Paul/Palin 2016... Possible GOP Ticket?

Pinheads here do that. They lack a whole lot of imagination,

Apparently you lack so much imagination that you have to watch O’Reilly to learn the word “pinheads.”

so they tend to seize on a particular word and convince themselves that repeatedly calling me that, is somehow causing me anguish. For a while, it was "rube" ...except, sometimes they capitalized "Rube," which I thought was a nice touch.

I just call spades, spades Goober!!!

Now, you'll have to ask the idiot why he is stuck on "Goober" but my guess would be one of several things; he means "goober" as in a penis or dick, which he's absolutely right,

Well Goober I reckon I’ll have to educate y’all fucking children yet again. Goober was the Mayberry Village Idiot on the Andy Griffith show, but “dickhead” will also do well for you.

I am a dick to him, and I'm often fucking his ass relentlessly in debate, so that fits. Or... he could be referring to James "Goober" Lindsey, who is also from Alabama, my home state. Then there is the possibility he means I am a peanut, which is sometimes called a "goober."

Been dreaming again I see Goober!!! You couldn’t whip my ass in a debate if I was asleep.

Again, the important thing to remember is, the retard has very little imagination, and "goober" is actually quite an achievement for him to even think up. I can certainly think of worse things to be called, it doesn't bother me, and the low-brow humor I get out of seeing him so frustrated he doesn't realize how much he has over-used the word, is just priceless. Yeah, I'm sick.

What you mistake as “frustration” Goober is simply my total enjoyment of seeing you endlessly make a fucking ass out of yourself. The only reason I even bother with your endless babbling horseshit is because you’re sooooooo determined to advertise your fucking stupidity here. When you’re not posting mostly absurdities, you’re posting endless babblings that could bore the fucking dead. Actually I don’t even read your endless babble unless you address me individually.
Apparently you lack so much imagination that you have to watch O’Reilly to learn the word “pinheads.”

I was using the term long before Bill, in fact, he stole it from me.

I just call spades, spades Goober!!!

Just don't be doin that in the hood, they take offense.

Well Goober I reckon I’ll have to educate y’all fucking children yet again. Goober was the Mayberry Village Idiot on the Andy Griffith show, but “dickhead” will also do well for you.

You don't have to educate me, I said it may be James "Goober" Lindsey, who played Goober on Andy Griffith. You didn't read far enough into the paragraph to see that was what I said, because you had a knee-jerk emotive response. Either that, or you are totally ignorant as to who James "Goober" Lindsey is. And as I said... "Dick" or "dickhead" is completely understandable, since I'm constantly fucking you like my little bitch.

Been dreaming again I see Goober!!! You couldn’t whip my ass in a debate if I was asleep.

No need, I wear that ass out so much while you're awake!

What you mistake as “frustration” Goober is simply my total enjoyment of seeing you endlessly make a fucking ass out of yourself. The only reason I even bother with your endless babbling horseshit is because you’re sooooooo determined to advertise your fucking stupidity here. When you’re not posting mostly absurdities, you’re posting endless babblings that could bore the fucking dead. Actually I don’t even read your endless babble unless you address me individually.

Yes, I can see how little you pay attention to what I say. And we can all see how little attention you pay to what I post. But the SOLE reason you respond to me, is to emote, like a little emotive bitch. It hurts your feelings when I point out what a clueless dweeb you are, and your natural reaction is to emote. I see this behavior all the time, did you think you were the first?
Especially since the government started handing out checks!

Wow...they're so royal there's no mention of them on the internet and no such Japanese word as "Akia"! Do they have millions of monopoly money stashed away in Germany, too?

Wow. So am I, Cousin Dixie!

Yes, it is., we haven't.

Never mind all this.

You couldn't find a single decent thing to say about Sarah Palin now could you Howey?

Her politics aside and after an enormous extensive search by hundreds of media types violating her constitutional rights and her right to privacy including confiscating her personal e mails, not a single trace of unethical behavior on her part was ever discovered but YOU STILL refuse to acknowledge any inclination of a decent moment by or any human compassionate thought about Palin.

This is why you Marxists have to be soundly defeated without quarter, you're such hatemongers and Palin is the center hate target of your deranged, sick mental condition.

Social justice, human rights! you shout as you march along destroying your enemies with your media machine propagandizing your enemies as pure evil, unintelligent, and in the case of females, sluts, c*nts, and whores while your people practice every unethical, demeaning and purposeful strategy you can come up with.

I wagered that you and the shore wouldn't come up with any decent human nod toward the woman and I won the bet.
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Never mind all this.

You couldn't find a single decent thing to say about Sarah Palin now could you Howey?

Her politics aside and after an enormous extensive search by hundreds of media types violating her constitutional rights and her right to privacy including confiscating her personal e mails, not a single trace of unethical behavior on her part was ever discovered but YOU STILL refuse to acknowledge any inclination of a decent moment by or any human compassionate thought about Palin.

This is why you Marxists have to be soundly defeated without quarter, you're such hatemongers and Palin is the center hate target of your deranged, sick mental condition.

Social justice, human rights! you shout as you march along destroying your enemies with your media machine propagandizing your enemies as pure evil, unintelligent, and in the case of females, sluts, c*nts, and whores while your people practice every unethical, demeaning and purposeful strategy you can come up with.

I wagered that you and the shore wouldn't come up with any decent human nod toward the woman and I won the bet.

Where the fuck did this craziness come from?
I was using the term long before Bill, in fact, he stole it from me.

Yeah right, the whole world just revolves around you and your endless diatribes of total horseshit and hypocrisy. You’d be humorous if you weren’t so fucking pathetic.

You don't have to educate me, I said it may be James "Goober" Lindsey, who played Goober on Andy Griffith.

And the “Village Idiot” character was surely developed by observing you Goober!

You didn't read far enough into the paragraph to see that was what I said,

Reading your diatribes is like watching tree bark grow Goober but even less interesting.

I'm constantly fucking you like my little bitch.

That’s just another one of your ”Holy Matrimony” fantasies Goober, there’s nary a rational fuck in your pea-brain.

Yes, I can see how little you pay attention to what I say. And we can all see how little attention you pay to what I post.

I pay just enough attention to allow you to prove what a total ass you are Goober.

But the SOLE reason you respond to me, is to emote, like a little emotive bitch. It hurts your feelings when I point out what a clueless dweeb you are, and your natural reaction is to emote. I see this behavior all the time, did you think you were the first?

You should stop looking in the mirror Goober and pretending you’re other folks even as hard as it surely must be to be you. You’re a boring fucking neo-con hypocrite and total Goober!!!!
Wow...they're so royal there's no mention of them on the internet and no such Japanese word as "Akia"! Do they have millions of monopoly money stashed away in Germany, too?

Considering the Japanese Royal Family goes back to 660 BC, it's understandable you may have missed some information. I don't know Japanese, so I can't tell you about Japanese words, but "Akia" was presented as a proper name, not a word. There are lots of Japanese family names which are not words in the Japanese language, in fact, this is almost always the rule and not the exception. Also, you may want to check the first name and not the last, since Japanese reverse their proper names. By the way, "akia" means, first born.

Seems like those of you who are obsessed with my finances would do a better job of keeping up. I haven't had any substantial wealth in Germany for over a year. I moved it because of volatility of the Euro and the shaky economy in Europe. Now apparently, gold dealers will accept monopoly money, because they took mine and gave me gold for it. Who knew?
Yeah right, the whole world just revolves around you and your endless diatribes of total horseshit and hypocrisy. You’d be humorous if you weren’t so fucking pathetic.

Yes, the world does revolve around me and my endless wisdom. Thanks for acknowledging this fact.

And the “Village Idiot” character was surely developed by observing you Goober!

Yes, they developed that character around a three-year-old in Birmingham, little known fact!

Reading your diatribes is like watching tree bark grow Goober but even less interesting.

So that explains why it seems you've never read a word I posted? Here I thought it was because you are retarded!

That’s just another one of your ”Holy Matrimony” fantasies Goober, there’s nary a rational fuck in your pea-brain.

Long and hard, bitch! Come on, moan some more for Big Daddy!

I pay just enough attention to allow you to prove what a total ass you are Goober.

Not true, you pay LESS attention.

You should stop looking in the mirror Goober and pretending you’re other folks even as hard as it surely must be to be you. You’re a boring fucking neo-con hypocrite and total Goober!!!!

Why in the world would I want to be someone else? I love myself, I love who I am, couldn't be happier being me! Sure, it's a burden being so fucking smart sometimes, and having to solve so many problems for others, but it's a sacrifice I don't mind. "Boring" is not in my lexicon, I don't know how to bore people, I wish I could bore you enough to make you go away, but case in point, I am just too fucking intriguing, and I can't help it. You and your butt buddy Howey are going to hang on my every word, and you can't help but to emote like a pubescent teen girl.
What's hysterical is that to date neither Rand or Ron Paul have adequately explained how they would allow a business that serves the public to discriminate against customers based on race, creed or color!

Obviously, those two clowns overlook or ignore this country's Constitution, Bill of Rights and various SCOTUS decisions regarding Civil Rights.

And they want this convoluted insanity in the White House? Puh-leeze!

As for Palin.....HAAA-HAHAHAHA-Haw!
Considering the Japanese Royal Family goes back to 660 BC, it's understandable you may have missed some information. I don't know Japanese, so I can't tell you about Japanese words, but "Akia" was presented as a proper name, not a word. There are lots of Japanese family names which are not words in the Japanese language, in fact, this is almost always the rule and not the exception. Also, you may want to check the first name and not the last, since Japanese reverse their proper names. By the way, "akia" means, first born.

Seems like those of you who are obsessed with my finances would do a better job of keeping up. I haven't had any substantial wealth in Germany for over a year. I moved it because of volatility of the Euro and the shaky economy in EuropNothing on e. Now apparently, gold dealers will accept monopoly money, because they took mine and gave me gold for it. Who knew?

Nothing. Nowhere. Anywhere. In the whole wide interweb. Just another delusional redneck injun japanese black dutch fantasy to spice up a life of insanity.

But please don't stop!

You amuse us!
Yes, the world does revolve around me and my endless wisdom. Thanks for acknowledging this fact.

Yeah! You’re a fucking super genius loved by the world and you’re gonna prove it whenever they take your straight jacket off.

Long and hard, bitch! Come on, moan some more for Big Daddy!

“Big Daddy” is a fucking Talaban moron!

[/quote]Why in the world would I want to be someone else? I love myself, I love who I am, couldn't be happier being me! Sure, it's a burden being so fucking smart sometimes, and having to solve so many problems for others, but it's a sacrifice I don't mind.[/quote]

You don’t have the intellect to “mind” because you have no fucking mind. You’ve been blessed with a fucking “pea” for a brain. You’re a total retard!

"Boring" is not in my lexicon, I don't know how to bore people, I wish I could bore you enough to make you go away, but case in point, I am just too fucking intriguing, and I can't help it. You and your butt buddy Howey are going to hang on my every word, and you can't help but to emote like a pubescent teen girl.

I’m totally aware how much you wish I’d go away, but I’m having too much fun watching you prove your fucking stupidity.
Yes, the world does revolve around me and my endless wisdom. Thanks for acknowledging this fact.

Yes, they developed that character around a three-year-old in Birmingham, little known fact!

So that explains why it seems you've never read a word I posted? Here I thought it was because you are retarded!

Long and hard, bitch! Come on, moan some more for Big Daddy!

Not true, you pay LESS attention.

Why in the world would I want to be someone else? I love myself, I love who I am, couldn't be happier being me! Sure, it's a burden being so fucking smart sometimes, and having to solve so many problems for others, but it's a sacrifice I don't mind. "Boring" is not in my lexicon, I don't know how to bore people, I wish I could bore you enough to make you go away, but case in point, I am just too fucking intriguing, and I can't help it. You and your butt buddy Howey are going to hang on my every word, and you can't help but to emote like a pubescent teen girl.

Dixie dirty talk can be hot, but if you want some advice, I'd drop the "bitch", and I always found the daddy thing creepy. Just my two cents.
maggie thought Palin was a nutter

And her majesty herself .. the grand queen of the Bush royal family said she ought to shut up and go back to where she came from along with millions of her majesty's other subjects.

Are you ready to canonize another dead conservative (by British standards a conservative anyway) along the lines of Barry Goldwater and military industrial complex socialist William F. Buckley now that she's dead and out of the way?