Policy question: Inflation

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They're not here to discuss, exchange ideas, learn new things. They're merely here to pop their rage pimples and spread RW propaganda and division. Sometimes I bother to reply in the hopes that we have silent lurkers who might pick up something new to ponder. But for sure there is no teaching those who cannot learn.
that's you, textbook cultural Marxist illuminati divide and conquer brainwash victim.
He signaled his anti fossil fuels position by canceling the XL Pipeline on his first first day in office.
just what GOOD would have the XL pipeline done for the people of the US and US oil industry?
it was going to transport Tar Sand oil to the Gulf to be shipped to China.
the US does NOT use Tar sand oil for the type of gas we use.
Tar sand oil is used in plastics and with the Keystone pipeline is already delivering all the tar sand oil we need for our plastics industry building the XL pipeline wouldn't have helped the US at all.
and running a Tar sand oil ( the dirtiest oil known to man ) pipeline built by a company that has a record of having many many leaks and a lot of problems over and near some of our most important AQUIFERS , that provide people in the mid west with the ONLY drinkable water they have sounds like a great idea to you I guess.
here read about all their leaks
and another thing you don't have to worry that China isn't getting all that tar sand oil the XL pipeline would have sent them the Trans Mountain oil pipeline started to deliver oil to the west coast of Canada back on May 1 st.
so there is a replacement for the XL pipeline and China will get all the Tar sand oil they want and our AQUIFERS will stay safe from oil spills.
Have a nice
just what GOOD would have the XL pipeline done for the people of the US and US oil industry?
it was going to transport Tar Sand oil to the Gulf to be shipped to China.
the US does NOT use Tar sand oil for the type of gas we use.
Tar sand oil is used in plastics and with the Keystone pipeline is already delivering all the tar sand oil we need for our plastics industry building the XL pipeline wouldn't have helped the US at all.
and running a Tar sand oil ( the dirtiest oil known to man ) pipeline built by a company that has a record of having many many leaks and a lot of problems over and near some of our most important AQUIFERS , that provide people in the mid west with the ONLY drinkable water they have sounds like a great idea to you I guess.
here read about all their leaks
and another thing you don't have to worry that China isn't getting all that tar sand oil the XL pipeline would have sent them the Trans Mountain oil pipeline started to deliver oil to the west coast of Canada back on May 1 st.
so there is a replacement for the XL pipeline and China will get all the Tar sand oil they want and our AQUIFERS will stay safe from oil spills.
Have a nice
OH one more thing
Tar sand oil is one of the MOST dirtiest and corrosive oils known to man.
so when it is running through these pipelines there is NO way of telling just what damage it is doing to that pipeline and seeing it is eating away at the pipe itself you can not see where it is going to leak, and Trans Canada pipeline company has very few people going up and down the length of their pipelines making sure there isn't any leaks and by the time they do find one thousands of barrels of oil are already all over the place.
and this IS the pipeline company you would trust with some Americans ONLY fresh water supply?
Have a nice day
just what GOOD would have the XL pipeline done for the people of the US and US oil industry?
30-40$ would have been used in the US. It would have created American refining jobs.

it was going to transport Tar Sand oil to the Gulf to be shipped to China.
the US does NOT use Tar sand oil for the type of gas we use.

Actually our Gulf Cost refineries are set up to handle heavy oil and tar sands. We sell West Texas intermediate oil and other light oils at a premium price and refine tar sand and heavy crude WHICH WE BUY AT A DISCOUNT because not every refinery can refine it.
Tar sand oil is used in plastics and with the Keystone pipeline is already delivering all the tar sand oil we need for our plastics industry building the XL pipeline wouldn't have helped the US at all.
You simply do not know what you are talking about. I'm from Orange Texas where the Petro chemical industry is HUGE practically my whole family worked in refining and in the plastics industry. My college summer job was at DuPont. MUCH of the oil from the Keystone XL Pipeline would have been refined in Texas.
and running a Tar sand oil ( the dirtiest oil known to man ) pipeline built by a company that has a record of having many many leaks and a lot of problems over and near some of our most important AQUIFERS , that provide people in the mid west with the ONLY drinkable water they have sounds like a great idea to you I guess.
here read about all their leaks
Hogwash the oil is going by rail ...panies+leak+record+&form=ANNTH1&refig[/QUOTE]
and another thing you don't have to worry that China isn't getting all that tar sand oil the XL pipeline would have sent them the Trans Mountain oil pipeline started to deliver oil to the west coast of Canada back on May 1 st.
so there is a replacement for the XL pipeline and China will get all the Tar sand oil they want and our AQUIFERS will stay safe from oil spills.
Have a nice
You have gotten terrible information. They same pearl clutching was done when they built the Alaskan pipeline and it has worked out just fine.
and they have ALREADY had safety problems with the Trans Canada pipeline.
The company building the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion has been cited for environmental non-compliance related to its management of recent flooding in British Columbia.
YEP lets let a pipeline company with a record for leaks like this one has build a Tar sand oil pipeline over / near some of our MOST IMPORTANT
Have a nice day
Also buying oil from Americans instead of from other countries is MUCH better for our Balance of Trade and the economy.
Seems everybody has forgotten early on in the Brandon admin. he shut down any new federal leases for oil production while at the same time begging Russia and S.A. to increase their production. This was before Russia invaded Ukraine.
I have to assume Kamala is of the same mindset, if not worse.
Of course all we can do is make assumptions with her since she will no longer reveal any policies she favors.
I suspect she'll dodge questions in her debate(s)? over specific policy questions.
During Trumps news conference he claimed that the cost of oil had caused the spike in inflation.

Question: How will a policy of more drilling impact the price of goods and services. To what extent does an increase in oil/energy costs impact the cost of goods.

Please be specific regarding your claim and cite sources. Please state specific numbers.

Here's an interesting blog that discusses the role of oil pricing in the current inflationary cycle. It looks like since 2022 the price of oil has DROPPED while the consumer price level stayed high. This indicates that oil pricing may not have been a significant player in the recent inflationary spike. Yes it played a role after COVID when pent up demand was released but it doesn't seem to be the thing in the driver's seat now.

If Trump wishes to drill-baby-drill he has to explain why when oil prices are dropping.

30-40$ would have been used in the US. It would have created American refining jobs.

Actually our Gulf Cost refineries are set up to handle heavy oil and tar sands. We sell West Texas intermediate oil and other light oils at a premium price and refine tar sand and heavy crude WHICH WE BUY AT A DISCOUNT because not every refinery can refine it.

You simply do not know what you are talking about. I'm from Orange Texas where the Petro chemical industry is HUGE practically my whole family worked in refining and in the plastics industry. My college summer job was at DuPont. MUCH of the oil from the Keystone XL Pipeline would have been refined in Texas.
You have gotten terrible information. They same pearl clutching was done when they built the Alaskan pipeline and it has worked out just fine.
for one thing we do NOT use Tar sand oil for the type of gas we use. if you really did work in the industry you should know that.
#2 the Keystone pipeline already delivers more then enough tar sand oil to the gulf and to our plastic producing companies the XL was only going to increase what the Kock brothers could " refine " and ship to China.
and I see YOU like the idea of having a pipeline company that has a record of leaks destroying other peoples drinking water
Have a nice afternoon
Can't YOU read? Asshole.
" your ignorance is palpable "
it was the CONSTRUCTION of the Keystone XL pipeline , a pipeline that was ONLY 8 PERCENT COMPLETE.
a pipeline that would NOT have been finished till about 6 months ago , if then.
A pipeline that NEVER delivered one drop of oil , a pipeline owned by the Koch brothers and was going to transport TAR SAND oil to the gulf to be shipped to CHINA, TAR SAND OIL is an oil we do NOT use for our gas, it is used majorly in making plastics, it was NOT the KEYSTONE PIPELINE.
the ONLY time the KEYSTONE pipeline was EVER SHUT DOWN was because of a leak, and it has had many, or maintenance.
the Government has NEVER shut down the KEYSTONE PIPELINE.
YOU need to educate yourself on the subject before YOU call anybody ignorant , you fucking ignorant asshole.
Have a nice day
Actually, the Keystone pipeline system was mostly completed. Out of a total of 4151 miles of pipelines laid for the entire project (Keystone, Keystone-Cushing, Cushing Marketlink, Houston Lateral, and Keystone XL), only the Keystone XL portion of the project was cancelled and not completed although 327 miles of it was constructed out of 1179 miles planned. That means that roughly 80% of the Keystone pipeline system was completed, and just shy of 28% of the Keystone XL was completed.

Maybe you should look up the numbers before spouting idiot bullshit like in your post I quoted.
Seems everybody has forgotten early on in the Brandon admin. he shut down any new federal leases for oil production while at the same time begging Russia and S.A. to increase their production. This was before Russia invaded Ukraine.
I have to assume Kamala is of the same mindset, if not worse.
Of course all we can do is make assumptions with her since she will no longer reveal any policies she favors.
I suspect she'll dodge questions in her debate(s)? over specific policy questions.
and again IF you remember right the courts stepped in and told Biden he could NOT do that and they did hold auctions and Millions of acres of Federal lands have been leased since then, and thousands of drilling permits have been issued.
Have a nice day
and again IF you remember right the courts stepped in and told Biden he could NOT do that and they did hold auctions and Millions of acres of Federal lands have been leased since then, and thousands of drilling permits have been issued.
Have a nice day
So another example of how it took the courts to reverse another bad Brandon policy.
Thank you.
Actually, the Keystone pipeline system was mostly completed. Out of a total of 4151 miles of pipelines laid for the entire project (Keystone, Keystone-Cushing, Cushing Marketlink, Houston Lateral, and Keystone XL), only the Keystone XL portion of the project was cancelled and not completed although 327 miles of it was constructed out of 1179 miles planned. That means that roughly 80% of the Keystone pipeline system was completed, and just shy of 28% of the Keystone XL was completed.

Maybe you should look up the numbers before spouting idiot bullshit like in your post I quoted.

Actually, the Keystone pipeline system was mostly completed. Out of a total of 4151 miles of pipelines laid for the entire project (Keystone, Keystone-Cushing, Cushing Marketlink, Houston Lateral, and Keystone XL), only the Keystone XL portion of the project was cancelled and not completed although 327 miles of it was constructed out of 1179 miles planned. That means that roughly 80% of the Keystone pipeline system was completed, and just shy of 28% of the Keystone XL was completed.

Maybe you should look up the numbers before spouting idiot bullshit like in your post I quoted.
I don't know where you are getting your info from
but here is a search I did and it says only 8% of the XL pipeline was complete.
sorry that didn't work but here
  1. Including results for​

    what percentage of the Keystone XL pipeline was actually built before it was shut down
    Search only for what percentage of the Keystone XL ipeline was actually built before it was shut down

Search results​

    • 8%
      • Though Keystone XL Pipeline had secured most of its funding, it was only 8% constructed
      www.reuters.com › article › fact-check
Have a nice day
for one thing we do NOT use Tar sand oil for the type of gas we use. if you really did work in the industry you should know that.
#2 the Keystone pipeline already delivers more then enough tar sand oil to the gulf and to our plastic producing companies the XL was only going to increase what the Kock brothers could " refine " and ship to China.
and I see YOU like the idea of having a pipeline company that has a record of leaks destroying other peoples drinking water
Have a nice afternoon
Again, you get your facts wrong.

Canadian tar sand oil is shipped by rail or pipeline to refineries in the Great Lakes region like the BP refinery at Toledo Ohio. Because there is no direct pipeline to those refineries (the cancelled Keystone XL was to carry it), railroads carry about 400,000 barrels of oil per day to them from Canada. This means there is a far greater risk of accident or spill than with a pipeline. But I guess you prefer shipment by rail...

As for "destroying other peoples (sic) drinking water," if you bothered to look at a goddamned map you'd see that all--ALL--of the Canadian tar sands mining operations are out in the middle of fucking nowhere. There are tiny towns, mostly inhabited by workers at those mines, like Anzac that are 20 to 40 miles from the actual operation.

So, I'd recommend you stop going to those radical Leftist, greentard sites that spew disinformation and outright lies about all sorts of stuff and actually try and find some more balanced sites that give unvarnished factual information
I don't know where you are getting your info from
but here is a search I did and it says only 8% of the XL pipeline was complete.
sorry that didn't work but here
  1. Including results for​

    what percentage of the Keystone XL pipeline was actually built before it was shut down
    Search only for what percentage of the Keystone XL ipeline was actually built before it was shut down

Search results​

    • 8%
      • Though Keystone XL Pipeline had secured most of its funding, it was only 8% constructed
      • www.reuters.com
      › article › fact-check
Have a nice day
Those sources conflate the entire Keystone pipeline system with just the Keystone XL portion. That is, they use the entire system number, 4151 miles (that I gave) and then use the completed portion of the Keystone XL, 327 miles (that I also gave) to come up with 8% (actually it is 7.8% but let's not quibble). I, instead, gave the portion of the Keystone XL planned number, 1179 miles and then used the completed portion number 327 miles, to come up with the correct and accurate figure of 28%. So, my calculations are correct.

I guess journalists with a semester of college algebra and nothing else in math just aren't able to figure things like that out correctly...
Again, you get your facts wrong.

Canadian tar sand oil is shipped by rail or pipeline to refineries in the Great Lakes region like the BP refinery at Toledo Ohio. Because there is no direct pipeline to those refineries (the cancelled Keystone XL was to carry it), railroads carry about 400,000 barrels of oil per day to them from Canada. This means there is a far greater risk of accident or spill than with a pipeline. But I guess you prefer shipment by rail...

As for "destroying other peoples (sic) drinking water," if you bothered to look at a goddamned map you'd see that all--ALL--of the Canadian tar sands mining operations are out in the middle of fucking nowhere. There are tiny towns, mostly inhabited by workers at those mines, like Anzac that are 20 to 40 miles from the actual operation.

So, I'd recommend you stop going to those radical Leftist, greentard sites that spew disinformation and outright lies about all sorts of stuff and actually try and find some more balanced sites that give unvarnished factual information
I was NOT talking about where they mine it asshole, the PIPELINE company doesn't have the greatest safety record
have a nice day
if your little brain can remember the Courts stepped in and said he couldn't do it, and he not only opened the auctions but granted many drilling permits .
yes.....my little brain remembers the court telling the fuckwitted fake president he couldn't block leases.....in other news, the first auction of leases was finally approved......in March of 2024......three years of delay caused by the illegal act of an unconstitutionally elected fraud.......
I was NOT talking about where they mine it asshole, the PIPELINE company doesn't have the greatest safety record
have a nice day
Pipelines are far, far, safer as a means of delivering a gas or liquid than any other form of transport.

If you want proof, look at the "Big Inch" pipeline from Texas to Pennsylvania built in 1942. It's still in service today and has a great record of safe operation.