Perfect example of today's liberal assholes

tin-ged foil you start a thread liberal asswholes and expect to not be called on your GED or your KKK membership. Fucking cracker your bringing down the average intelligence of whites all by yourself.
Looks like the readers of fox online think so too. You think they are liberal? LOL

"Lastly and most importantly, I think the Tea Baggers are really our canary in the mine that we are entering our late empire period. Crisis and decline in such situations does not lead to discrediting the failed ideologies that caused the given crisis, but rather the belief that we are failing because we where not faithful enough to those ideals. (Think of the crisis in Islamic world and the rise of fundamentalism.)"
YouTube- Janeane Garofalo calls teabaggers "racist rednecks"

Just listen to rapid fire strawman arguments. She frames the tea party as all white redneck racists. LOL Wow, what a feat to knock them down! I can't believe I ever found her funny. What a sad person that coont is. She's famous, but washed up. She hasn't been funny for years. Now she's reduced to building strawmen for the king of partisans, olberman. Jesus christ, what a disgusting display. Party of tolerance? LOL Party of acceptance? That's biggest joke ever.

Even your president calls people names. You liberals truly make the most ironic claims of your party.

The only good thing about Janeane Garofalo isn't she hasn't produced any children and in true Watermark style, she should either be sterilized or imprisoned for the rest of her natural born life (I won't go as far as he and say executed).
I'd hit it.:good4u:

tin-ged foil you start a thread liberal asswholes and expect to not be called on your GED or your KKK membership. Fucking cracker your bringing down the average intelligence of whites all by yourself.
WASHINGTON, May 5 (UPI) -- At least 32 African-Americans are running for Congress this year as Republicans, the biggest surge since Reconstruction, party officials said.

Party officials and the candidates said they recognize they have uphill battles in the primary and general elections, but they also note that black Republicans are running with confidence, The New York Times reported Wednesday.
The only good thing about Janeane Garofalo isn't she hasn't produced any children and in true Watermark style, she should either be sterilized or imprisoned for the rest of her natural born life (I won't go as far as he and say executed).

LOL she gets to wake up miserable every day already. I can't imagine a worse life than to be as famolus as she is and then be such an angry asshole.

At least I have an excuse. She has money and fame and she can't can't find happiness.

I feel sorry for her type of person.

No I don't LOL I think they deserve their self-induce misery

Fucking liberals like this make the reasonable ones look bad.

Lorax, et al, I don't associate you with this shit, just so you know. I know it's the rabid partisans and the arrogant pricks in the crowd.
YouTube- Janeane Garofalo calls teabaggers "racist rednecks"

Just listen to rapid fire strawman arguments. She frames the tea party as all white redneck racists. LOL Wow, what a feat to knock them down! I can't believe I ever found her funny. What a sad person that coont is. She's famous, but washed up. She hasn't been funny for years. Now she's reduced to building strawmen for the king of partisans, olberman. Jesus christ, what a disgusting display. Party of tolerance? LOL Party of acceptance? That's biggest joke ever.

Even your president calls people names. You liberals truly make the most ironic claims of your party.
Well if wingnut extremist like you can't handle the truth don't come running to us main stream folk playing the cry baby.

As far as I can tell, that's a "Thank you Captain Obvious" observation by Garafallo.
Janeane Garofalo is an idiot. I love how people who claim to be liberal and point fingers about how others are so closed-minded, even though they themselves are equally closed-minded.
Who cares if she is. For an extremist racist like Tin head to be cry babbying about it falls on deaf ears. He's fairly clueless about the staggering degree of his own hypocrcacy. He's in no position to criticize Ms. Garafalo and expect people to give him any credibility. The fact is, his is a card carrying KKK, trailer park dwelling, racist. One hypcrit extremist crying about another one doen't score no sympathy points from me.

Topper is right, Tinhead would be better off taking a few remedial classes and trying to get accepted into a community college with low standards.
The only good thing about Janeane Garofalo isn't she hasn't produced any children and in true Watermark style, she should either be sterilized or imprisoned for the rest of her natural born life (I won't go as far as he and say executed).
I like Jeanine. I don't agree with all of her politics to say the least but I can remember when she put the smack down on that little mouth breather on Fox and friends. That was hillarious!