Political leaning. Nature or Nurture?


Villified User
Is your political slant genetic or upbringing and association in nature?
Probably both but which is the greater influence?
You can't be born gay or a Democrat. Man is born to procreate the species and to be free.

According to the bible man is to serve , worship and follow the word of God. Hardly free.
The bible also says to follow the law of man.

And yes you can be born gay.
According to the bible man is to serve , worship and follow the word of God. Hardly free.
The bible also says to follow the law of man.

And yes you can be born gay.
1. According to the Declaration of Independence man has the unalienable Right of Liberty; of course Democrats infringe upon that Right.
2. The Declaration also states that Men are created equal. How can some be born gay then? Also, in order to be born gay both biological parents would have to be gay and of the opposite sex. For them to have sex with each other they can't be gay.
1. According to the Declaration of Independence man has the unalienable Right of Liberty; of course Democrats infringe upon that Right.
2. The Declaration also states that Men are created equal. How can some be born gay then? Also, in order to be born gay both biological parents would have to be gay and of the opposite sex. For them to have sex with each other they can't be gay.

so you are saying that the declaration of independence trumps the Bible/word of gawd?

I would agree, but then I thought you claimed to be religious?

Also just writing something on a piece of paper and saying it is so does not make it that way.

for example if I write here that you are stupit and most on here agree with me does that make it so?
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so you are saying that the declaration of independence trumps the Bible/word of gawd?

I would agree, but then I thought you claimed to be religious?

Also just writing something on a piece of paper and saying it is so does not make it that way.

for example if I write here that you are stupit and most on here agree with me does that make it so?
The Declaration was written by men who understood the Word of God better than you.
What other people tell you to do can have a lot of impact on who you vote for.

But some people are contrary and won't vote no matter who tells them, or take that same energy and vote for the opposite of what someone else may want.

Or, as in my case and I'm sure many others, they'll take their frustration with things and go look for the political views that appear to resolve your most serious concerns. Sometimes I've had to change my views because of this, as some things have panned out better than others to address what I cared about.

I'm sure politics has something to do with your own personality as it has developed. What irks you is what you want fixed.

Granted, two people (or one person at different times) may find wildly different solutions to the same problem. If you're frustrated with poverty, we all know there are different economic viewpoints on how to combat poverty.

If you're frustrated by immigration, as another example, there is somebody who will tell you what you're looking for.

Politics is based around marketing too, so this part can't be ignored. Your candidate or political party in a sense isn't much different than the cell phone you decide to buy or the restaurant you decide to go to. You want the interface and features that you're looking for, or the ambiance and the fare. And rarely do you get everything you want, or things can go wrong, but possibly it's the best for you still.

...And if not, as I've found, you can always move on.
Nope. Not really.

But feel free to share it with your pals at Stormfront for your needed ego bost. Maybe Prussian Blue will sign a printed copy of this pwange moment for you with "Warm Aryan Wishes".

No. You have been. You somehow believe wanting to destroy national wages is not an appeal to a form of selfishness or is not a politicized position, but that wanting to protect them is.

I don't want anything bad to happen to jews, I just want their Olam Ha Ba policies rejected in the public sphere. They will be soon.
I dunno.

I'm mostly nature, I guess. At my school they had a poll to pick between Kerry and Bush, they published the results, Bush won by 90%. I'm not kidding. I was one of a 10% minority. And that counting the fact that almost all of that vote was probably from black Democrats. I'm am a loner amongst loners - a liberal white Democrat in Mississippi.
Why do you even open his messages?

He is pure filth.

I tried ignore for a while, but then I realized he follows me wherever I post. Not to mention, I'd read it anyway if I'm reading without being signed in.

For as little as I post, it's a minor inconvenience, I suppose.