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This is the question for the new philosophy: how intellection can be integrated into life.

The ideas of William James or Simone de Beauvoir might really help you figure some things out in your life and become less miserable and improve your relationships. Self-reflection goes better in the company of world-champion self-reflectors: Pascal or Montaigne, Nietzsche or Kierkegaard.

I think that epistemology might have some interesting things to say about internet disinformation, for example, or about the effects of racial violence on knowledge. Philosophers of this century have been intent on proving philosophy’s usefulness in such projects.
"Perhaps the personal and the public will provide essential routes of progress for traditional questions, or will lead to new sorts of answers. Even as philosophy as an academic discipline is again endangered by budget cuts and considerations of prestige and practicality, there is no doubt that the new philosophy has brought in its train a much-needed renewal of urgency, energy, and sense of practical purpose.
"Perhaps the personal and the public will provide essential routes of progress for traditional questions, or will lead to new sorts of answers. Even as philosophy as an academic discipline is again endangered by budget cuts and considerations of prestige and practicality, there is no doubt that the new philosophy has brought in its train a much-needed renewal of urgency, energy, and sense of practical purpose.

Fuck you.
how intellection can be integrated into life.
The word is "intellect," not "intellection." You are, of course, free to engage in wordcraft to make puns and such, but this joke of yours wasn't particularly funny.

The ideas of William James or Simone de Beauvoir might really help you figure some things out in your life
You have to specify which ideas those are.

Self-reflection goes better in the company of world-champion self-reflectors: Pascal or Montaigne, Nietzsche or Kierkegaard.
What were their respective self-reflection scores? I don't recall them faring very well in the Euroreflection finals.

I think that epistemology might have some interesting things to say about internet disinformation,
Epistemology cannot speak.

or about the effects of racial violence on knowledge.
You are a fucking moron if you think this means anything. Why, oh why, do you feel compelled to waste this site's bandwidth. I know you mean well, but you are as stupid as fuck. Do you even bother to read your posts before you post?

This is where we devolve into "Fuck you!"s. I'll start: Fuck you, shit for brains.

The word is "intellect," not "intellection." You are, of course, free to engage in wordcraft to make puns and such, but this joke of yours wasn't particularly funny.

You have to specify which ideas those are.

What were their respective self-reflection scores? I don't recall them faring very well in the Euroreflection finals.

Epistemology cannot speak.

You are a fucking moron if you think this means anything. Why, oh why, do you feel compelled to waste this site's bandwidth. I know you mean well, but you are as stupid as fuck. Do you even bother to read your posts before you post?

This is where we devolve into "Fuck you!"s. I'll start: Fuck you, shit for brains.


That one is a special kind of dimwit
This is the question for the new philosophy: how intellection can be integrated into life.

The ideas of William James or Simone de Beauvoir might really help you figure some things out in your life and become less miserable and improve your relationships. Self-reflection goes better in the company of world-champion self-reflectors: Pascal or Montaigne, Nietzsche or Kierkegaard.

I think that epistemology might have some interesting things to say about internet disinformation, for example, or about the effects of racial violence on knowledge. Philosophers of this century have been intent on proving philosophy’s usefulness in such projects.

Very possibly true, but so can donuts, and they're a more easily accessible commodity.
This is the question for the new philosophy: how intellection can be integrated into life.

The ideas of William James or Simone de Beauvoir might really help you figure some things out in your life and become less miserable and improve your relationships. Self-reflection goes better in the company of world-champion self-reflectors: Pascal or Montaigne, Nietzsche or Kierkegaard.

I think that epistemology might have some interesting things to say about internet disinformation, for example, or about the effects of racial violence on knowledge. Philosophers of this century have been intent on proving philosophy’s usefulness in such projects.

I would love to hear what you think epistemology might have to say about internet disinformation.

Racial violence on knowledge? Thomas Sowell definitely has something to say about that bullshit. Walter Williams, may he rest in peace, certainly does too.

Whats most hilarious is people like you think "intellection" means you're smart. Try reading God and Intelligence by Fulton Sheen. Also Intellectuals and Society by Sowell. You would need 3 generations to be half as smart as him.
I would love to hear what you think epistemology might have to say about internet disinformation.

Racial violence on knowledge? Thomas Sowell definitely has something to say about that bullshit. Walter Williams, may he rest in peace, certainly does too.

Whats most hilarious is people like you think "intellection" means you're smart. Try reading God and Intelligence by Fulton Sheen. Also Intellectuals and Society by Sowell. You would need 3 generations to be half as smart as him.

go kill yourself you piece of garbage
go kill yourself you piece of garbage

I honestly can't think of a situation in which I would actually say that to someone. Even someone I really disliked. I'm always fascinated by how far hatred can pull someone. I know I'm prone to hitting back when hit but this is actually on the verge of evil.
go kill yourself you piece of garbage

I've told you a 1000 times I never will. That's a hope of yours that will always be dashed.

This represents what's wrong with leftists. You prefer ideas to truth. You like the idea of my killing myself but the truth is it will never happen but that doesnt deter you from the asinine idea. It's like people with penises actually becoming a woman because they feel like a woman. It's a nice idea but it isn't based in truth. Living in a world of nothing but ideas leads people to leftism.
But at least I'm not telling other people to kill themselves. That's just pure evil.

Nah. Basically, it's just idle talk.
People often don't bother to be creative when they purport to be disrespectful. They just say whatever.

It's actually difficult to convince somebody not so inclined to kill him/herself.

Sometimes you have to do the wet work yourself.
Nah. Basically, it's just idle talk.
People often don't bother to be creative when they purport to be disrespectful. They just say whatever.

It's actually difficult to convince somebody not so inclined to kill him/herself.

Sometimes you have to do the wet work yourself.

I just find it ironic that the person who decrees everyone else to be evil-doers, trolls and stalkers on this forum spews that level of hatred.
I honestly can't think of a situation in which I would actually say that to someone. Even someone I really disliked. I'm always fascinated by how far hatred can pull someone. I know I'm prone to hitting back when hit but this is actually on the verge of evil.
Let's talk about BidenPresident for a moment. The first thing that stands out is that he doesn't know anything. The most you will ever get out of him is touchy-feely opinions that are nonetheless stupid.

The second thing that should stand out is that if you don't simply agree with his crap, i.e. you try to add your opinion, or you contribute related science/research/knowledge to the thread, he gets pissy and issues one of these four statements*:

1: "fuck you" (60% likely)
2: "you don't know anything" (15% likely)
3: "please kill yourself" (15% likely)
4: "back onto ignore you go (10% likely)

* - everything is in lower case because he hasn't learned about upper case letters yet

The third thing that should readily stand out is that even his opinions are given to him. In Cypress' manner, BidenPresidnet merely cites what he has been told to say that experts say.

Ergo, instead of responding to BidenPresident or attempting to contribute to one of his threads, just ask him for a "fuck you" and a "please kill yourself." He has a 2-for-1 special going on right now.

This is the question for the new philosophy: how intellection can be integrated into life.

The ideas of William James or Simone de Beauvoir might really help you figure some things out in your life and become less miserable and improve your relationships. Self-reflection goes better in the company of world-champion self-reflectors: Pascal or Montaigne, Nietzsche or Kierkegaard.

I think that epistemology might have some interesting things to say about internet disinformation, for example, or about the effects of racial violence on knowledge. Philosophers of this century have been intent on proving philosophy’s usefulness in such projects.

I'd say the opposite. People misunderstanding Epistemology are the root cause of "disinformation."