Policy question: Inflation

When Trump says "drill baby drill" it means more than just getting more oil out of the ground. It means easing stifling regulations. It means pipelines. It means FJB. And we get it. sorry OP doesn't
Objectively false and neither specific or measurable. F-
During Trumps news conference he claimed that the cost of oil had caused the spike in inflation.

Question: How will a policy of more drilling impact the price of goods and services. To what extent does an increase in oil/energy costs impact the cost of goods.

Please be specific regarding your claim and cite sources. Please state specific numbers.
In part it did. If gas and diesel cost more, the cost of operating vehicles using those fuels costs more. So, trucking firms, railways, cargo jets, etc., all raise their shipping rates. That in turn causes everybody else in the supply chain to raise their rates because costs have gone up. It doesn't take a big amount of rate change to cause inflation as a result.
The same goes for products--and there are lots and lots of them--that use oil in their manufacturing process. If, for example, raw plastic costs more, then plastics manufacturers of end products will raise their prices to reflect the higher cost of the raw materials they are using.

All of that is self-evident and doesn't require some sort of sourcing to validate. But if you want them, here:

It’s one answer of many.
Agree. It is not simple. That being said, studies are pretty consistent on the quantifiable impact of change in oil prices. So far though, no one has bothered to research. Which is fine. Just a little test on my part. I’m going to do more of these. Mainly to demonstrate that there are very few serious people here.
I did manage to get a masters in economics. Would you like to know what my thesis was?
Yet you fail to realize the direct correlation between fuel prices and inflation? Figures. :facepalm:

Okay, what was your thesis on? :rolleyes2:
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Agree. It is not simple. That being said, studies are pretty consistent on the quantifiable impact of change in oil prices. So far though, no one has bothered to research. Which is fine. Just a little test on my part. I’m going to do more of these. Mainly to demonstrate that there are very few serious people here.
lol. That’s demonstrated here every day anyway.
Geez it’s as simple as microeconomics gets.
It is macroeconomics, not microeconomics, but continue.

It increases the supply of a major commodity, reducing demand which reduces its price which in turn reduces the cost of distribution of goods.
Crashing the price of oil means that investment crashes by more. If investment goes up by x every dollar of increase in prices, it goes down by two x with every dollar of decrease. Investors price the risk of lower prices very heavily. So that means that decreasing the price will lead to much higher prices in the long term.

It takes a lot of finesse to get past this trap. Biden has it, and has gotten more drilling in the first three years of his administration than trump was able to get in the first three years.
During Trumps news conference he claimed that the cost of oil had caused the spike in inflation.

Question: How will a policy of more drilling impact the price of goods and services. To what extent does an increase in oil/energy costs impact the cost of goods.

Please be specific regarding your claim and cite sources. Please state specific numbers.
I believe that he claimed the price of gasoline per barrel was way up, not crude oil. lol

The price of this commodity does affect inflation, as well as making transportation of goods more expensive. Drilling won't do much to help as crude is a commodity and is sold on the world market. The price has to do with supply and demand; ditto for the cost of almost everything else. If we dump more crude into the world marketplace, OPEC will simply cut theirs to keep prices up. I doubt if too many people want to give the U.S. president the power to tell oil companies that they can only sell their products in the U.S. Or maybe they do. MAGATs are not too bright.
How much.? How does Trumps 'drill baby drill' impact overall oil production, and what quantifiable impact would that have on inflation. Your assertion that an increase in the supply of a good decrease demand is completely incorrect. Grade: D+

No. I asked what that impact is. Can you read?
we've witnessed the results of Trump's approach and Biden's approach to energy......which one has cost American consumers AND American business more over a four year period.....now 3,2,1....vote!.......
How much.? How does Trumps 'drill baby drill' impact overall oil production, and what quantifiable impact would that have on inflation. Your assertion that an increase in the supply of a good decrease demand is completely incorrect. Grade: D+
The MAGATards think that they are Acme Instant Economists(tm), just like they suddenly all become experts on epidemiology and virology during the pandemic. Drill baby drill doesn't do jack for supply if you don't have the refinery capacity to handle it. Plus, as I said in a prior post, it is sold on the world market and is not just for domestic consumption. Add more to the world supply? OPEC and others will just cut production to keep the price per barrel inflated.