Pathological liar or delusional imbecile?


Verified User
It's amazing that brandon hasn't had a real job for more than 50 years but thats secondary to his record of lying over that period of time. The man can't talk without lying. Here is a nice summary of his lies which isn't no means exhaustive

This is the scary but true part

"Unfortunately, Biden’s lies are becoming more frequent and more alarming. The United States has a President that cannot differentiate between fiction and reality."

So we either have a pathological liar running things or a delusional asshole. I'll let you decide.
It's amazing that brandon hasn't had a real job for more than 50 years but thats secondary to his record of lying over that period of time. The man can't talk without lying. Here is a nice summary of his lies which isn't no means exhaustive

This is the scary but true part

"Unfortunately, Biden’s lies are becoming more frequent and more alarming. The United States has a President that cannot differentiate between fiction and reality."

So we either have a pathological liar running things or a delusional asshole. I'll let you decide.

You would do well to consider the source before using it to post such foolish nonsense

Frontpage Magazine

Overall, we rate FrontPage Magazine as a Questionable source based on Extreme Right Bias, promoting conspiracy theories regarding Islam, and propaganda that only reports negatively on Islam. This source has also failed numerous fact-checks by IFCN fact-checkers.

Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Anti-Muslim

Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Organization/Foundation
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY
It's amazing that brandon hasn't had a real job for more than 50 years but thats secondary to his record of lying over that period of time. The man can't talk without lying. Here is a nice summary of his lies which isn't no means exhaustive

This is the scary but true part

"Unfortunately, Biden’s lies are becoming more frequent and more alarming. The United States has a President that cannot differentiate between fiction and reality."

So we either have a pathological liar running things or a delusional asshole. I'll let you decide.

Biden has already risen to the 19th greatest President the country has ever had and is doing a fine job. your fucking Velveeta man is dead fucking last and declared by historians to be biggest liar of any president.
Yakuda is a liar. Yakuda is a serial liar. Yakuda is a scumbag.

These are all facts that can be verified by reading my post. It is just as reliable as frontpage.
It's amazing that brandon hasn't had a real job for more than 50 years but thats secondary to his record of lying over that period of time. The man can't talk without lying. Here is a nice summary of his lies which isn't no means exhaustive

This is the scary but true part

"Unfortunately, Biden’s lies are becoming more frequent and more alarming. The United States has a President that cannot differentiate between fiction and reality."

So we either have a pathological liar running things or a delusional asshole. I'll let you decide.

And once again, a Trump loyalist labeling another person a liar is comparable to a Bernie Madoff defender saying someone else is a thief
It's amazing that brandon hasn't had a real job for more than 50 years but thats secondary to his record of lying over that period of time. The man can't talk without lying. Here is a nice summary of his lies which isn't no means exhaustive

This is the scary but true part

"Unfortunately, Biden’s lies are becoming more frequent and more alarming. The United States has a President that cannot differentiate between fiction and reality."

So we either have a pathological liar running things or a delusional asshole. I'll let you decide.

The Front Page? :laugh:



A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source.*See all Questionable*sources.

Overall, we rate FrontPage Magazine as a Questionable source based on Extreme Right Bias, promoting conspiracy theories regarding Islam, and propaganda that only reports negatively on Islam. This source has also failed numerous fact-checks by IFCN fact-checkers.

Detailed Report

Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Anti-Muslim
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Organization/Foundation
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

FrontPage Magazine is an online conservative political website*edited by*David Horowitz and published by the David Horowitz Freedom Center, a non-profit organization in Los Angeles, California. The David Horowitz Center has claimed that the “Left has declared war on America.” Some notable writers for FrontPage include Ann Coulter and President Trump’s adviser Stephen Miller. All of which have failed numerous fact-checks.

According to the SPLC, David Horowitz and FrontPage Magazine are considered anti-Muslim hate groups.

FrontPage Magazine is owned by the David Horowitz Freedom*Center, a conservative foundation founded in 1988 by political activist*David Horowitz*and his long-time collaborator*Peter Collier. It was established with funding from groups including the*John M. Olin Foundation, the*Bradley Foundation,*and the*Scaife Foundation. Besides FrontPage Magazine, they also run the Questionable Jihad Watch, which promotes negative information about Islam. The David Horowitz Freedom Center is a non-profit that generates revenue through donations.
It's amazing that brandon hasn't had a real job for more than 50 years but thats secondary to his record of lying over that period of time. The man can't talk without lying. Here is a nice summary of his lies which isn't no means exhaustive

This is the scary but true part

"Unfortunately, Biden’s lies are becoming more frequent and more alarming. The United States has a President that cannot differentiate between fiction and reality."

So we either have a pathological liar running things or a delusional asshole. I'll let you decide.

Both. Biden is a pathological liar and a delusional imbecile.
It's amazing that brandon hasn't had a real job for more than 50 years but thats secondary to his record of lying over that period of time. The man can't talk without lying. Here is a nice summary of his lies which isn't no means exhaustive

This is the scary but true part

"Unfortunately, Biden’s lies are becoming more frequent and more alarming. The United States has a President that cannot differentiate between fiction and reality."

So we either have a pathological liar running things or a delusional asshole. I'll let you decide.

He was always a huge liar....what has changed is that he is now very bad at it.
Funny how Trump’s thirty thousand plus documented lies didn’t bother the above posters, but they jump all over anything Biden says to characterize him as a pathological liar, the hypocrisy couldn’t be any more visible

And when Biden gets around to a lie inspiring attempts to stop the legitimate transfer of Executive power per the citizenry’s vote get back to us
"If you are going to tell me a lie at least put some effort into it"
Tucker 12/23
Last edited:
He is not. The fact that you cannot see the truth makes us wonder about you though.

Sure he is. He's always telling "fish stories" and lying about his own past. He's a serial plagiarist, finished college at the bottom of his class, and has never held a 'real' job but instead been in politics. He's extremely thin-skinned about being called out on any of that to the point that he's willing to turn the power of government on those who anger him. It's made worse by the FACT that Biden is almost always wrong on what he's saying.

The guy is a retard.
You would do well to consider the source before using it to post such foolish nonsense

Frontpage Magazine

Overall, we rate FrontPage Magazine as a Questionable source based on Extreme Right Bias, promoting conspiracy theories regarding Islam, and propaganda that only reports negatively on Islam. This source has also failed numerous fact-checks by IFCN fact-checkers.

Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Anti-Muslim

Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Organization/Foundation
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

Biden has already risen to the 19th greatest President the country has ever had and is doing a fine job. your fucking Velveeta man is dead fucking last and declared by historians to be biggest liar of any president.

You don't get to speak for historians. Neither does NBC. Omniscience fallacy.

Biden's job that you support:
* along with Democrats, caused the current economic depression.
* devalued the dollar.
* cannot speak coherently.
* gave weapons to the enemy in time of war (treason).
* discards the Constitution of the United States and the constitutions of every State.
* shut down oil production (until a court overrode him) causing many shortages and prices of fuel to rise dramatically.
* effectively erased the border.

And that's just a few of the things he's done.

Yakuda is basically correct except for one detail:
There is no United States. There is no President of the United States. The United States is no more. The coup by Democrats is successful (so far).
Sure he is. He's always telling "fish stories" and lying about his own past. He's a serial plagiarist, finished college at the bottom of his class, and has never held a 'real' job but instead been in politics. He's extremely thin-skinned about being called out on any of that to the point that he's willing to turn the power of government on those who anger him. It's made worse by the FACT that Biden is almost always wrong on what he's saying.

The guy is a retard.

You are extrapolating personal stories that you do not find acceptable, as always lying. You should know how ridiculous that is. Trump set a record for lying and you watched silently. Now you claim Biden only lies. You have to do better.