Paul Pelosi smiling with a drink in his hand

Think a bit, if you were married to Nancy Pelosi would prefer to sleep with her or get hit in the head by your gay lover swinging a hammer? Easy choice for me, get the bandages ready.
Think a bit, if you were married to Nancy Pelosi would prefer to sleep with her or get hit in the head by your gay lover swinging a hammer? Easy choice for me, get the bandages ready.

No American would say such a thing at seeing a film of a near murder

I hope you choke on a mouthful of Putins Ball hairs
Now ask your self

What kind of person would make the claims republicans continue to make about evidence of a clear crime

Traitors or foreign attempted influencers

This thread is proof the Republican Party needs to die
So you fucks all proved you were idiots by your insane lies about the facts huh

Weeks of utter idiocy about that broken glass

Where are your admissions that you were fucking wrong?

Forth coming I’m sure
So you fucks all proved you were idiots by your insane lies about the facts huh

Weeks of utter idiocy about that broken glass

Where are your admissions that you were fucking wrong?

Forth coming I’m sure

In the video it kinda looks like Pauls "special" friend is getting ready to bend him over and give him a good exorcizing. Note Pauls pants are indeed off and he's holding a drink.....;) The hammer? You never know what these kinda people are into or the sick shit they do,.......I mean,....if they will use a gerbil,...why not a hammer handle??? We have to remember,.....these are some SICK people were dealing with here. Pretty much the lowest forms of humanity. Those kinda freaks are capable of ANYTHING.
I for one am REALLY glad the police arrived when they did and put a stop to this unspeakable act of deviant sexual perversion. :thinking: Lock up your Gerbils people and hide your hammers,...with these freaks nothing is sacred! :)
I think PP owed him money and the guy was tired of waiting. Probably for political scumbaggery Antifalike crap.
The Pelosi's are also heavily invested in both a massive Gerbil ranch and a gerbil food pellet company. :laugh:
In the video it kinda looks like Pauls "special" friend is getting ready to bend him over and give him a good exorcizing. Note Pauls pants are indeed off and he's holding a drink.....;) The hammer? You never know what these kinda people are into or the sick shit they do,.......I mean,....if they will use a gerbil,...why not a hammer handle??? We have to remember,.....these are some SICK people were dealing with here. Pretty much the lowest forms of humanity. Those kinda freaks are capable of ANYTHING.

Slow, down, Tiger. That's enough of your homo-erotic fever dreams for one day. You don't want to tire yourself out!