Pennsylvania predictions?

He's going to have to address the spending cuts in more detail but he is speaking right up my alley.

This is right up your alley?

Sen. John McCain is proposing tax cuts that would either cause the federal deficit to explode or would require unprecedented spending cuts equal to one-third of federal spending on domestic programs.

Once thought of as a deficit hawk, the near-certain Republican presidential nominee is now putting more stress on the traditional Republican orthodoxy of tax cuts. Altogether, he proposes more than $650 billion in tax cuts a year, much of it benefiting corporations and upper-income families. That includes the cost of extending tax cuts implemented under President Bush that he voted against twice.

To help pay for it all, the Arizona senator says he would cut $160 billion a year from a federal discretionary budget that totals a little more than $1 trillion. He hasn't specified where the cuts would come from.

With military spending -- about half the total -- likely to rise or perhaps stay even, most if not all of the cuts would have to come from domestic programs. The discretionary budget, which excludes entitlements such as Medicare or Social Security, covers areas such as medical research, federal prisons, border security, student loans, food inspections and much else.

The $160 billion figure is equal to the total budget in 2007 for the departments of Education, Energy, Homeland Security, Justice and State.

The chances of cuts of this magnitude are "nonexistent," said Robert Bixby, executive director of the Concord Coalition, a nonpartisan group that promotes fiscal discipline. "There's not a consensus to cut back on the functions of government that much," he said. "Those are very, very deep cuts."

Although if McCain adds “the one thing I’m really going to cut is money for poor people so I can buy more bombs” then Cawacko will find a way to vote for him twice. Of course, he’ll have to push SF out of the way.
This is right up your alley?


A. The tax cuts are for all tax groups. Included in the upper income bracket are many small businesses which is where a majority of the jobs in the U.S. come from. Placing additional tax burdens on those entrepreneurs and people who are creating the jobs is not the best way to promote growth in my opinion.

I have no problem with lowering the corporate tax rate. I read recently that the U.S.'s rate is higher than most of who we would call 'competing nations'. When people ask why do corporations go overseas this is one example why. You can argue its not right but its a fact.

There is a lot of corporate welfare that I'm not for. That's a whole other discussion.
"It's the Economy Stupid" again.... If the economy doesn't improve, what you or I think of McCain will not matter. People won't pay attention to his message if they are more concerned about whether they can put food on the table and gas in the tank.

Republicans were actually in better shape when the focus was on Iraq. Iraq is far far away. A couple military and diplomatic successes a week or two before the election and suddenly Iraq doesn't look that bad.

Recession? Soon the economic optimists will admit to a recession that will likely last a year. Regardless of where blame belongs, it will fall on Bush and transfer to McCain.
Unlike many here, I do think he's a good man and would make a good President.

Our problems run deeper than gas prices on big signs all over town. It is in housing, jobs, and even food prices. Right or Wrong, a good or struggling economy will stick to McCain.

If the Economy does't improve before November, the next President will be a Dem.
Despite all the juvenile attacks I took, looks like some of us where spot on in our predictions...

Clinton by double digits, and I've even herd Obama say, this is going until the 'bitter' end. The push Hillery out crown is silenced and this is going on. And suddenly everyone's giving credit to Hillery's premise for the nomination, the swing states, when just a few day's ago many 'intellectuals' here ridiculed me for making such a prediction.
Despite all the juvenile attacks I took, looks like some of us where spot on in our predictions...

Clinton by double digits, and I've even herd Obama say, this is going until the 'bitter' end. The push Hillery out crown is silenced and this is going on. And suddenly everyone's giving credit to Hillery's premise for the nomination, the swing states, when just a few day's ago many 'intellectuals' here ridiculed me for making such a prediction.

She won by 9.2%, but yeah, I'll give you props.

I'm just now starting to realize that much more of the population than I had originally thought is as dumb as you are.