PANIC!!! You Have An Idiot For President.

Recently on the news the president has been trying to do damage control on his admission that he knew the coronavirus was bad right from the start. He has been saying that he just didn't want to cause a panic. Really?!!!! Oh, it's ok if they die. Just so long as they don't panic. What a joke. I also saw on the news last night that in one state there were 44% of those asked who supported the president. How can anybody be that stupid. After basically murdering over 193,000 people, I would have been surprised that 4% of people supported him.

Also, what was this "panic" supposed to cause. People out in the streets raping and pillaging? Not very likely. But I can tell you what this "panic" would be more likely to cause. People demanding that scum bucket actually do something. And maybe that lying piece of shit actually believes in human caused global warming. But says it isn't real to keep people from "panicking."

I know you Septics have short memories but ffs, this is just wilful ignorance.

So you did not watch the impeachment. The Repub senators voted much in a group as they do, but some of them felt honest enough to say Trump did serious infractions but they did not reach the level required for removing him from office. Others did would searching but their souls lacked guts. It was never funny and laughable.

You never stop do you ffs!!
The house is impeachment was a joke.
the House impreachment was more of a freak show.

The Senate trial at least was orderly and rational. Trump's total exoneration was well anticipated since Trump had done nothing wrong. The Articles of Impeachment effectively presumed that the Executive Branch was illegal and therefore claimed that the execution of the duties of the Presidency were "illegal abuses of power."
Recently on the news the president has been trying to do damage control on his admission that he knew the coronavirus was bad right from the start. He has been saying that he just didn't want to cause a panic. Really?!!!! Oh, it's ok if they die. Just so long as they don't panic. What a joke. I also saw on the news last night that in one state there were 44% of those asked who supported the president. How can anybody be that stupid. After basically murdering over 193,000 people, I would have been surprised that 4% of people supported him.

Also, what was this "panic" supposed to cause. People out in the streets raping and pillaging? Not very likely. But I can tell you what this "panic" would be more likely to cause. People demanding that scum bucket actually do something. And maybe that lying piece of shit actually believes in human caused global warming. But says it isn't real to keep people from "panicking."

Great, another dimwitted lying leftist troll amongst us.

Here's the definition of idiot snowflake:

Joe Biden's Insane thoughts on Hairy Legs, Roaches, and kids
LOL! Nothing 'sham' about it whatsoever. That pathetic whore literally was impeached, and none of your tears will change that fact.

And there never was a China travel ban.

Why do you support the murder of 200,000 Americans?

^Triggered, low IQ, lying leftist loon on steroids.

Is talking BS the best you can do? Maybe you should learn something first. You should be able to look up this documentary. It is called, "The Virus: What Went Wrong." It tells the whole story. It tells who knew what and when. And what was and what wasn't done. Also, why would there be a meeting over something the president called a hoax. And right from the beginning and thereafter he treated it like a hoax.

You're the one talking bullshit snowflake. Here, let me attempt to educate you because you are a gullible nitwit who watches too much CNN.

After Trump declared a health emergency and travel ban on Europe and China, here is what the dipshits in the Democratic Party of the Jackass were saying:

Pelosi on February 24th:
"That’s what we’re trying to do today is to say everything is fine here," Pelosi said. "Come because precautions have been taken. The city is on top of the situation.""But that shouldn’t be carried over to Chinatown in San Francisco," she said. "I hope that it’s not that. But all I can say is, 'I’m here.' We feel safe and sound, so many of us coming here."She said there's no reason tourists or locals should be staying away from the area because of coronavirus concerns.

Dr. Fauci on February 29th:
"Right now, at this moment, there is no need to change anything you're doing on a day by day basis. Right now the risk is still low."

Mayor de Blasio on March 5th:
Coronavirus fears shouldn’t keep New Yorkers off subways

Cuomo on March 18th:
“That is not going to happen, shelter in place, for New York City. For any city or county to take an emergency action, the state has to approve it. And I wouldn’t approve shelter in place.”

WHO chief says widespread travel bans not needed to beat China virus
February 3, 2020

March 10th “If you are a healthy young person, there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship, go on a cruise ship.” ~ Fauci

And here's your geriatric hero:

Mar 12, 2020: Biden Slams Trump's 'Xenophobic' Europe Travel Ban, Says He'll 'Lead With Science'
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Yeah he was impeached but he was impeached because he was Donald Trump not for any real crime.

The linchpin of the entire case was an anonymous source that heard about something someone else heard about, and then interpreted a certain way.

The impeachment was a joke. Everybody knows it including you.

Grok needs hel. Woodward played the tape with Daffy admitting exactly what Overkill said. He confessed he knew very early how bad Corona was. So he chose to lie about it. So does Grok and rightys on this board.

Trump admitted to doing what a LEADER would do. I wish you weren't a low IQ brain dead hack parroting CNN talking points. Really I do. ;)
Look this up. "AP Fact Check: Trump's inaccurate boasts on China travel ban." This is one of the things it says. "Most major airlines had already suspended flights to China prior to the announcement on Jan. 31." And doing so wasn't Trump's idea. Strangely enough, he actually took the advice of health experts. But all of that didn't keep him from calling it a hoax and all the rest. Did it. Trump himself admitted that he played the whole thing down. So there you got it right from the horses mouth. Now, do you want me to shoot down your bullshit about corona patients being sent to nursing homes? Because believe me, I can.

That isn't a fact check you dumb leftist hack; that is a whiny pile of bovine bile. The FACT is that while Trump was actually dealing with the virus, Democrats were focused on impeachment and claiming that his travel ban was xenophobic. You can't put lipstick on that Democratic PIG narrative shit-for-brains.
No, it's all there in the record. He was impeached for very real offenses.

The linchpin of the case was not what you are claiming; there were multiple witnesses who confirmed all aspects of the claims, including his own hand-picked ambassador.

The impeachment happened, no matter how much that makes you soil yourself in impotent rage, and everybody knows it, including you.

NO shit-for-brains; they weren't REAL offenses. But then, you're a low IQ dumbass with the intellect of a dung eating beetle. Clinton was impeached for REAL offenses and you dishonest lying dumbasses on the left cried foul. STFU already.

FLASHBACK: In 1998 Biden Warns Of Impeaching A President Because Of Politics