Politico’s Hit On Neil Gorsuch Is Another Transparent Attempt To Delegitimize SCOTUS

he is a textbook narcissist.

Then you obviously do not comprehend the definition of what narcissism is. Would a narcissist work for free? Would a narcissist give up a large amount of wealth to work for free? HIs wealth dropped substantially as a result of his Presidency.

Would a narcissist have the most transparent administration in the history of the Republic?

The answer to ALL of those questions is an obvious and resounding NO.

Did MSNBC realize this too - that is called the broken clock analogy

Yes, your posts resemble something broken. Like a toy that keeps repeating the same thing over and over again.
Spot on. If the dishonest, corrupt and lying idiots in the Democratic Party cannot stack the court, they will delegitimize and demagogue it.

Democrats, contrary to the lies they spread about Trump and MAGAs being the threat, are its greatest threat.

You are correct the Democrats want to destroy this country and our legal system
You are correct the Democrats want to destroy this country and our legal system

1. Bearing false witness.

2. Hating your neighbor.

3. Putting other gods before God.

Your Satanic minion checklist is complete, Pffft! :thup:
That is a typical lie from you. Diversion and playing opposites is your childish game.

Diversion? How is talking about the lack of ethics involved in Kagan leaking the Dobbs decision and creating violence from coast to coast a diversion?

You Nazis wanted to claim justices violated ethical bounds - the only one shown so far to do that is Elena Kagan - who leaked Dobbs.
Diversion? How is talking about the lack of ethics involved in Kagan leaking the Dobbs decision and creating violence from coast to coast a diversion?

You Nazis wanted to claim justices violated ethical bounds - the only one shown so far to do that is Elena Kagan - who leaked Dobbs.
Anyone besides me see that this Down Under dumbass has a very limited playbook?

He just keeps repeating the same shit all day long....presumably in between jerking off his fellow bogans and drinking light beer.
Politico is not trying to hurt the Supremes, they are trying to save it.

Politico is serving the Reich.

The SCOTUS stands as an obstacle in the to absolute power by the fascist democrat Reich.

You drones, who for 80 years that the left dominated the court demanded that the court was ABOVE the Constitution and there was no law above the court, have been reprogrammed to hate the court since the left is no longer in charge.

The attacks by the Reich are patently absurd, but just as the Nazi party did with Trump, the Reich intends to keep pounding, to try and end the court or recapture it with a war of attrition.
Spot on. If the dishonest, corrupt and lying idiots in the Democratic Party cannot stack the court, they will delegitimize and demagogue it.

Democrats, contrary to the lies they spread about Trump and MAGAs being the threat, are its greatest threat.

democrats are dedicated to ending America. A "death of a thousand cuts" worked on Trump, so they are using the same technique on the court.

democrats will prevail, or America will survive.

Not both.
Politico is serving the Reich.

The SCOTUS stands as an obstacle in the to absolute power by the fascist democrat Reich.

You drones, who for 80 years that the left dominated the court demanded that the court was ABOVE the Constitution and there was no law above the court, have been reprogrammed to hate the court since the left is no longer in charge.

The attacks by the Reich are patently absurd, but just as the Nazi party did with Trump, the Reich intends to keep pounding, to try and end the court or recapture it with a war of attrition.
QED. The Down Under dumbass only knows one song.

Sadly, it's not Waltzing Matilda, which is actually a pretty good tune and much better than the nutty one he(?) keeps singing.

Diversion? How is talking about the lack of ethics involved in Kagan leaking the Dobbs decision and creating violence from coast to coast a diversion?

You Nazis wanted to claim justices violated ethical bounds - the only one shown so far to do that is Elena Kagan - who leaked Dobbs.

Can you understand IF kagan did that, it was just telling that a bad decision was coming. It was about a week early. It is a big zero. However, Thomas and Gorsuch are doing deep fundamental damage to the court. The court has to have the belief from the people. Corrupt Supremes do fundamental damage to the Supreme Court that they may never get back.
Can you understand IF kagan did that, it was just telling that a bad decision was coming. It was about a week early. It is a big zero. However, Thomas and Gorsuch are doing deep fundamental damage to the court. The court has to have the belief from the people. Corrupt Supremes do fundamental damage to the Supreme Court that they may never get back.

Felonious, but not unethical..

Yeah, you Nazis have your party - and nothing is more important to you. You have no honor, no ethics, no values - only your Reich.

SO the dumb as a brick Latina is engaged in some SERIOUS ethical issues - but you'll defend her - Reich is the ONLY thing that matters to you.


I know, that's different, because Uber Alles democrat...

Felonious, but not unethical..

Yeah, you Nazis have your party - and nothing is more important to you. You have no honor, no ethics, no values - only your Reich.

SO the dumb as a brick Latina is engaged in some SERIOUS ethical issues - but you'll defend her - Reich is the ONLY thing that matters to you.


I know, that's different, because Uber Alles democrat...


sort of like Ruth Bader Ginsberg getting political and weighing in on the presidential elections - a clear violation of their ethics

at least she apologized for being stupid I guess.
Be honest, Trump Dummy; how many forums do you post on every day and how much hand lotion do you use?

Nothing shrieks irony more than a sociopathic liar asking others to be honest. Not only are you lacking in intelligence but have ZERO self-awareness halfwit.

Truth; I don't post on any other forum and barely have time for this idiot paradise. But then, you project and probably spread your stupidity on multiple forums like a wearisome little leftist troll.

$10 says you'll either run or post anything but the truth. Prove me wrong. LOL

Nothing shrieks irony more than a sociopathic liar asking others for the truth.