Paul/Palin 2016... Possible GOP Ticket?

Am I delusional? Or am I a frickin genius? Palin is as credible as the buffoon who is currently VP, she's 10x smarter and makes 100x fewer gaffes. When Palin's bus spontaneously shows up in Any Town, USA, she is greeted by tens of thousands of screaming fans, like a fucking rock star. She writes a book and it shatters sales records, they can't keep it on the shelf. She posts something on her Twitter, and by 6 o'clock, it's the only thing the news media is talking about. need more than the inbred base to win an election. Gaffes don't mean that Biden is dumb. In fact, your gaffe in the above quote doesn't meant that you're dumb. It just means that you choose to ignore the facts.
The former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate had her political organization spend more than $63,000 on what her reports describe as "books for fundraising donor fulfillment." The payments went to Harper Collins, her publisher, and in some instances to HSP Direct, a Virginia-based direct mail fundraising firm that serves a number of well-known conservative politicians and pundits.
Because Libertarianism isn't compatible with social conservatism Fascism. They're polar opposites.

Okay, so you are avoiding answering my hypothetical question. I will make it multiple choice, can you handle that?

IF Rand Paul won the GOP nomination on a Libertarian-style message, and he picked Sarah Palin as his VP running mate, you would:

A.) Stay at home and refuse to vote for Rand Paul and his Libertarian-style message, because it's not 'Libertarian' enough for you.

B.) Vote for Rand Paul, and it wouldn't matter that Sarah Palin was on the ticket.

C.) Not like Sarah Palin being on the ticket, but you'd still vote for Rand Paul.

D.) Vote for the Democrat candidate instead.

E.) Vote for the Libertarian Party candidate because it's the principle of the matter.

Pick one, and let's go from there!
Dixie: (From the OP) "Oh... I predict it... some pinhead will chortle in with the notion that this is a GREAT idea and they WELCOME Palin on the GOP ticket, because they are confident this spells certain victory, and I am sure some pinheads honestly have convinced themselves of this, but a coalition as I described would be a challenge."

A libertarian lunkhead and a neocon/teabagger joke with breasts....oh please, DO let them get on that ticket! It'll be smooth sailing for the Dems and Progressives!

Can I call 'em or what?
Palin's a retard. I just heard Paul interviewed on the Medved show, and he sounded intelligent, extremely well prepared, and diplomatic. Palin only ever shined when reciting energy statistics she learned in Alaskan politics (which is great, and fooled me initially, but merely one issue). Paul was being interviewed outside of the issues he tries to focus on and demonstrate expertise, and he still sounded intelligent.
Barack Obama is no GQ model, and he still won. How do you justify that, CL?

It’s easy to interpret the Obama victories, both of them, Three names are enough to define that, G. W. Bush, John McCain & Mitt Romney.

Of course all three are responsible for the communist being in the White House.
I am actually considering switching party affiliation just so I can vote for Paul in the primary and HOPE that he picks Caribou Barbie as his running mate!
If the Obama plan works to have the Democrats regain control of all of the Congress in the mid-term election, as disastrous as that would be for the nation, it surely will be the resurrection of the Republican Party in 2016. The Democrat’s total control of the government gave the House back to Republicans in 2010. Two more years of Democrat control and the minions will be totally ready for a change of political scenery BIG time and Republicans should be a shoo-in no matter who they run for office.

G. W. Bush is the reason Obama became President, John McCain & Mitt Romney helped Obama become President and get a second term. Obama and the Democrats will resurrect the Republican Party and assure their political success at taking back the seats of government. That’s how our corrupted bribery, BIG money, fuck over the minions system works.
I am actually considering switching party affiliation just so I can vote for Paul in the primary and HOPE that he picks Caribou Barbie as his running mate!

I think Rand Paul is a little smarter than the average political moron and way too smart to saddle up with the likes of a Sara except for maybe erectile entertainment.
Sarah Palin attempted to relaunch her political career and her political action committee, SarahPAC, on Thursday with a Web video called “Loaded for Bear,” which presented the former Alaska governor as the new kingmaker for conservative populists in the GOP.

The video riffed off her speech at CPAC, in which Palin railed against “the big consultants, the big money men, and the big bad media.” But there’s an irony alert ahead: the current stated purpose of SarahPAC is to raise money ahead of the 2014 election—most of which will be spent on conservative consultants. Don't believe me? Well, this is a perfect time to page through SarahPAC’s Federal Election Commission filings, which—helpfully enough—were just released yesterday.

Seen through the lens of the invaluable Center for Responsive Politics, Palin’s PAC spent $5.1 million in the last election cycle (more than it raised in that time period, raising some questions about Palin’s claims of fiscal responsibility).

But the real news comes when you look at how donors’ money was actually doled out: just $298,500 to candidates. The bulk of the rest of it, more than $4.8 million, went to—you guessed it—consultants.

That’s some seriously hypocritical overhead.
If Republicans are smart, (most aren’t), they’ll start now to sort out the fucking BIG government neo-cons like McCain, Graham, Palin and the other militarist, religionist socialist morons from the party and find a shit load more Rand Paul libertarian thinking candidates.
So..... Nobody wants to answer my question, everybody just wants to take pot shots at Palin? I thought this was a message board of freethinkers? Not in the OP, or anywhere else in the thread, have I asked you for your opinion of Palin. Oh, you've all volunteered one, you hate her, think she's stupid, a moron, a neocon... but if she were the VP on a ticket with Rand Paul, would you Rand Paul fanatics still vote for Rand? Simple question it seems, why are you all having such a hard time answering?
So..... Nobody wants to answer my question, everybody just wants to take pot shots at Palin? I thought this was a message board of freethinkers? Not in the OP, or anywhere else in the thread, have I asked you for your opinion of Palin. Oh, you've all volunteered one, you hate her, think she's stupid, a moron, a neocon... but if she were the VP on a ticket with Rand Paul, would you Rand Paul fanatics still vote for Rand? Simple question it seems, why are you all having such a hard time answering?

If Rand Paul picked Sweet Sara to be his running mate I wouldn’t even consider voting for the ticket. As a matter of fact I’m not sold on Rand Paul at this point. I think he might be a little too pragmatic for my principles. Besides, America’s elections are rigged in favor of the two party duopoly. I have a problem with voting period! All it really does is encourage the bastards.
So..... Nobody wants to answer my question, everybody just wants to take pot shots at Palin? I thought this was a message board of freethinkers? Not in the OP, or anywhere else in the thread, have I asked you for your opinion of Palin. Oh, you've all volunteered one, you hate her, think she's stupid, a moron, a neocon... but if she were the VP on a ticket with Rand Paul, would you Rand Paul fanatics still vote for Rand? Simple question it seems, why are you all having such a hard time answering?
Did it ever occur to you that there just aren't that many Paul supporters here?

I see you never commented on Palin using political contributions to buy up her own books. Perhaps she just isn't as popular as you fantasize?
If the Obama plan works to have the Democrats regain control of all of the Congress in the mid-term election, as disastrous as that would be for the nation, it surely will be the resurrection of the Republican Party in 2016. The Democrat’s total control of the government gave the House back to Republicans in 2010. Two more years of Democrat control and the minions will be totally ready for a change of political scenery BIG time and Republicans should be a shoo-in no matter who they run for office.

G. W. Bush is the reason Obama became President, John McCain & Mitt Romney helped Obama become President and get a second term. Obama and the Democrats will resurrect the Republican Party and assure their political success at taking back the seats of government. That’s how our corrupted bribery, BIG money, fuck over the minions system works.
You begin with a flawed premise. '10 occured because democrats were disgusted with Obama's series of caving in to Republicans at every turn. That wasn't what we hired him to do, and many decided to allow the change in the House to occur as punishment.

In the short run, it hurt Obama. In hindsight, it gave him another election, which was all he was ever interested in from the start. Every move was carefully calculated to allow him to illustrate the flaws in the GOP, while he gathered tidbits of accomplishments for his resume'.
This should be an interesting discussion. I was thinking about this the other day, while pondering which direction the GOP should take in 2016. It seems they are sharply divided between three main factions, the establishment elite, the libertarians and the tea party conservatives. Neither of the three factions is strong enough to defeat the Democrats, doesn't matter who the dems put up, they could nominate Vladimir Putin, and he'd be our next president.

But what if..... The GOP came to it's senses on the establishment elite side, and supported a ticket with a Libertarian and Tea Party Conservative, like Rand Paul and Sarah Palin? The amalgamation of Libertarians, Tea Party Cons, and Elite, would be at least a formidable challenge to Democrats.

Libertarians would eat the corn out of Rand Paul's shit, I do believe. So they would vote for him even with Palin on the ticket, they'd find some way to justify it, regardless of how they will squeal otherwise right now. Palin fans, likewise, would support her no matter what, even as a running mate for Rand Paul, whom they may not agree with 100% on everything. The results of merging Tea Partyism and Libertarianism would be unbeatable by Democrats regardless of their candidate.

Now, obviously, the left absolutely HATE Sarah Palin, but they aren't exactly slobbering over Rand Paul these days, in case you hadn't noticed, and I think this is something us 'righties' will have to get accustomed to, if we are ever to regain political power. Whomever we put up, is going to be rejected soundly by the left, and generally speaking, the more vitriolic and hateful they are toward the person, the more indication it's the RIGHT person for the job. This alone, puts Sarah Palin at the top of my list. Forget everything else, the left hates her so much she must be good.

Some might say, why wouldn't it be a Palin/Paul ticket? And of course, that could work as well, ideally, we'd have a primary where Palin and Paul campaigned for the nomination and in a Reagan/Bush moment, join forces at the RNC. I just think Paul is more suited to be the main candidate, while Sarah could run effective interference, since we know how much attention she draws from the left. Once elected, I think Paul's leadership ability would suit him well in the White House, while Palin's administrative ability would make her an outstanding VP. I think the relatively small contingent of GOP voters who aren't sold on Palin as President, would probably be willing to at least give her a shot at VP... I mean, fuck... if JOE BIDEN can do the job? Seriously people, can it be that hard?

The added beauty of Palin on the ticket is, she's already been vetted. And by her detractors! Picked apart six ways from Sunday and found to be nothing but honorable and diligent in her job. 24,000 emails, scrutinized like no one has ever had their email scrutinized, and NOTHING found. Every facet of her life uncovered and explored, including her family members.... so there would be no new surprises. All they could do would be to repeat the stuff they already spewed and attack her personality. Call her names and imply she is stupid, and attack her family... that's about all they can do with Palin, and that's why she scares the living dog shit out of them, it's why they continue to pound her every chance they get. Oh... I predict it... some pinhead will chortle in with the notion that this is a GREAT idea and they WELCOME Palin on the GOP ticket, because they are confident this spells certain victory, and I am sure some pinheads honestly have convinced themselves of this, but a coalition as I described would be a challenge.

Now..... for the record, this is merely a hypothetical. I don't honestly believe there is a chance in hell of getting such a ticket, the elite establishment isn't going to "see the light" and Libertarians aren't going to have a "come to Jesus" moment, even if it means the death of the party or even the country. They seem to be hell bent on pushing out the only segment of the party with the political power to win an election, and they continue to underestimate that.

Okay Libertarians... let's play a little "devil's advocate" for you here... If you realize that you need some percentage of the social conservative tea party vote to beat the Democrats, what better "social conservative" candidate to have than someone you see as a political lightweight? Someone who's not going to have the power to influence or shape policy much as VP, but will be more committed to carrying out the policies of the Libertarian president? Sarah Palin is on record as being a huge Rand Paul fan, so there is no real animosity there to threaten a Paul administration or try to undercut his agenda. She would simply preside over Congress, which she could do very well... and she could deliver a HUMONGOUS block of socially conservative voters you may not otherwise appeal to.

In any event, it is food for thought.
Interesting discussion? An alliance between an outside the mainstream ideolgue and a moron as a ticket?

Chris Christie is currently the only hope the GOP has for 2016. He probably won't sell in the deep south.....but who in their right mind wants them running the government anyways?
It’s easy to interpret the Obama victories, both of them, Three names are enough to define that, G. W. Bush, John McCain & Mitt Romney.

Of course all three are responsible for the communist being in the White House.
Skin tone is responsible for the communist getting into the White House. Moral decline is what's keeping him there.
You begin with a flawed premise. '10 occured because democrats were disgusted with Obama's series of caving in to Republicans at every turn. That wasn't what we hired him to do, and many decided to allow the change in the House to occur as punishment.

In the short run, it hurt Obama. In hindsight, it gave him another election, which was all he was ever interested in from the start. Every move was carefully calculated to allow him to illustrate the flaws in the GOP, while he gathered tidbits of accomplishments for his resume'.
What tidbits of accomplishment are you talking about?
A stellar combination! Count me in.

So..... Nobody wants to answer my question, everybody just wants to take pot shots at Palin? I thought this was a message board of freethinkers? Not in the OP, or anywhere else in the thread, have I asked you for your opinion of Palin. Oh, you've all volunteered one, you hate her, think she's stupid, a moron, a neocon... but if she were the VP on a ticket with Rand Paul, would you Rand Paul fanatics still vote for Rand? Simple question it seems, why are you all having such a hard time answering?

What? You've got two of, wait three including Jarod, of the biggest liberals on this board loving this dream ticket!