Policy question: Inflation

I’m not sure why you are calling me stupid given that the article I cited bolsters your argument but ah, okay.
NO SHIT stupid.
I already said that.
the XL pipeline would NOT been completed till about now , and the Canadian one is on line now and we have NOT seen any impact on oil prices.
that is because it is a world market and other countries have ways of controlling the supply, keeping prices high.
Never mind, I can now see that my reply to the wrong person is to blame. My bad. It’s my age showing. 👏
it doesn't have to go onto the world market. not all of it.

we have choices.

there are other things more important than your idiotic globalist fanaticism.


tariffs are good.

protectionism is good.

self reliance is good.

entangling alliances are bad.
and IF it didn't go on the world market just what would do with all that Tar sand oil?
Drink it?
We do NOT use it here for the type of gas we use , and our plastic companies already have sections of the Keystone pipeline running to them.
and it would not be " self reliance " we would be relying on Canada , and they are the ones putting it on the world market in order to get the highest price they can.
it is called capitalism .
Have a nice day
but FACT is under Biden the US oil drilling and producing industry has made a great come back from what the Saudi oil price war did to them back when Trump was in office where over 100 US oil drilling and producing companies went Bankrupt and out of business for good.
US production was in the mid to high 11 MBPD and down to 9.9 MBPD when Biden took over and now has been over 13 MBPD ( except for one month ) for over a year now.
have a nice day
When oil prices go down oil companies tend to go bankrupt more frequently.

The rate of oil production increase is down from what it was prior to COVID.
it doesn't have to go onto the world market. not all of it.

we have choices.

there are other things more important than your idiotic globalist fanaticism.


tariffs are good.

protectionism is good.

self reliance is good.

entangling alliances are bad.

and IF it didn't go on the world market just what would do with all that Tar sand oil?
Drink it?
We do NOT use it here for the type of gas we use , and our plastic companies already have sections of the Keystone pipeline running to them.
and it would not be " self reliance " we would be relying on Canada , and they are the ones putting it on the world market in order to get the highest price they can.
it is called capitalism .
Have a nice day!
we can process anything. if you think we can't, you hate America.

choices are also capitalism.

we don't have to sell it ALL abroad.

you're just a globalist shill retard, who thinks internationalist fascismt is capitalism.

we can process anything. if you think we can't, you hate America.

choices are also capitalism.

we don't have to sell it ALL abroad.

you're just a globalist shill retard, who thinks internationalist fascismt is capitalism.

So as a conservative you would require oil companies to withhold their product from the world market thereby causing oil from other countries to be more expensive. I’m not sure you thought that one through did you little fella?

No, we cannot process anything. Your bullshit cannot be refined to be anything other than bullshit.
When oil prices go down oil companies tend to go bankrupt more frequently.

The rate of oil production increase is down from what it was prior to COVID.
well for one thing that is why over 100 US oil drilling and producing companies went Bankrupt under Trump.
they went to Trump when they saw what the Saudis were doing , and starting their oil price war and he did NOTHING till the damage was done..
and YOU are 100% wrong US oil production is a LOT higher NOW then it was before COVID.
you can read the chart can't you?


as we can see there was ONLY one month with production over 13 MBPD under Trump and during COVID the avg was mid to high 11 MBPD and for the last YEAR all except for Jan 2024 it has been OVER 13 MBPD
Have a nice day
The University of Minnesota. Thanks for asking. My masters in business is from the Carlson school of management. You are an uneducated rube. Respect your superiors.
That's what I said. You have no idea what I am. Id piss on you before I respect you. If you feel compelled to tell us how smart you are then you know you it's not obvious in anything you do.
During Trumps news conference he claimed that the cost of oil had caused the spike in inflation.

Question: How will a policy of more drilling impact the price of goods and services. To what extent does an increase in oil/energy costs impact the cost of goods.

Please be specific regarding your claim and cite sources. Please state specific numbers.
The price of oil affects the cost of almost all goods because of shipping, or those products that are made with some sort of petroleum. So, while trump isn't technically wrong, he's certainly overstating that the cost of oil is the only reason for inflation
So as a conservative you would require oil companies to withhold their product from the world market thereby causing oil from other countries to be more expensive. I’m not sure you thought that one through did you little fella?

No, we cannot process anything. Your bullshit cannot be refined to be anything other than bullshit.
no. it would just be an option.

a freedom as opposed to your DEMAND that they MUST sell it on the international market.
The price of oil affects the cost of almost all goods because of shipping, or those products that are made with some sort of petroleum. So, while trump isn't technically wrong, he's certainly overstating that the cost of oil is the only reason for inflation
The cost of energy and government over spending are two of the big drivers for inflation.
no. it would just be an option.

a freedom as opposed to your DEMAND that they MUST sell it on the international market.
who is Demanding they sell it on the world market?
are you against Capitalism?
they sell it on the world market because that is where they are going to get the most money they can for it.
if they withhold it they make no money and making money is why they are in business.
Have a nice day
well for one thing that is why over 100 US oil drilling and producing companies went Bankrupt under Trump.
they went to Trump when they saw what the Saudis were doing , and starting their oil price war and he did NOTHING till the damage was done..
and YOU are 100% wrong US oil production is a LOT higher NOW then it was before COVID.
you can read the chart can't you?


as we can see there was ONLY one month with production over 13 MBPD under Trump and during COVID the avg was mid to high 11 MBPD and for the last YEAR all except for Jan 2024 it has been OVER 13 MBPD
Have a nice day
Tbrid reading is fundamental. I said the RATE of increase was higher under Trump. when Trump enter office oil was 9,201,000 a month. At its peak under Trump it was 13,000,000 a month that is a 141% rate of increase. When Biden took office it was 11,137,000 a month and at its peak it was 13,381,000 that is a 1.20 rate of increase. If we applied Trump's 141% rate of increase to when Biden started 11,137,000 we SHOULD be at 15,703,170 a month not at 13,381,000
During Trumps news conference he claimed that the cost of oil had caused the spike in inflation.

Question: How will a policy of more drilling impact the price of goods and services. To what extent does an increase in oil/energy costs impact the cost of goods.

Please be specific regarding your claim and cite sources. Please state specific numbers.
CHEAP Energy is the single most important element in any growing economy. When prices increase, the cost of doing business for EVERYONE is impacted.

It's actually quite simple for anyone with half a brain. :palm:
Trump says he wants to increase oil drilling , so just where is he going to get all the drilling equipment from?
we at this time have got everything we have already on line. it takes time to build new rigs.
I guess he wants to try and make up for the big mistake he made when he was in office and the US oil industry went to him and asked him to help them stem the tide of the Saudi oil price war, when he did nothing and let OVER 100 US oil drilling and producing companies go bankrupt and a LOT of them out of business for good.
then only AFTER that did he do any thing and finally went to the Saudis and told them to CUT their production and RAISE the price of oil or he was going to STOP ALL Military aid to them, and they did.
it is a little too late , the US oil industry has come back with NO help from him and have been producing at record levels for some time now.
in Feb 2021 just after Biden took over US oil production was DOWN to 9.7 MBPD and has now been over 13 MBPD for months.
you can't " Drill baby drill " unless you have drilling rigs available to do so.
and YES I know they are building them as fast as they can .
Have a nice day
How much.? How does Trumps 'drill baby drill' impact overall oil production, and what quantifiable impact would that have on inflation. Your assertion that an increase in the supply of a good decrease demand is completely incorrect. Grade: D+
When you no longer stop oil exploration, reduce the legislative costs of exploring for energy alternatives, you naturally lower the costs of producing that oil. At the same time, the cheapest and cleanest electricity is produced via nuclear plants. That is also a key to a booming economy.

You cannot have a growing and booming economy by burying taxpayers in trillions of debt on the hoax that windmills and solar will solve those problems. They can never solve them and were abandoned hundreds of years ago due to their inefficiencies.

I wish leftists had sufficient brains to comprehend the obvious.
CHEAP Energy is the single most important element in any growing economy. When prices increase, the cost of doing business for EVERYONE is impacted.

It's actually quite simple for anyone with half a brain. :palm:
Correct. I asked you to quantify the impact and cite a source. You aren’t capable of that so don’t worry about your failure.