Policy question: Inflation

Pipelines are far, far, safer as a means of delivering a gas or liquid than any other form of transport.

If you want proof, look at the "Big Inch" pipeline from Texas to Pennsylvania built in 1942. It's still in service today and has a great record of safe operation.
where did I ever say they weren't?
have a nice day
for one thing they would have had rto pump the crude over the Canadian Rockies......
so what is your point?
they now have a pipeline going to the west coast of Canada so all you MAGAS that are worried Chins isn't going to get all the tar sand oil they need don't have to worry any more.
the Keystone XL pipeline has been replaced.
Have a nice day
During Trumps news conference he claimed that the cost of oil had caused the spike in inflation.

Question: How will a policy of more drilling impact the price of goods and services. To what extent does an increase in oil/energy costs impact the cost of goods.

Please be specific regarding your claim and cite sources. Please state specific numbers.
College professor giving an assignment. Why don't you do your own research? Arrogant bastard.
The cost of oil permeates throughout the economy. But you know that already. Faker.
where did I ever say they weren't?
have a nice day
You certainly more than implied it.

For example, here:

...pipeline built by a company that has a record of having many many leaks and a lot of problems over and near some of our most important AQUIFERS , that provide people in the mid west with the ONLY drinkable water they have sounds like a great idea to you I guess.
here read about all their leaks
just what GOOD would have the XL pipeline done for the people of the US and US oil industry?
it was going to transport Tar Sand oil to the Gulf to be shipped to China.
the US does NOT use Tar sand oil for the type of gas we use.
Tar sand oil is used in plastics and with the Keystone pipeline is already delivering all the tar sand oil we need for our plastics industry building the XL pipeline wouldn't have helped the US at all.
and running a Tar sand oil ( the dirtiest oil known to man ) pipeline built by a company that has a record of having many many leaks and a lot of problems over and near some of our most important AQUIFERS , that provide people in the mid west with the ONLY drinkable water they have sounds like a great idea to you I guess.
here read about all their leaks
and another thing you don't have to worry that China isn't getting all that tar sand oil the XL pipeline would have sent them the Trans Mountain oil pipeline started to deliver oil to the west coast of Canada back on May 1 st.
so there is a replacement for the XL pipeline and China will get all the Tar sand oil they want and our AQUIFERS will stay safe from oil spills.
Have a nice
Anyone who cites the Keystone pipeline as the reason for high fuel prices, doesn't even know what that means. You correctly cite 'XL'. Most people don't understand that Keystone has been moving oil uninterrupted forever.

XL didn't get constructed under trump. Why is that? ;)

It would be better if Canada paid to build a line to the Pacific and let China come and get that sludge.
and they have ALREADY had safety problems with the Trans Canada pipeline.
The company building the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion has been cited for environmental non-compliance related to its management of recent flooding in British Columbia.
YEP lets let a pipeline company with a record for leaks like this one has build a Tar sand oil pipeline over / near some of our MOST IMPORTANT
Have a nice day
No benefit to this nation to allow 'American' (read...tax exempt multi national companies in Texas) companies to refine that crap. No benefit whatsoever.
Seems everybody has forgotten early on in the Brandon admin. he shut down any new federal leases for oil production while at the same time begging Russia and S.A. to increase their production. This was before Russia invaded Ukraine.
I have to assume Kamala is of the same mindset, if not worse.
Of course all we can do is make assumptions with her since she will no longer reveal any policies she favors.
I suspect she'll dodge questions in her debate(s)? over specific policy questions.
Almost no drilling is being done on Fed land due to the stringent regulations. We are still breaking fracking records on private land. Absolutely no new interest in drilling on Fed lands for years now.

More oil drilling under Biden than trump.
I don't know where you are getting your info from
but here is a search I did and it says only 8% of the XL pipeline was complete.
sorry that didn't work but here
  1. Including results for​

    what percentage of the Keystone XL pipeline was actually built before it was shut down
    Search only for what percentage of the Keystone XL ipeline was actually built before it was shut down

Search results​

    • 8%
      • Though Keystone XL Pipeline had secured most of its funding, it was only 8% constructed
      › article › fact-check
Have a nice day
He makes this shit up. No pipeline was laid under trump. Nor will it ever be.
and they have ALREADY had safety problems with the Trans Canada pipeline.
The company building the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion has been cited for environmental non-compliance related to its management of recent flooding in British Columbia.
YEP lets let a pipeline company with a record for leaks like this one has build a Tar sand oil pipeline over / near some of our MOST IMPORTANT
Have a nice day
More pearl clutching . AGAIN oil is currently being shipped by rail and truck which is by FAR more dangerous way to ship oil. It is naive to think that the oil won't be drilled. Of course it will be drilled and shipped the only question is how will they do it. You should be comparing oil pipelines to trucks and trains.

Pipelines are considered the safest way to transport large volumes of oil over long distances. They have a safe delivery rate of over 99.999% and are about four and a half times safer than rail. Pipelines are also more economical and environmentally friendly than other modes of transportation, such as trucking or rail.

so what is your point?
they now have a pipeline going to the west coast of Canada so all you MAGAS that are worried Chins isn't going to get all the tar sand oil they need don't have to worry any more.
the Keystone XL pipeline has been replaced.
Have a nice day
And not building the Keystone XL cost American jobs.
More pearl clutching . AGAIN oil is currently being shipped by rail and truck which is by FAR more dangerous way to ship oil. It is naive to think that the oil won't be drilled. Of course it will be drilled and shipped the only question is how will they do it. You should be comparing oil pipelines to trucks and trains.

Pipelines are considered the safest way to transport large volumes of oil over long distances. They have a safe delivery rate of over 99.999% and are about four and a half times safer than rail. Pipelines are also more economical and environmentally friendly than other modes of transportation, such as trucking or rail.

as I said I NEVER said pipelines were not safer then trucks or rail cars.
I am just pointing out to you the pipeline company that built the Keystone pipeline has a really bad safety record for leaks and bad maintenance.
Have a nice day
And not building the Keystone XL cost American jobs.
what less then 2000 jobs to build it and for how long 2 maybe 3 years, at the MOST?
and if you had read the link I posted , everything you need or want to know about the XL pipeline, you would know they were only going to have MAYBE as high as 75 full time jobs after it was completed.
oh and it could have put some of the 7 million or more people who lost their jobs under trump back to work , I see your point.
Have a nice day
YES really anti - energy. record oil production and Nat. gas production is way up there too.
the oil and gas industry is doing A LOT better under Biden then it did under trump.
Have a nice day
remember when he was the VP for the party who pledged to bankrupt the coal industry?.......remember when he campaigned in 20 saying he would do the same for fossil fuels?......remember when he issued an executive order cancelling federal leases?......remember when he told a heckler he stopped drilling?.......remember when he mandated electric vehicles?......do you fucking remember ANYTHING?........
remember when he was the VP for the party who pledged to bankrupt the coal industry?.......remember when he campaigned in 20 saying he would do the same for fossil fuels?......remember when he issued an executive order cancelling federal leases?......remember when he told a heckler he stopped drilling?.......remember when he mandated electric vehicles?......do you fucking remember ANYTHING?........
well guess what it did not happen.
IMO after the court stepped in and said he couldn't do what he wanted he decided to work around it and get what he wanted done other ways.
well all I can say is the US gas and oil industries are doing a LOT better under Biden then they did under Trump.
There hasn't been any US oil drilling and producing companies going Bankrupt and out of business under Biden like the 106 did under trump
Have a nice day