Policy question: Inflation

Irony. Reread your post. Slowly.

How did that Exective order impact inflation. Be specific and cite sources. I’ll wait.
it has been explained to you many times over the last four years.......you have seen it happen........you ignore it....YOU wait.....WE'LL replace......
and still not a word about the Saudi / Russian oil price war.
the US oil industry went to Trump and asked him to help stem it before it crashed the US oil industry, Trump did NOTHING, and the Saudis drove the price of oil down so low there wasn't a US company that could even compete with them, ( oil futures went into the negitives ) so finally AFTER over 100 US oil drilling / producing companies went BANKRUPT and a lot of them out of business for good, Trump went to the Saudis and told them to cut their production and RAISE prices or he was going to stop ALL US military aid, and they did , and by the time the US refineries used up all the oil they had stored ( because it was sooo cheap ) it was about the end of Dec 2020, and oil prices started going up ,
US oil production was just 13 MBPD for ONE month under Trump then the oil price war happened and it went down to 9.7 MBPD and it was 9,9 MBPD the First of Feb, 2021 just after Biden took office and has been going up at a steady pace ever since and has been over 13 MBPD for over a year now. ( it did drop below 13 MBPD in Jan 2024 for ONE month.
Trump did a LOT of damage to the US oil industry a lot more then Biden has.
Have a nice day
your ignorance is palpable......
Mr. Owl also has a masters in business/economics, from the Univ. of Missouri at St. Louis. He sees the RW insistence on simplistic answers to complex issues, like the ones we've seen here, as typical of the poorly- and non-educated.
economics professionals are paid to be banker fascist shills for Keynesian tyranny
are you denying the demmycunts blocked the Keystone pipeline?.......I've never seen a more blatant rewriting of history......
are you denying the demmycunts blocked the Keystone pipeline?.......I've never seen a more blatant rewriting of history......
Can't YOU read? Asshole.
" your ignorance is palpable "
it was the CONSTRUCTION of the Keystone XL pipeline , a pipeline that was ONLY 8 PERCENT COMPLETE.
a pipeline that would NOT have been finished till about 6 months ago , if then.
A pipeline that NEVER delivered one drop of oil , a pipeline owned by the Koch brothers and was going to transport TAR SAND oil to the gulf to be shipped to CHINA, TAR SAND OIL is an oil we do NOT use for our gas, it is used majorly in making plastics, it was NOT the KEYSTONE PIPELINE.
the ONLY time the KEYSTONE pipeline was EVER SHUT DOWN was because of a leak, and it has had many, or maintenance.
the Government has NEVER shut down the KEYSTONE PIPELINE.
YOU need to educate yourself on the subject before YOU call anybody ignorant , you fucking ignorant asshole.
Have a nice day
Can't YOU read? Asshole.
" your ignorance is palpable "
it was the CONSTRUCTION of the Keystone XL pipeline , a pipeline that was ONLY 8 PERCENT COMPLETE.
a pipeline that would NOT have been finished till about 6 months ago , if then.
A pipeline that NEVER delivered one drop of oil , a pipeline owned by the Koch brothers and was going to transport TAR SAND oil to the gulf to be shipped to CHINA, TAR SAND OIL is an oil we do NOT use for our gas, it is used majorly in making plastics, it was NOT the KEYSTONE PIPELINE.
the ONLY time the KEYSTONE pipeline was EVER SHUT DOWN was because of a leak, and it has had many, or maintenance.
the Government has NEVER shut down the KEYSTONE PIPELINE.
YOU need to educate yourself on the subject before YOU call anybody ignorant , you fucking ignorant asshole.
Have a nice day
does anything in your post change the fact the idiotic cunts in the Biden/Harris administration shut it down?.......no, so stop being a whiney little bitch and admit your fuckups.......
does anything in your post change the fact the idiotic cunts in the Biden/Harris administration shut it down?.......no, so stop being a whiney little bitch and admit your fuckups.......
what is wrong with you????
the CONSTRUCTION of the KEYSTONE XL pipeline was NOT even 8% complete. it did NOT transport even one DROP of oil, so shutting it down did NOT effect our oil OR gas supply you fucken moron.
the Oil it WAS going to transport was going to China and would NOT effect the price of our gas here because we DO NOT use it for the type of gas we use it is basically used for making plastics.
and besides there was over 20 new / rebuilt oil and gas pipelines put on line from when Biden took over till 2022 and there have been over 20 more in the process of being built most to be finished in less then a year and about 20 more being planed to be built in the next few years.
so again shutting down the CONSTRUCTION of the Keystone XL pipeline did NOT make one bit of difference to our oil / gas supply.
and it is a fact that Trump with his inaction back in 2019 when the US oil drilling and producing companies went to him when the Saudi / Russian oil price war started and asked for his help Trump let over ONE HUNDRED US oil drilling and producing companies go BANKRUPT and most out of business FOR GOOD before HE did anything , Trump in that inaction did a LOT more damage to the US oil industry then anything Biden has done.
again it is a FACT that US oil production was only in the mid to high 11 MBPD range and was at 9.7 MBPD when Biden took office and has now been over 13 MBPD for over a year now.
looks like Biden has done more good for the US oil industry then Trump ever did
Have a nice day
what is wrong with you????
the CONSTRUCTION of the KEYSTONE XL pipeline was NOT even 8% complete. it did NOT transport even one DROP of oil, so shutting it down did NOT effect our oil OR gas supply you fucken moron.
the Oil it WAS going to transport was going to China and would NOT effect the price of our gas here because we DO NOT use it for the type of gas we use it is basically used for making plastics.
and besides there was over 20 new / rebuilt oil and gas pipelines put on line from when Biden took over till 2022 and there have been over 20 more in the process of being built most to be finished in less then a year and about 20 more being planed to be built in the next few years.
so again shutting down the CONSTRUCTION of the Keystone XL pipeline did NOT make one bit of difference to our oil / gas supply.
and it is a fact that Trump with his inaction back in 2019 when the US oil drilling and producing companies went to him when the Saudi / Russian oil price war started and asked for his help Trump let over ONE HUNDRED US oil drilling and producing companies go BANKRUPT and most out of business FOR GOOD before HE did anything , Trump in that inaction did a LOT more damage to the US oil industry then anything Biden has done.
again it is a FACT that US oil production was only in the mid to high 11 MBPD range and was at 9.7 MBPD when Biden took office and has now been over 13 MBPD for over a year now.
looks like Biden has done more good for the US oil industry then Trump ever did
Have a nice day
get your head out of your ass.......blocking the Keystone pipeline wasn't the only stupid thing that Biden did regarding energy....they've all contributed to higher energy prices.......but even if it would not have been used during his term it sent a message to developers in Canada and the northern US plains that the transportation needed to expand the shale fields would never be available.......future plans were shuttered in 2021 and Biden's interference has been felt.....ending future plans were also the result of his shutting down federal leases, his misguided EVA policy and silly no gas stove orders......
get your head out of your ass.......blocking the Keystone pipeline wasn't the only stupid thing that Biden did regarding energy....they've all contributed to higher energy prices.......but even if it would not have been used during his term it sent a message to developers in Canada and the northern US plains that the transportation needed to expand the shale fields would never be available.......future plans were shuttered in 2021 and Biden's interference has been felt.....ending future plans were also the result of his shutting down federal leases, his misguided EVA policy and silly no gas stove orders......
and do you have ANY idea why Canada didn't put in a pipeline running to their west coast. it would have been shorter and cheaper to build, give you a hint look at the record of the pipeline company and how many leaks they have had , heck the Keystone pipeline has has a lot of them, they didn't want that shit destroying their water supply , then they were going to run it over and just around / near some of the largest aquifers in our country.
I guess people having drinking water let alone CLEAN drinking water isn't that important to you and the MAGAS.
again LOOK at the mess Trump made for the US oil industry and how it has made a great comeback under Biden and then ask you was the better President for the industry
Have a nice day
get your head out of your ass.......blocking the Keystone pipeline wasn't the only stupid thing that Biden did regarding energy....they've all contributed to higher energy prices.......but even if it would not have been used during his term it sent a message to developers in Canada and the northern US plains that the transportation needed to expand the shale fields would never be available.......future plans were shuttered in 2021 and Biden's interference has been felt.....ending future plans were also the result of his shutting down federal leases, his misguided EVA policy and silly no gas stove orders......
and one more thing Biden did NOT shut down any leases that were already granted stop lying. he shut down having lease auctions ,
when he did that if your little brain can remember the Courts stepped in and said he couldn't do it, and he not only opened the auctions but granted many drilling permits .
in fact the ONLY thing that stayed in effect from the time Biden took office was the shutting down the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.
and the US oil industry has Millions and Millions of acres of US federal lands under lease so many that they can't use it all in the next 20 years , and have more drilling permits then they will use in the next 10 years , how much more land and how many more permits do they need?
Have a nice day
Mr. Owl also has a masters in business/economics, from the Univ. of Missouri at St. Louis. He sees the RW insistence on simplistic answers to complex issues, like the ones we've seen here, as typical of the poorly- and non-educated.
Exactly. I really don’t mind ‘dumbing down’ economic discussions, but I refuse to make them simplistic. And the idea that inflation would have been lower if we drilled more is so utterly simplistic that it would be derided in a 101 class. There is an impact on prices, but that impact has s muted when we measure core inflation. And it is somewhat measurable and quantifiable. ‘Drill baby, drill’ isn’t just uneducated, it is intellectually lazy and sloppy, and there is no excuse for someone who wants to participate in these discussions that they don’t even BOTHER to educate themselves.
energy is used in the manufacture and transport of all goods, thus a price change of any fuel will effect vast swaths of the economy.

can you understand this on a general level?

if not, specifics won't matter, and you're too stupid to be involved in this discussion.
Of course I understand it at a general level and never suggested otherwise. I asked a question. My guess is that this answer is the best you can do, but now that we have that out of the way, I’ll wait for your specifics. I posted a link, feel free to discuss it or find your own.
Exactly. I really don’t mind ‘dumbing down’ economic discussions, but I refuse to make them simplistic. And the idea that inflation would have been lower if we drilled more is so utterly simplistic that it would be derided in a 101 class. There is an impact on prices, but that impact has s muted when we measure core inflation. And it is somewhat measurable and quantifiable. ‘Drill baby, drill’ isn’t just uneducated, it is intellectually lazy and sloppy, and there is no excuse for someone who wants to participate in these discussions that they don’t even BOTHER to educate themselves.
They're not here to discuss, exchange ideas, learn new things. They're merely here to pop their rage pimples and spread RW propaganda and division. Sometimes I bother to reply in the hopes that we have silent lurkers who might pick up something new to ponder. But for sure there is no teaching those who cannot learn.
Of course I understand it at a general level and never suggested otherwise. I asked a question. My guess is that this answer is the best you can do, but now that we have that out of the way, I’ll wait for your specifics. I posted a link, feel free to discuss it or find your own.
the specifics don't dispute or change the general truth of trump's statement.

, so what's the point?

so you can distract and play games?

no thanks.

you already lost.
If you do not understand the importance of oil and natural gas in the lives of Americans and the rest of the world, you are too fucking stupid to get an answer to your asinine question.
Indeed. The pinnacle of his professional career is driving for Uber Eats so what do you expect?
When Trump says "drill baby drill" it means more than just getting more oil out of the ground. It means easing stifling regulations. It means pipelines. It means FJB. And we get it. sorry OP doesn't
Yep Biden said he was going to do away with fossil fuels. That makes getting financing for major energy projects harder and more expensive. Biden is trying to regulate ICE engine out of assistance that makes financing of energy projects harder to get and more expensive.
You’re kidding, right? Geez it’s as simple as microeconomics gets.
It increases the supply of a major commodity, reducing demand which reduces its price which in turn reduces the cost of distribution of goods.
Also buying oil from Americans instead of from other countries is MUCH better for our Balance of Trade and the economy.
I agree with this assessment. I would like to see some additional responses before I weigh in. Bottom line, ‘drill baby drill’ is a simpletons answer to a much more complex issue.
Selling oil and gas to other countries instead of buying oil from other countries will improve the trade balance and reduce inflation.