Plenty of oil...

Can you link me up to the evidence that says anwar can be tapped with not harm to the enviroment?

Do I need to provide you the evidence? Are you going to just ridicule any links I present to you?

The technology in oil exploration has gotten very advanced over the last 25 years. All you have to do is to take a look at the oil drilling in North Dakota to see the advancements. NBC Dateline has done several stories on how little negative effect drilling would have on the environment. It would amount to nothing more than an access point looking not much different than a fire hydrant. The ability to drill horizontally greatly reduces the environmental impact. Wildlife around the Alaskan pipeline has actually increased because of the pipeline.
The quickest to tap and get to market is off the coast of FL.

We should be there in force and drilling as fast as we can. We should also be in ANWR. We should be tapping every resource we can. We should also be building more refineries so the oil can be refined as quickly as possible and brought to market in the form of refined fuel. The more fuel available to the consumer, the cheaper fuel will be and the price of everything associated with fuel, which is pretty much everything, will drop.
Yep FL needs a refinery there, I don't think they have a single one in the state.

the anwar oil will take a while, but yes we will drill it. I also read about the oil cos not pumping all the north slope oil that they were supposed to be pumping.
Yep FL needs a refinery there, I don't think they have a single one in the state.

The anwar oil will take a while, but yes we will drill it. I also read about the oil cos not pumping all the north slope oil that they were supposed to be pumping.

If we had drilled ANWR during the Clinton Administration, the price of oil would not be as high as it is today. Drilling and increasing the amount of oil production in this country is not going to happen overnight. It will take a few years. ANWR might very well take 10 years to actually see oil on the market. This would be happening now if we had started 10 years ago.

Who is stopping the exploration of oil by America?
no DO NOT DRILL FL OR ANWR why go for cheap prices. I love them high, save the Carribue and the beaches.
no DO NOT DRILL FL OR ANWR why go for cheap prices. I love them high, save the Carribue and the beaches.

And here, smart boys, you have the actual oil company position. Because if any of you bothered to listen closely to yesterday's hearings, they admitted they were only drilling on a fraction of the acres they already have leases to drill on! And then, as if they thought they lived in the United States of collective Dumbasses and Amnesia victims, they gave their headline soundbite of "we need more land to drill on".

But we outsmarted them because today, the headlines say "Oil Execs need more land to drill on' and don't even mention that they already have millions of acres of land they can drill on but won't!

Oh, wait...
Isn't there a big funn in alaska where alaska is trying to take back csome leases where they can't get the oil companies to drill any more wells, and give them to other oil cos that will drill ?
I am talking about leases they have had for 20-30 years and won't drill.

I do believe I posted that on here recently.
Congress are the ones making collousal asses of themselves Darla and the turbo-libs.
We are going to sue Saudi for not producing more when we sit on billions more we could produce. INTERNATIONAL FALSE OUTRAGE BABY.
oil companies front men/women are gonna go down because the tide is turning on them. Start to see lots of criminal accusations and indictments that will draw whistle blowers out. Clearly the price of oil is not moving past the "let it slide" price.
Congress are the ones making collousal asses of themselves Darla and the turbo-libs.
We are going to sue Saudi for not producing more when we sit on billions more we could produce. INTERNATIONAL FALSE OUTRAGE BABY.

It's funny Top, that you say now we are sitting on billions more that we could produce but won’t, yet when the simple minds get together, including the ham-handed fist pundit or whoever, and start singing “it’s the environmentalists, they have to let us drill!” you sing right along and give them a big round of applause. All the while knowing they don’t know what they’re talking about, you guys are sitting on leased land you don’t want to drill because high oil prices are making you rich, but liberals are a fun scapegoat.

So whose ass is showing here top?
yours darla this water is way over you head.
Your years behind being able to claim there's not billions in Alaska or off florida.
As to your claim of other undrilled acres, that's like telling a homebuilder that every possible lot to build in the country does not include a house so you can't raise the price. It's a juvinille argument, but expected from someone as clueless about the industry as you.
yours darla this water is way over you head.
Your years behind being able to claim there's not billions in Alaska or off florida.
As to your claim of other undrilled acres, that's like telling a homebuilder that every possible lot to build in the country does not include a house so you can't raise the price. It's a juvinille argument, but expected from someone as clueless about the industry as you.

Um it's not my claim, it's the claim of the oil executives who testified yesterday.

They're already refusing to drill on the majority if acres they have available. Why?
Environmentalists have turned out to big oils biggest supporter. Nice to have someone to blame things on isn't it ?
If it wasn't for ANWAR who would the right blame ?
but the truth is there are plenty of places with oil that can and should already be drilled.