alaska’s Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, confirmed to this newspaper. “It was done shortly after she took office [in early 2007] and moved into the mansion.”

The home tanning bed in the Governor’s Mansion in Juneau adds a trivial fact among the many, big and small, coming to light about the right-wing’s latest celebrity, McCain’s gamble to try and wrestle the election away from Democrat Barack Obama, but one that – tug the thread – leads to other questions about elitism, ethics, public health and the insufferable phoniness that plagues politics and politicians.... Cont
You know, there are a lot of things that would bother me, but the fact that she has a tanning bed in the Gov Mansion is just not even on the radar.

I can see a lot of reasons why she would do it. Alaska is probably not the best place to live to get a suntan, especially on your body. I have no problem with her wanting a tan. My wife wants one too. I live in Alabama and I still pay for her to tan in a tanning bed.

Also, Palin's reputation as an outdoorsy kinda person has not been refuted by this. She is the gov. of Alaska now. I am sure there is a not less time for the outdoor activities.

I am not impressed with some of her politics. I am nervous about her fundamentalist religious views.

But her having a tanning bed? Not an issue.
I really couldn’t care less, except for the obvious bullshitting about how she’s just a regular Jane, just like any hockey mom…all repukes do that though, that’s their thing. John McCain who doesn’t know how many homes he has, and whose wife claims, with a straight face, that ‘the only way to get around Arizona is by private plane” is a regular guy looking out for you, Joe! I get tired of people trying to sell it to me, but what are you going to do? In America there has always been a sucker born every minute, and two repuke politicos to take him.

Two things though – 1) tanning beds cause skin cancer and are even worse for you than the sun, which is bad enough. I don’t know anyone who uses these things anymore, and this to me, says something about her IQ.
2) If they start up the Obama is an elitist bs again, then this goes right on the table along with McCain's 8 homes.
Well reason i posted it is because after i learned about edwards $400 haricut i used that against him for the rest of the time he mattered in politics because it was so rediculous.

Now you got hokey mom Palin who's just like you or me.. with her 25000 tanning bed.
I really couldn’t care less, except for the obvious bullshitting about how she’s just a regular Jane, just like any hockey mom…all repukes do that though, that’s their thing. John McCain who doesn’t know how many homes he has, and whose wife claims, with a straight face, that ‘the only way to get around Arizona is by private plane” is a regular guy looking out for you, Joe! I get tired of people trying to sell it to me, but what are you going to do? In America there has always been a sucker born every minute, and two repuke politicos to take him.

Two things though – 1) tanning beds cause skin cancer and are even worse for you than the sun, which is bad enough. I don’t know anyone who uses these things anymore, and this to me, says something about her IQ.
2) If they start up the Obama is an elitist bs again, then this goes right on the table along with McCain's 8 homes.

I guess my wife has issues with her IQ? lol

Actually, there is another good reason for tanning beds. My wife has rheumatoid arthritus. A tanning bed provides her with some relief that she does not get with a heating pad. I have also read about the Vit D production being good for RA.
Well reason i posted it is because after i learned about edwards $400 haricut i used that against him for the rest of the time he mattered in politics because it was so rediculous.

Now you got hokey mom Palin who's just like you or me.. with her 25000 tanning bed.

$25k? I have seen quite a few tanning beds for just a few thousand.
Well reason i posted it is because after i learned about edwards $400 haricut i used that against him for the rest of the time he mattered in politics because it was so rediculous.

Now you got hokey mom Palin who's just like you or me.. with her 25000 tanning bed.
You do know that people often use tanning beds in Alaska to fight SAD, right? Also where did you get the price?
Two things though – 1) tanning beds cause skin cancer and are even worse for you than the sun, which is bad enough. I don’t know anyone who uses these things anymore, and this to me, says something about her IQ.
2) If they start up the Obama is an elitist bs again, then this goes right on the table along with McCain's 8 homes.

OK, I won't respond to the part I have erased because I agree with most of it. As a matter of fact I do agree with these two points also but would only point out that the tanning bed business is really booming. People who can't afford them are buying them still. So maybe that says something about the IQ of many US citizens. (Insert joke about Bush voters here)

Have you noticed how the "Obama's an elitist" claims have gone by the wayside since the house thing came up with McCain?
OK, I won't respond to the part I have erased because I agree with most of it. As a matter of fact I do agree with these two points also but would only point out that the tanning bed business is really booming. People who can't afford them are buying them still. So maybe that says something about the IQ of many US citizens. (Insert joke about Bush voters here)

Have you noticed how the "Obama's an elitist" claims have gone by the wayside since the house thing came up with McCain?

Yes I have definitely noticed.
I guess my wife has issues with her IQ? lol

Actually, there is another good reason for tanning beds. My wife has rheumatoid arthritus. A tanning bed provides her with some relief that she does not get with a heating pad. I have also read about the Vit D production being good for RA.

You know what, if there is a medical use for them, and they help your wife, that is a totally different matter. But they’re really really bad for your skin, so I hope since she needs them for her condition, that she is remembering to have frequent skin cancer screenings.
You know what, if there is a medical use for them, and they help your wife, that is a totally different matter. But they’re really really bad for your skin, so I hope since she needs them for her condition, that she is remembering to have frequent skin cancer screenings.

I was teasing with my reply. I did not think you were slandering someone you didn't know.

Yes, she uses them for less than 10 mins a session and she has frequent cancer tests of different types. (runs in her family)