Pinheads Frustrated Cons Aren't Crawling in Hole!

This is utter BULLSHIT!

No one is going ban the guns.

It has been determined by this country that gun regulation is perfectly legal.

If your country doesnt want cops gunned down on the streets by criminals who outarm them then you better just accept it.

If you dont then you are a criminal talking about killing your fellow Americans because you dont like our countries laws.

You are going aggainst what we have all determined to be our constitution.

YOu dont get to FORCE your interpitation on the rest of us.

Its a democracy and your interpitation is WRONG!

Then you are completely ignoring how this occured in Australia, to name just one Country where REGISTRATION led to CONFISCATION.
Everywhere I turn, I am confronted with angry liberals, who want to call me every name in the book and then some, because I disagree with their socialist agenda. Because Obama is a black man, this somehow gives them the right to call me a racist as well. I really thought, after such a monumental win in November, and this "new day" in America, we would see more pleasantries from the left, but they seem very bitter and angry, still!

I think it is because of frustration. They fully expected, when they won the election, all conservatives would promptly run crawl in a hole... possibly up there in Wyoming somewhere... but that didn't happen. All across America, you have conservatives speaking out against the liberal agenda and socializing of America. You have conservatives holding this administration and joke of a Congress accountable for these left-wing policies out of the Communist Manifesto, and using the minority platform to expose liberals for the general frauds they are, and you pinheads can't stand it. This all frustrates the hell out of you, because you fully expected America to collectively roll over and embrace liberalism after electing Obama!

Didn't happen. :cool:

And we have the daily press conferences... we have the daily tax cheat exposed... democrats spend another trillion dollars to line the pockets of their contributors, and life goes on. But why are you so angry, left? You've got everything you wanted, you have complete and unfettered control of Washington, and Republicans can't stop you. Yet, your main concern at the moment, is silencing talk radio. It's not good enough that you won an election and finally garnered enough power and control to implement your socialist agenda, you want to completely silence any and all dissent. It's totalitarian fascism on full display.

Son I like you. Your my kinda feller though I gotter be carefull sayin that with all these libral bleedin hearts around. Probably get mad at me cause I don't send you flowers or sumthin.

Dixie, by the way that's fine name sir, don't take these weak kneed scaredy cat little sister librals to seriously. Hell I never letum get under my skin and they's always yellin at me bout sumthin.

Like when I was diggen up my septic tank they was hollern "Earl! Ya'll cant throw that crap on your vegetable garden! You'll contamenate the groundwater with E. Coli. So I'm thinkin big deal! Who is this E. Coli feller anyways that I gotta worry bout his ground water. Never heard of the feller. Now we got some Clayburns and some Colemans and a Vesperman or two in our neck of the woods but I'd never heard no Coli's round these parts. Rather snobby to be going by his first initial too, doncha think? Though it do make me wonder if his first name aint Earl too? But I digress. Who cares bout this E feller and his ground water. Hell ya can't drink water in the ground anywas its tap water ya'll has to watch out fer! Shoot I thought everyone knowed that but not these crybaby librals.

WAKE UP AMERICA! It's gettin so decent Americans can't shoot a gun, build a home made cherry bomb or lynch a nigra or two with out havin to hear all this mamby pamby cry baby librals callin us names. It just aint decent! Why just the other day this purty gal from Californy got inta heaps of trouble and gots called a halfbrained bitch cause some feller whose a little light in th loafers didn't like it when she said that two fellers couldn't get married. You'da thought shed called Mother Teresa a bad name or sumptin the way those cry baby librals carried on. Well hell, if God wanted two men to get married he would of gived em divorce lawyers like he did cousin Charlies first wife!

And that's bout alls I got to say bout that.

Buttz out!
Everywhere I turn, I am confronted with angry liberals, who want to call me every name in the book and then some, because I disagree with their socialist agenda. Because Obama is a black man, this somehow gives them the right to call me a racist as well. I really thought, after such a monumental win in November, and this "new day" in America, we would see more pleasantries from the left, but they seem very bitter and angry, still!

I think it is because of frustration. They fully expected, when they won the election, all conservatives would promptly run crawl in a hole... possibly up there in Wyoming somewhere... but that didn't happen. All across America, you have conservatives speaking out against the liberal agenda and socializing of America. You have conservatives holding this administration and joke of a Congress accountable for these left-wing policies out of the Communist Manifesto, and using the minority platform to expose liberals for the general frauds they are, and you pinheads can't stand it. This all frustrates the hell out of you, because you fully expected America to collectively roll over and embrace liberalism after electing Obama!

Didn't happen. :cool:

And we have the daily press conferences... we have the daily tax cheat exposed... democrats spend another trillion dollars to line the pockets of their contributors, and life goes on. But why are you so angry, left? You've got everything you wanted, you have complete and unfettered control of Washington, and Republicans can't stop you. Yet, your main concern at the moment, is silencing talk radio. It's not good enough that you won an election and finally garnered enough power and control to implement your socialist agenda, you want to completely silence any and all dissent. It's totalitarian fascism on full display.

Its all about the next election for them Dixie. They need complete control of The Media in order to convince voters that it is the Republican's fault when the economy tanks, Iran has nukes and a terrorist attack vaporizes a US city.

during the Marshall Court (1801–1836), which declared the Court to be the supreme arbiter of the Constitution (see Marbury v. Madison) and made several important rulings which gave shape and substance to the constitutional balance of power between the federal government (referred to at the time as the "general government") and the states.
But the Senate has the right to impeach judges...

during the Marshall Court (1801–1836), which declared the Court to be the supreme arbiter of the Constitution (see Marbury v. Madison) and made several important rulings which gave shape and substance to the constitutional balance of power between the federal government (referred to at the time as the "general government") and the states.

yes, between those three branches of government, the judiciary is the arbiter of the constitution, however, we the people are the writers of that constitution and what we say, goes.
It is against the constitution right now.

Now that is a priceless quote!

Yeah, Desh, for now, it's against the constitution. But what about in a couple of years when Obama gets to appoint another fringe looney nutbag to keep Ginsberg company? What will be against the constitution then? That's what I'm concerned about. It doesn't matter what the constitution means now, totally irrelevant.

You guys have already demonstrated how grossly you can misinterpret the constitution. All the while, imagining the Founding Fathers being on your side! I had one of you pinheads yesterday, trying to convince me, the founding fathers would have been all for socialized medicine, had they known of the remarkable advancements to come in medicine.
Now that is a priceless quote!

Yeah, Desh, for now, it's against the constitution. But what about in a couple of years when Obama gets to appoint another fringe looney nutbag to keep Ginsberg company? What will be against the constitution then? That's what I'm concerned about. It doesn't matter what the constitution means now, totally irrelevant.

You guys have already demonstrated how grossly you can misinterpret the constitution. All the while, imagining the Founding Fathers being on your side! I had one of you pinheads yesterday, trying to convince me, the founding fathers would have been all for socialized medicine, had they known of the remarkable advancements to come in medicine.

Isn't that great? I though of making it part of my sig.
Everywhere I turn, I am confronted with angry liberals, who want to call me every name in the book and then some, because I disagree with their socialist agenda. Because Obama is a black man, this somehow gives them the right to call me a racist as well. I really thought, after such a monumental win in November, and this "new day" in America, we would see more pleasantries from the left, but they seem very bitter and angry, still!

I think it is because of frustration. They fully expected, when they won the election, all conservatives would promptly run crawl in a hole... possibly up there in Wyoming somewhere... but that didn't happen. All across America, you have conservatives speaking out against the liberal agenda and socializing of America. You have conservatives holding this administration and joke of a Congress accountable for these left-wing policies out of the Communist Manifesto, and using the minority platform to expose liberals for the general frauds they are, and you pinheads can't stand it. This all frustrates the hell out of you, because you fully expected America to collectively roll over and embrace liberalism after electing Obama!

Didn't happen. :cool:

And we have the daily press conferences... we have the daily tax cheat exposed... democrats spend another trillion dollars to line the pockets of their contributors, and life goes on. But why are you so angry, left? You've got everything you wanted, you have complete and unfettered control of Washington, and Republicans can't stop you. Yet, your main concern at the moment, is silencing talk radio. It's not good enough that you won an election and finally garnered enough power and control to implement your socialist agenda, you want to completely silence any and all dissent. It's totalitarian fascism on full display.


Another brilliant post from Dixie! Keep em comin!
Everywhere I turn, I am confronted with angry liberals, who want to call me every name in the book and then some, because I disagree with their socialist agenda. Because Obama is a black man, this somehow gives them the right to call me a racist as well. I really thought, after such a monumental win in November, and this "new day" in America, we would see more pleasantries from the left, but they seem very bitter and angry, still!

I think it is because of frustration. They fully expected, when they won the election, all conservatives would promptly run crawl in a hole... possibly up there in Wyoming somewhere... but that didn't happen. All across America, you have conservatives speaking out against the liberal agenda and socializing of America. You have conservatives holding this administration and joke of a Congress accountable for these left-wing policies out of the Communist Manifesto, and using the minority platform to expose liberals for the general frauds they are, and you pinheads can't stand it. This all frustrates the hell out of you, because you fully expected America to collectively roll over and embrace liberalism after electing Obama!

Didn't happen. :cool:

And we have the daily press conferences... we have the daily tax cheat exposed... democrats spend another trillion dollars to line the pockets of their contributors, and life goes on. But why are you so angry, left? You've got everything you wanted, you have complete and unfettered control of Washington, and Republicans can't stop you. Yet, your main concern at the moment, is silencing talk radio. It's not good enough that you won an election and finally garnered enough power and control to implement your socialist agenda, you want to completely silence any and all dissent. It's totalitarian fascism on full display.

Of course cons are not crawling in holes, they can't fit their fat heads in there.