Pinheads Resort to Bumping 3-year-old Threads!

Faced with the embarrassment of the current administration's failure to turn the economy around, in spite of spending trillions of taxpayer dollars to do so, the liberal democrats here have decided to wage a personal vendetta against Dixie, and rehash 3-year-old arguments and posts of mine, because they don't want to face the music or have to admit they were wrong about Obama's broken promises of Hope and Change.

It is far more beneficial to their side, to meander through old threads and find things they can construe as 'contradictions' in my postings. This is designed to take the heat off their party for the dismal failures of the Obama administration, and avoid being accountable for electing the fraud as president. Unable to fly their typical excuses anymore, they must resort to some measure of distraction, so that people are consumed by something other than spiraling inflation, astronomical debt, and skyrocketing unemployment. It is far more important for them to focus on something they perceive me to be 'inconsistent' about, than to address the loss of over 2 million jobs since their president was elected on the promise he would bring jobs back. It is paramount that they focus their attention on my past postings, rather than the war in Iraq, which their president mislead the American people about, claiming he would end the war, but hasn't.

This is what the Democrat Party has become. A roving band of misfits who lack any moral clarity or ability to rationally discuss ANY issue. Choosing instead, to gleefully participate in character assassination and distortion on a grand scale. They have all become experts at lying and spin, they've practiced since the days of Clinton, and now they will implement their plan to destroy anyone who doesn't tow the party line, so you better all watch out.
Faced with the embarrassment of the current administration's failure to turn the economy around, in spite of spending trillions of taxpayer dollars to do so, the liberal democrats here have decided to wage a personal vendetta against Dixie, and rehash 3-year-old arguments and posts of mine, because they don't want to face the music or have to admit they were wrong about Obama's broken promises of Hope and Change.

It is far more beneficial to their side, to meander through old threads and find things they can construe as 'contradictions' in my postings. This is designed to take the heat off their party for the dismal failures of the Obama administration, and avoid being accountable for electing the fraud as president. Unable to fly their typical excuses anymore, they must resort to some measure of distraction, so that people are consumed by something other than spiraling inflation, astronomical debt, and skyrocketing unemployment. It is far more important for them to focus on something they perceive me to be 'inconsistent' about, than to address the loss of over 2 million jobs since their president was elected on the promise he would bring jobs back. It is paramount that they focus their attention on my past postings, rather than the war in Iraq, which their president mislead the American people about, claiming he would end the war, but hasn't.

This is what the Democrat Party has become. A roving band of misfits who lack any moral clarity or ability to rationally discuss ANY issue. Choosing instead, to gleefully participate in character assassination and distortion on a grand scale. They have all become experts at lying and spin, they've practiced since the days of Clinton, and now they will implement their plan to destroy anyone who doesn't tow the party line, so you better all watch out.


I love watching conservatives have meltdowns


The Black Goddess
What's that you say? You have the mentality of a 5-year-old? I would have guessed 7, but who am I to argue with you?

LOL, is that all you got?
Too bad he's not Black, then you could bring up his ancestors and make references to "strange fruit" and then you'd put him in his proverbial place.

35110-dancing_fat_guy.gif seems like the erotic poetry writing trailer trash dad seems to think that there exists some statute of limitations on statements made on the internet.

Does he really think that simply because his statement that he PERSONALLY believes that women who get abortions should be stoned to death was initially posted three years ago that somehow it becomes invalid and unable to be legitimately quoted? seems like the erotic poetry writing trailer trash dad seems to think that there exists some statute of limitations on statements made on the internet.

Does he really think that simply because his statement that he PERSONALLY believes that women who get abortions should be stoned to death was initially posted three years ago that somehow it becomes invalid and unable to be legitimately quoted?

LOL, I thought his argument was that what he personally believed was somehow different than what he himself believed.
LOL... Yep, this is how the Democrat Party is going to respond now that Obamamania has run its course, and the nation is waking up to the nightmare! Let's all focus on Dixie's threads from 3 years ago instead of the dismal state of the union, and all the problems Obama promised to fix but hasn't. Maybe we won't notice that things have gotten MUCH worse since Obama was elected, maybe we can distract the public enough with this petty carping about something a guy said years ago, because THAT is what America should be focused on right now, not the catastrophe that IS the Obama Administration!

.....Pay no attention to the buffoon behind the curtain!!
LOL... Yep, this is how the Democrat Party is going to respond now that Obamamania has run its course, and the nation is waking up to the nightmare! Let's all focus on Dixie's threads from 3 years ago instead of the dismal state of the union, and all the problems Obama promised to fix but hasn't. Maybe we won't notice that things have gotten MUCH worse since Obama was elected, maybe we can distract the public enough with this petty carping about something a guy said years ago, because THAT is what America should be focused on right now, not the catastrophe that IS the Obama Administration!

.....Pay no attention to the buffoon behind the curtain!!

Yeah right the entire Democratic party is on Dixies back.

OHH Puleeze! You are not nearly that important.

About 1/2 dozen dems on your back MR. King of overexaggeration.

btw you can open your curtain now.
LOL... Yep, this is how the Democrat Party is going to respond now that Obamamania has run its course, and the nation is waking up to the nightmare! Let's all focus on Dixie's threads from 3 years ago instead of the dismal state of the union, and all the problems Obama promised to fix but hasn't. Maybe we won't notice that things have gotten MUCH worse since Obama was elected, maybe we can distract the public enough with this petty carping about something a guy said years ago, because THAT is what America should be focused on right now, not the catastrophe that IS the Obama Administration!

.....Pay no attention to the buffoon behind the curtain!!

Wow. You may have a slight ego problem.
LOL... Yep, this is how the Democrat Party is going to respond now that Obamamania has run its course, and the nation is waking up to the nightmare! Let's all focus on Dixie's threads from 3 years ago instead of the dismal state of the union, and all the problems Obama promised to fix but hasn't. Maybe we won't notice that things have gotten MUCH worse since Obama was elected, maybe we can distract the public enough with this petty carping about something a guy said years ago, because THAT is what America should be focused on right now, not the catastrophe that IS the Obama Administration!

.....Pay no attention to the buffoon behind the curtain!!

it does not change the fact that you stated your personally held view that women who have abortions should be stoned to death.

that is SO beyond the pale as to disqualify you from intellectual discussions forever.
it does not change the fact that you stated your personally held view that women who have abortions should be stoned to death.

that is SO beyond the pale as to disqualify you from intellectual discussions forever.

its not that he believed it should happen, its just that he personally wanted it to.
How did Jesus put it. Let those without sin cast the first stone.

the woman would be safe among real Christians.
It is a shame, I have so much inside and can't properly express it. Dixie has no trouble with expressing, but he has so little to express.
Dixie: “Pinheads Resort to Bumping 3-year-old Threads!

This one?

Posted by CYPRESS: "You're on record saying that if it were up to you, women who get abortions should be stoned to death. Your words. You're on record with that."

Again you misinterpreted something I said and took it out of context to insist I said something I did not say! You do this all the time, and everyone rightwing extremists on this board with an ounce of honesty obsession know you do it. So continue to spew your LIES, that is all you are good for.

POSTED BY DIXIE: "If it were up to me personally, there would be no legal abortion... If any abortion occurred for any reason, it would be a crime of murder, punishable by death, preferably stoning, as God mandated in the Old Testament..... I merely made the point that I don't expect society to live by my personal beliefs, or our laws to be structured around what I personally believe”

…."My exception for rape and incest is a compromise, it doesn't mean I am a hypocrite, my personal view is not important, and I wouldn't expect society to conform to what I personally think, if I thought that was appropriate, I would advocate against all abortion and recommend stoning... IF it were up to me alone to decide. I hope that you can comprehend the context of what I stated…."

Yours Truly,

Cypress the "Liar, Liar, LIAR!!!1!"
Last edited: seems like the erotic poetry writing trailer trash dad seems to think that there exists some statute of limitations on statements made on the internet.

Does he really think that simply because his statement that he PERSONALLY believes that women who get abortions should be stoned to death was initially posted three years ago that somehow it becomes invalid and unable to be legitimately quoted?

interesting.....i wonder if christ ever preached or talked that way to people who lived in lesser accomodations than others....
I wonder if Clarence Darrow ever showed the lack of honesty and ethics that you do?

you're lying....i've never "showed" those as you claim...whereas your posts are for all to wonder you have to attack me instead of answering my post.....

shame really...