Pennsylvania predictions?

Right now delgate count stands at 1648 for Obama to 1504 for Clinton if she wins Penn by 20 points the change is 1711 to 1599 which would net her 32 delgates and we KNOW that's not going to happen. and 8 point victory nets her 14 delgates. She can't catch up. This is becoming futile on her part and detrimental to the dems the longer it goes on. She is too narcisitic to see the writing on th ewalls
I don't know. It was a while back and it should have been followed. His prediction was very accurate.

Yeah this prediction was very accurate as well.

"I think for us to get american military personnel involved in a civil war inside Iraq would literally be a quagmire. Once we got to Baghdad, what would we do ?... I do not think the United States wants to have U.S. military forces accept casualties and accept responsibility of trying to govern Iraq. It makes no sense at all"

Said by Dick Cheny (SOD) in 1991 after gulf war

Just goes to prove talk is cheap.
My numbers were a little high, but the white males and seniors, church-goers and gun-owners did lean her way... Indiana - Hillary by 10-12 pts is my next guess. NC either way by less tha 5 pts.

Convention Rumble?.... or maybe both on ticket. Actually I hope they don't join forces. That's the ticket I think will be hardest for my McCain to beat...

Hillary "Rocky" Clinton by 12 to 15 points. Banking that she will get a bigger chunk of the white working class males and seniors... all clinging to their guns and the other stuff. Yes, you guessed it, I'm a Conservative enjoying the hell out of this Dem battle while I can!
I actually think kind of highly about Obama and Clinton. I think for Obama less than 3 years in the Senate is a short record for the No. 1 job in the nation and I just don't think we know him well enough.
My only discourse with Clinton is her stance on the War. I think both Dems stating that they will start a withdraw after the election regardless of the situation on the ground is dangerous. But if the American people elect one of them, then it is the Nation's will and not their own. We get what we vote for.
Exactly right Just1....I have no horse in this race (in either party) so I am just watching things unfold and enjoying this site like I never have. We will have who we have for president after it is all over.
Yeah this prediction was very accurate as well.

"I think for us to get american military personnel involved in a civil war inside Iraq would literally be a quagmire. Once we got to Baghdad, what would we do ?... I do not think the United States wants to have U.S. military forces accept casualties and accept responsibility of trying to govern Iraq. It makes no sense at all"

Said by Dick Cheny (SOD) in 1991 after gulf war

Just goes to prove talk is cheap.

How does it prove talk is cheap when he was correct? The Republicans lost seats exactly as McCain said they would if they didn't change their behavior, which they didn't.
He doesn't intend to lower discretionary spending. He intends to increase it. Freezing less than half of the discretionary budget and increasing the other more than half is not lowering. It's increasing. And at the same time he wants to make the Bush tax cuts permanent and lower additional taxes all while remaining committed to Iraq indefinitely.

That's deficit spending baby. Or as John McCain once put it "leav[ing] as part of our legacy a mountain of debt and bankrupt entitlement programs that our children's grandchildren will be suffering from long after we have departed this earth."

What are Hillary and Obama offering Dungheap? I see McCain offering pro-growth policies rhetorically. That's what I want to hear. (I of course don't expect any politician to actually follow through on their word but its what I have to go by now).
Well said.

What are Hillary and Obama offering Dungheap? I see McCain offering pro-growth policies rhetorically. That's what I want to hear. (I of course don't expect any politician to actually follow through on their word but its what I have to go by now).
How does it prove talk is cheap when he was correct? The Republicans lost seats exactly as McCain said they would if they didn't change their behavior, which they didn't.

Yeah but it does nothing to prove mCcain will change his behaviour. Just like Cheny had it right but did the opposite thing.
What are Hillary and Obama offering Dungheap? I see McCain offering pro-growth policies rhetorically. That's what I want to hear. (I of course don't expect any politician to actually follow through on their word but its what I have to go by now).

Clarify what is a "pro-growth" policy? How is going back to levels of taxation under Clinton for the top 5% and keeping the Bush tax cuts in place for middle class folks not "pro-growth?" Last I checked the economy was indeed growing at a pretty nice clip, with decent but not exceptional growth across the board, not isolated among the top 5%.

"Pro-growth" is a stupid buzzword devoid of any meaning whatsoever. Of course all the candidates are offering pro-growth proposals. No one is offering recessionary proposals.

McCain is offering lots of deficit spending while pretending he isn't. Here's a good Wall Street Journal article on the reality behind McCain's rhetoric:
Clarify what is a "pro-growth" policy? How is going back to levels of taxation under Clinton for the top 5% and keeping the Bush tax cuts in place for middle class folks not "pro-growth?" Last I checked the economy was indeed growing at a pretty nice clip, with decent but not exceptional growth across the board, not isolated among the top 5%.

"Pro-growth" is a stupid buzzword devoid of any meaning whatsoever. Of course all the candidates are offering pro-growth proposals. No one is offering recessionary proposals.

McCain is offering lots of deficit spending while pretending he isn't. Here's a good Wall Street Journal article on the reality behind McCain's rhetoric:

That’s great DH. That made me smile. Just picturing a candidate coming out for “Pro-recessionary” policies. Or “anti-growth” policies.
Clarify what is a "pro-growth" policy? How is going back to levels of taxation under Clinton for the top 5% and keeping the Bush tax cuts in place for middle class folks not "pro-growth?" Last I checked the economy was indeed growing at a pretty nice clip, with decent but not exceptional growth across the board, not isolated among the top 5%.

"Pro-growth" is a stupid buzzword devoid of any meaning whatsoever. Of course all the candidates are offering pro-growth proposals. No one is offering recessionary proposals.

McCain is offering lots of deficit spending while pretending he isn't. Here's a good Wall Street Journal article on the reality behind McCain's rhetoric:

I do not consider raising taxes on individuals and businesses 'pro-growth'. I do not consider policies such as Sarbnes-Oxley which end up overegulating and being punitive to businesses 'pro-growth'.

I understand Hillary and Obama will raise taxes. What else is in their base economic proposals?
Clarify what is a "pro-growth" policy? How is going back to levels of taxation under Clinton for the top 5% and keeping the Bush tax cuts in place for middle class folks not "pro-growth?" Last I checked the economy was indeed growing at a pretty nice clip, with decent but not exceptional growth across the board, not isolated among the top 5%.

"Pro-growth" is a stupid buzzword devoid of any meaning whatsoever. Of course all the candidates are offering pro-growth proposals. No one is offering recessionary proposals.

McCain is offering lots of deficit spending while pretending he isn't. Here's a good Wall Street Journal article on the reality behind McCain's rhetoric:

He's going to have to address the spending cuts in more detail but he is speaking right up my alley.