"Pass this Bill Now"...

Notice that when Teabaggers/neocons/libertarians cannot admit they are wrong, they wave the flag in one form or another. Making moot point statements that have NOTHING to do with the subject at hand seems to be Liberty's lame ass attempt at a dodge....which fails as usual.

Obama called out the GOP for the obstructionist SOB's that they are with no regards for American workers or their jobs....and as the CBO rates his bill, all the old Rovian talking points just are not cutting it.....and it just burns the asses of the neocon/teabagger/libertarian jackassess to no end.

when the democrats block or say no to republican bills....

what do you call that?
This has been proven to be an apology for the true reality of what Marxism really is.

Marxism only exists to make the rich richer, and the poor poorer. It takes away opportunity, and makes the masses dependent, and lazy. Look at East Germany, the USSR, N. Korea, Cuba, etc. A complete failure.

Marxism mandates compliance.

Opportunity (liberty) is quite the opposite.

The reason East Germany, the USSR, N. Korea, Cuba and other Marxist/Socialist states fail is due to corruption. There are no free elections.

Look at Putin (Russia). First he worked in the KGB. Then he was elected President. Now he's Prime Minister. What has really changed? When Communism ended the government sold buildings/land/businesses to friends. So much for Capitalism. As for N. Korea and Cuba....well, it's a lifetime appointment. The problem isn't with "Socialism". It's with corruption.

People can help others by paying taxes and then leaving the tax-payers alone to do whatever they want. The argument against social programs is almost always about taxes. There is no compliance involved. No one is forced to accept government assistance. The reason government policies such as Social Security and ObamaCare mandate certain things is because people would not help others if there wasn't something in it for them.

If wealthy people were not entitled to SS the contributions would be less for everyone. Of course, who is going to contribute if they think they won't qualify? So, it's arranged that everyone receives something even if they don't need it.

The same with ObamaCare. Everything could have been left the way things were and a fund set up to cover those who are unable to afford medical coverage similar to Medicaid/Medicare. But some people are so greedy the only way to accomplish that was to force everyone to comply. The only way to cover the less fortunate was to impose rules on everyone. The complainers, those who object could have had things differently but their jealousy, their stinginess, their greed, their belief they worked so much harder than everyone else resulted in them being forced to comply. It resulted in a complete overhaul of the medical system. It is no ones fault but theirs. They had decades to find a solution but they didn't want a solution. They didn't care if people died; 45,000/yr.

They brought this on themselves.
Amazing the depths big mommy government go to when defending their anti-liberty policies.

And exactly what, pray tell, gives you the idea that corruption will not affect Obama care and all your other Robinhood fantasies? Do you actually think that it was lack of free elections that corrupted the Marxist systems? LOL So, of course, that means there is no corruption in Washington DC because we have free elections. LOL The idiocy of liberalism defending their policies is always good for a laugh.
The reason East Germany, the USSR, N. Korea, Cuba and other Marxist/Socialist states fail is due to corruption. There are no free elections.

So you're saying that socialism will work if a majority vote for it without a gun to their head?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Notice that when Teabaggers/neocons/libertarians cannot admit they are wrong, they wave the flag in one form or another. Making moot point statements that have NOTHING to do with the subject at hand seems to be Liberty's lame ass attempt at a dodge....which fails as usual.

Obama called out the GOP for the obstructionist SOB's that they are with no regards for American workers or their jobs....and as the CBO rates his bill, all the old Rovian talking points just are not cutting it.....and it just burns the asses of the neocon/teabagger/libertarian jackassess to no end.

when the democrats block or say no to republican bills....

what do you call that?

Well Yurtle old thing, since the Dems HAVE NOT logged a historic record of filibusters in just under four years like the neocon/teabagger driven GOP, I'd say it's just business as usual under the House/Senate rules. Get back to me when you can PROVE otherwise, bunky.
Amazing the depths big mommy government go to when defending their anti-liberty policies.

And exactly what, pray tell, gives you the idea that corruption will not affect Obama care and all your other Robinhood fantasies? Do you actually think that it was lack of free elections that corrupted the Marxist systems? LOL So, of course, that means there is no corruption in Washington DC because we have free elections. LOL The idiocy of liberalism defending their policies is always good for a laugh.

You're such a neocon/teabagger/libertarian parrot, GL. If you hate "mommy gov't" so much, then try growing up WITHOUT federal mandates for clean water, decent roads, non-tainted meats and fish and vegetables, product safety, medical license standards, etc., etc. Instead, why don't you truck your dopey ass to Somalia, where there's little to no gov't interference in the people's lives.

No one said Obama or the system was perfect, but blowhards like YOU GL, talk a lot of BS just to try and cover the fact of your own selfishness and greed. You got yours, to hell with everyone else EVEN IF WHAT OTHER PEOPLE GET DOESN'T AFFECT YOUR LIFESTYLE. Send me a postcard from Somalia....good luck with that.
Amazing the depths big mommy government go to when defending their anti-liberty policies.

And exactly what, pray tell, gives you the idea that corruption will not affect Obama care and all your other Robinhood fantasies? Do you actually think that it was lack of free elections that corrupted the Marxist systems? LOL So, of course, that means there is no corruption in Washington DC because we have free elections. LOL The idiocy of liberalism defending their policies is always good for a laugh.

Then vote for someone else. However, if it's all corrupt then what is the point of supporting any candidate? Why bother with the Tea Party? Why talk about the Constitution? Why discuss politics, at all?

Instead of trying to stop the government from implementing programs why not elect people who will not corrupt the system? The problem is not corruption. The problem is some people don't want to help others. After all the generations that have passed since SS and welfare and Medicare/Medicaid have we seen communities start drives to support their elderly and ill?

Except for Romney in Mass how many States have implemented medical care?

One can make it as "grass roots" as they like if corruption is the problem. If a person requires medical care the local hospital can divide the bill between the people who live on the same block. Can't get anymore "grass roots" than that. Is that the solution you'd like to see?

If your neighbor loses his job everyone on the block pays a portion of his lost wages. We wouldn't need unemployment insurance. Is that your solution? Or is it better to complain about corruption so you don't have to do anything to help?
So you're saying that socialism will work if a majority vote for it without a gun to their head?

I'm saying the concern about corruption can be addressed with proper oversight. And compliance would be easier if policies were stable. It's understandable why people object to certain programs when a change of government results in a change of rules.

For example, take unemployment. Now people can collect for 99 weeks. Everyone pays into that. What will happen in a few years when the rules are changed and the person who is working/paying now loses their job later on and is only entitled to 50 weeks or 26 weeks? That's not fair.

Social programs can work. They work in a number of countries. The question is do we want to help others?
So you're saying that socialism will work if a majority vote for it without a gun to their head?

There's the old refrain people will become lazy if there are social programs but consider how we treat adolescents. If we have a son or daughter who is lethargic/lazy/unmotivated what do we do? We look for the problem and there is almost always a problem. It could be anything from peer relationships to a medical problem.

The same applies to adults and this is where ObamaCare enters the picture. A yearly check-up will spot medical irregularities and many irregularities contribute to one feeling "blah". Also, a doctor can evaluate a person's comportment. Healthy, happy people want to better themselves. They want to be "busy".

Studies have shown people who have close friends and involve themselves in the community tend to be productive. Because of changes in society, people moving to and fro, they lose that connection. Social programs can help introduce people to activities.

I'll give Gingrich credit for saying unemployment should be tied to training. That's a 180 from the attitude people are forbidden to attend educational classes while collecting unemployment which is pretty much the standard except for one of the Carolinas.