Paul/Palin 2016... Possible GOP Ticket?


She's human?????

Howey is a homosexual political operative and a victim of American homophobes and a part of one of the Democratic party's victim groups along with it's powerful lobby.

Darla meanwhile is another victim and a member of the left's female victim group by way of America's white male hegemony.

Both are haters and please take note of how both along with the other shore with her Thatcher -
Palin remark refuse to break one of their PC value system's rules about saying anything in a favorable manner about their designated hate targets.

More traditional conservative women on the other hand are fine as long as they stay in their place but if they gain recognition and begin to obtain power, the same things that happened to Palin will happen to them courtesy of these select individuals who rely so heavily on victim status groups in order to further increase ever growing central power as a means of dependence for each group in assistance to their victim status.

Not that long ago, Palin was at the top of the national polls as a presidential candidate and you witnessed what happened then as the media and such as the individuals I mentioned above supporting their efforts destroyed the woman.