Pampers Vitter

Darling when Republicans allowed Exxon Mobil to write the United States energy policy behind closed doors, you forever lost any right to even utter the words "potential conflict of interest."

Sorry. But some of us have not been stricken with amnesia.

LMAO... oh darling, you really shouldn't attempt the 'well Republicans did it too' as a reason to justify your position. Simply makes you look childish.
So Bill and Hillary Clinton managed to get every single Republican and 37 Democrats to vote for this bill? Seriously?

I'm all in favor of addressing conflicts of interest, but lets get real.

I did not say that Dungster.... but to bury your head in the sand and pretend that there is just no way any potential conflict of interest existed in this situation is quite naive.
LMAO... oh darling, you really shouldn't attempt the 'well Republicans did it too' as a reason to justify your position. Simply makes you look childish.

You've already made Onceler throw-up, now you are calling me darling? Does Damo have to bring vomit bags in?

Also, if you will read my previous post on this strawman, you will see, that is not the point.
I did not say that Dungster.... but to bury your head in the sand and pretend that there is just no way any potential conflict of interest existed in this situation is quite naive.

Wouldn't it be funny if someone sent Vitter a congratulatory telegram to mark his new leadership position along with a Diaper Genie?
yeah, because his wearing diapers is the issue....

In fact, I think it is. I'm sorry, but what depths have we sunk to, when a man who pays women to diaper him, to diaper him , is on television lecturing people about ethics?

I'm sorry, but I am going to draw the line here. Blowjobs in the men's room at an airport, ok. But not this. This far, no farther.
You've already made Onceler throw-up, now you are calling me darling? Does Damo have to bring vomit bags in?

Also, if you will read my previous post on this strawman, you will see, that is not the point.

Um, the darling comment was mocking your darling comment goofball.
In fact, I think it is. I'm sorry, but what depths have we sunk to, when a man who pays women to diaper him, to diaper him , is on television lecturing people about ethics?

I'm sorry, but I am going to draw the line here. Blowjobs in the men's room at an airport, ok. But not this. This far, no farther.

What does getting diapered have to do with 'ethics'???
What is a diaper genie?

Aren't you an uncle? I guess unless you are actually a father, or, forced to attend that most boring of all events; the baby shower, you wouldn't know what a diaper genie is.

It's some sort of, it's like a garbage disposal? But it's portable and it's for dirty diapers.
There should be a constitutional amendment forever banning the practice of diapering on grown men.
Go ahead, put all your heavyweights towards that one. Make sure to spend a lot of political capital along the way...


And Darla, if you don't want them to call you darling, you shouldn't call them darling to start the ball rolling.

There is nothing like a distraction to keep topics away from scary real problems... Diapers notwithstanding (I saw a CSI about this once.) "they do it too" is something we should be talking about, not as an excuse for our own party, but as something we can work towards ending.
Go ahead, put all your heavyweights towards that one. Make sure to spend a lot of political capital along the way...


And Darla, if you don't want them to call you darling, you shouldn't call them darling to start the ball rolling.

There is nothing like a distraction to keep topics away from scary real problems... Diapers notwithstanding (I saw a CSI about this once.) "they do it too" is something we should be talking about, not as an excuse for our own party, but as something we can work towards ending.

It was in a Bette Davis way!

And, once again, mister retard, it's not about they do it too. The Clintons haven't done anything! It's about the sudden onset amnesia some people have developed.
anyway, Darla means "dear one" so all of you are actually addressing me as "dear one", now what is funnier than that?
It was in a Bette Davis way!

And, once again, mister retard, it's not about they do it too. The Clintons haven't done anything! It's about the sudden onset amnesia some people have developed.
Yeah, because "quid pro quo" isn't something anybody would think after millions in donations...


Nobody is "forgetting" anything here, except immediate whitewash because they don't want anybody to point out something negative about their party heroes. We'll "forget" that and start congratulating each other on the next diaper analogy. Don't look over here, there's a man in diapers over there! (Hurry, clean it up while they are looking at the diaper!)
Did I hurt SF's feelings? I'm sorry.

I have to go write a powerpoint presentation, I have a 5 pm deadline on. I so don't want to do this. Try to shoo me if you see me here again soon.