Pedo Joe declares Easter to be “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

Nobody cancelled Easter and nobody declared Easter Sunday as Transgender Day of Visibility.

In 2009 March 31 was declared the Transgender Day of Visibility. It was just continued.

When will Trumpers start checking facts before they believe misleading social media posts?

The truth and actual facts matter not to lying MAGA GOP shills.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility.

So what?

Transgender Day of Visibility has ALWAYS been celebrated March 31 every year since 2009. Easter came on March 31 this year.
Which day of the year does Easter fall on next year? And the year after that?

Yeah! I thought so, you sorry, toothless, ignorant, stinky, impotent, banned from within 100 feet of schools and playgrounds, trumptard fuck!

More phony Christian hypocrisy.

Trump can go after a judge's daughter and share a video of a political opponent hog-tied, and it's no problem. But all of a sudden there is some sort of tolerance for transgenders? Blasphemy!

That religion is OVAH.

Joe Biden just told all the Easter egg art decorators in the White House that NO RELIGIOUS IMAGERY is allowed.

He then declared Easter Sunday as the TRANSGENDER DAY OF VISIBILITY in a Presidential Proclamation.

He’s just spit in the face of Christ on the cross who died for our sins to lift up the ULTIMATE sinners.
The radical Left has to do everything they can to destroy religion don't ya know?

You Trumpys back the first atheist president in a long time. Trump never set foot in a church until the cameras were there. He tried to fake bible knowledge at Liberty college and he totally fucked it up. In interviews, he was asked what his favorite bible passage was and he said "I like them all. That is what a person without knowledge would say. He is playing you suckers again and you are too conned to realize it.
Trump is doing for religion what he is trying to do for America. That is destroying it from the inside.
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Easter does not come on March 31 every year.

And it hasn't been since 2009 in the US:

In 2021, U.S. President Joe Biden proclaimed March 31 as a Transgender Day of Visibility, stating in part, "I call upon all Americans to join in the fight for full equality for all transgender people." Biden was the first American president to issue a formal presidential proclamation recognizing the event.

Do you fuckheads ever not lie?
Easter does not come on March 31 every year.
Yep. Because of the Quarticodeciman Controversy it was moved to the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or after the spring equinox.. Prior to that it was on the 14th of Nisan, the same day as the Jewish holiday of Passover.

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