Plenty of oil...

it's over your head darla, we have millions of acres to drill since the seventies.
It's leased at 10yr intervals and it's drill it or lose it. Not all of them have oil by a long shot.
The leases the ol cos are fighting giving up in alaska are much older than 10 years and do appear to have oil under them.
it's over your head darla, we have millions of acres to drill since the seventies.
It's leased at 10yr intervals and it's drill it or lose it. Not all of them have oil by a long shot.

Wtf are you babbling about? Stop telling me it’s over my head, and offer a legible, coherent explanation for why oil executives testified yesterday that they are only drilling on one third of the acres they ALREADY own? What would be different if we gave them more to not drill on? Do oil executives want to increase supply and lower the price?

Answer the questions and knock your over the head crap off, you can’t reach my head.
Not sure if anyone posted this yet in this thread or elsewhere but it seems relevant to the discussion:

The world's premier energy monitor is preparing a sharp downward revision of its oil-supply forecast, a shift that reflects deepening pessimism over whether oil companies can keep abreast of booming demand.

The Paris-based International Energy Agency is in the middle of its first attempt to comprehensively assess the condition of the world's top 400 oil fields. Its findings won't be released until November, but the bottom line is already clear: Future crude supplies could be far tighter than previously thought.

A pessimistic supply outlook from the IEA could further rattle an oil market that already has seen crude prices rocket over $130 a barrel, double what they were a year ago. U.S. benchmark crude broke a record for the fourth day in a row, rising 3.3% Wednesday to close at $133.17 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

For several years, the IEA has predicted that supplies of crude and other liquid fuels will arc gently upward to keep pace with rising demand, topping 116 million barrels a day by 2030, up from around 87 million barrels a day currently. Now, the agency is worried that aging oil fields and diminished investment mean that companies could struggle to surpass 100 million barrels a day over the next two decades.
If they opened ANWR we would not drill on 100% of the acreage in yr 1, I'm mistaken in any assumption that you turbo-libs know even the smallest bit about the exploration and production of oil.
If they opened ANWR we would not drill on 100% of the acreage in yr 1, I'm mistaken in any assumption that you turbo-libs know even the smallest bit about the exploration and production of oil.

Top, I’ll type slowly and you follow along with your finger, and move your mouth to sound out the words.
Darla it's good to see you have a juvenille side to so I don't have to feel bad for bashing your head in with your moveon.turbo-lib uneducated comments.
How much you want to bet they open anwar and it'll be a mad rush to drill it.
Lets see how many billions of barrells came from the Alaska pipeline. Only a business equivalent of a retard would think we would pass on billions of dollars.
Dhula, I bet you didn't even have econ 101 right. So you hear a sound bite on the new and think you have it over thousands of experts who spend their careers providing you with cheap fuel. LOFL
Darla it's good to see you have a juvenille side to so I don't have to feel bad for bashing your head in with your moveon.turbo-lib uneducated comments.
How much you want to bet they open anwar and it'll be a mad rush to drill it.
Lets see how many billions of barrells came from the Alaska pipeline. Only a business equivalent of a retard would think we would pass on billions of dollars.
Dhula, I bet you didn't even have econ 101 right. So you hear a sound bite on the new and think you have it over thousands of experts who spend their careers providing you with cheap fuel. LOFL

I slept with my econ professor, and he said I had a very able economic mind. I know I got a 4.0.

So, when do you think you might answer the simple question, asked by someone you claim is a retard, of whether the oil companies want to increase supply and lower prices?
LOL he had a cheap price for giving away a grade.
Did you not understand my point about the undrilled leases?
i think that chinas demand for oil has had a big if not the biggest cause for high gas prices... but thats just a assumtion, nothing to back it up. just a thought
China and India combined are about 15% of what we use.
Yes they do affect the price some, but not nearly as much as we are led to believe. Unless there is not plenty of oil...
no DO NOT DRILL FL OR ANWR why go for cheap prices. I love them high, save the Carribue and the beaches.

Drilling is taking place 50 miles off the coast of Florida by Cuba. Is there drilling safer than ours? I think that China is drilling off the coast of California. Oil exploration is being done, just not by America.
Drilling is taking place 50 miles off the coast of Florida by Cuba. Is there drilling safer than ours? I think that China is drilling off the coast of California. Oil exploration is being done, just not by America.

well yes China is off the coast of California ;)