Politics politics


What is the issue of the day? What kind of great trade agreements are we going to write and sign this decade? How many companies that can't make it in a free market, because their product is not feasable (like E-85) are going to get subsities to try to kick off enevatable failure, and a waste of our revenue? What kind of ear marks are beiong snuck in that bill you heard very little about--ohh yea--that bill got passed last week. What elected officials will cut off their communication to the people, and say it is because of budget cuts (granholm--Govenor of Michigan the days befer a "threatened state shut down due to budget failures)? How many federal employees, with simular jobs as the private sector make 10 to 20% more, and have much better benifits than people in the private sector get from their employeers (all tax paid--by the way). How is Govenor granholm the 3 highest paid govenor in the country--but Michigan may have the worst economy? Why does unemployment rise in the private sector--and the for government jobs? How come illeagle aliens are able to roam free, come and go almost as they please, grab our health care, education, and cause trouble? Why are our borders open fairly frely during these threatening times? Why do our elected officials take a lengthy vacation, when they are nt meeting deadlines---will your boss let you do that? Why don't we get a quartly progress report from all of our elected officials. They work for us. Why can we not see the state budgits--the entire budgit, and most of the federal budgit, so we know what our money is being spent, weasted, lost, stolen for. It is our money, and for all but may be some top secrete nationnal defense, we have a right to know where it is all going.

Ya wanna know why we have all the issues of the day folks. It is not because the Dems did this--or the Repubs did that. It is because only the rich can win a major office in this country--and it is a big country club. Nobody on here, or anybody you know is invited to the big country club. They don't care about us first----ever!!!! they just want us to shut up, and fork over all of our extra money---even our nest egg.

When we find a way to force a change for the way we elect our servent elected officials--ya know what I am talking about--sharp people that actually care about us--because they are us.--All these issues of greed and stupidity will fade away.
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This is amazing folks. It really is. I think this statement can not be refuted. If that is true, or anywhere near true, that is a very powerfull statement in this country. It might be about the only thing we can do to save ourselfs from the machine that rolls us over at times.

Really, I am not kidding. I talk to as many people as I can about the interesting times we live in, and when I make the statement "we are forced to elect rich see- suckers, who really don't care about us."---nobody--not one--NOBODY NO MATTER WHAT SIDE OF THE FENCE YOUR ON--has ever disagreed.

Is that the reason why nobody out of 17 people responded to it this time? lets do it this way---If you agree that "we are forced to elect rich people to any major public office in the USA, and those people (the elected) really don't care about the majority of the people in this country (US) before they care about themself"-------speak up, and say you agree, like 100% of the other people I talk to do.

100% so far---that is powerfull man. Really really powerfull.

I want a candidate that will say "I will die for the freedoms of the people in this country" That could be pretty powerfull also, as it shows a unselfish nature right on the sleeve.
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I want a candidate that will say "I will die for the freedoms of the people in this country" That could be pretty powerfull also, as it shows a unselfish nature right on the sleeve.


Nope I am tired of the lies spin and lip service, I want a candidate that will do something, Not just say something. Remember political advertisements are specifically exempt from the truth in advertising law.
I want a candidate that will say "I will die for the freedoms of the people in this country" That could be pretty powerfull also, as it shows a unselfish nature right on the sleeve.


Nope I am tired of the lies spin and lip service, I want a candidate that will do something, Not just say something. Remember political advertisements are specifically exempt from the truth in advertising law.

If that is ture--then why do you keep voting for some rich runners who do not give a crap about you? Answer--we have no choice, because one has to be filthey rich to have a shot at willing. Like I said, about the last DEM debate. I know of one (can't remember his name) that was not allowed to debate, because he did not have enough campaign contributions.

Do you understand that I want you to either agree or disagree with the statement? Sorry--I got you off on a tangent there.

There is a process I learned about in manufacturing quality control. It is called "sampeling". Example---when a batch of parts come into your shop from a vendor who did some work on the parts, you may use the statistical method of sampeling to determine the quality of the population of parts. You randomly select several parts out of thousands to check. If you are random (most don't know that to be totally random, you have to put the part back to pick the next--so every part always has a equal chance of being picked), and you check the right amount of parts/probability formulas, you can come up with a probability on how those parts represent the whole population of parts. Now, I am not saying voting could work in a random way, because we are picking individuals who are suppose to represent the whole population. We pick them because they are running for office willingly (and are the only ones that can afford to do so).---But, If I were to only pick parts from the bin full of parts from one little corner of the bin, the priveledged corner that was easier for me to reach. I could not say that the samples I picked accuratly represents the whole population with any confidence--because the parts did not come from the whole population. They just all came from one little corner.

Please----just add to the thread if you agree or disagree (no matter what side of the fence your on--or stuck on the post) with the statement---

"We are effectivly forced to vote from a small top percentile of elite people for major public offices. This unbalance of selection, as a whole, from a very small, elite population, can not possibly represent the will of the majority of the people in any or all economic classes below them, and hold those people in the top priority. To have a government for the population of people, by the population of people, we need to select people from the large population that is to be represented. Selecting any people, in masses, from any specific economic class will show favortism to that class."

Do you agree, or disagree?

Before you answer--condiser this quote from Warren Buffet.

"I could have lived most of my adult life with out paying one dime in federal taxes. This country caters to the rich very well, and it is not fair." (PBS program, Warren and Bill go back to school)

Thanks. Please realize the profounity and power of this topic. It may be the key to the freedom we all want again IMO.
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What is the issue of the day? What kind of great trade agreements are we going to write and sign this decade? How many companies that can't make it in a free market, because their product is not feasable (like E-85) are going to get subsities to try to kick off enevatable failure, and a waste of our revenue? What kind of ear marks are beiong snuck in that bill you heard very little about--ohh yea--that bill got passed last week. What elected officials will cut off their communication to the people, and say it is because of budget cuts (granholm--Govenor of Michigan the days befer a "threatened state shut down due to budget failures)? How many federal employees, with simular jobs as the private sector make 10 to 20% more, and have much better benifits than people in the private sector get from their employeers (all tax paid--by the way). How is Govenor granholm the 3 highest paid govenor in the country--but Michigan may have the worst economy? Why does unemployment rise in the private sector--and the for government jobs? How come illeagle aliens are able to roam free, come and go almost as they please, grab our health care, education, and cause trouble? Why are our borders open fairly frely during these threatening times? Why do our elected officials take a lengthy vacation, when they are nt meeting deadlines---will your boss let you do that? Why don't we get a quartly progress report from all of our elected officials. They work for us. Why can we not see the state budgits--the entire budgit, and most of the federal budgit, so we know what our money is being spent, weasted, lost, stolen for. It is our money, and for all but may be some top secrete nationnal defense, we have a right to know where it is all going.

Ya wanna know why we have all the issues of the day folks. It is not because the Dems did this--or the Repubs did that. It is because only the rich can win a major office in this country--and it is a big country club. Nobody on here, or anybody you know is invited to the big country club. They don't care about us first----ever!!!! they just want us to shut up, and fork over all of our extra money---even our nest egg.

When we find a way to force a change for the way we elect our servent elected officials--ya know what I am talking about--sharp people that actually care about us--because they are us.--All these issues of greed and stupidity will fade away.

Well put. We're fixing to have a new wave of reactionary populism. It's gonna be great to watch all these globalist talking heads sputtering insults and political buzzwords, like "nativist" and "nationalistic" and "racist", and "protectionist", as the nation turns against them.
Well put. We're fixing to have a new wave of reactionary populism. It's gonna be great to watch all these globalist talking heads sputtering insults and political buzzwords, like "nativist" and "nationalistic" and "racist", and "protectionist", as the nation turns against them.

Boy--I hope your right.

But still--do you agree or disagree that electing people from the whole population, instead of one small eleite group of the population, would help the majority people in this country?

All we have to do is change the way we run for office and may be the way we vote. If enough people agree (like I said, I am batting 100% right now), it will have to be changed, weather they want to change it or not. The history books in schools in the future would read-- "On such and such a date--a new and equal balanced way of running for public office was implimented so the people have a wide range of people to vote for. Donations to candidates were made unlawfull. It has been called "USA, gen 2 of freedom and oppertunity". It gave everybody a shot at sucess again, after 100 years of large companies and rich politicians in power struggles. That is why children (yea--the children card)--that is why your single mom can actually take care of you today, while she was on welfare as a child. The new candidate act allowed little Johnnys dad to leave the life of poverty he grew up in as a child, and start his own company. It was a much more free market than the whole world had at theat time (we are actually 4th now), and Johnnys dad was able to save up enough money to start the company we all know and love. Yes, Johnnys dad started the company that discovered perpetual energy (just an example gear heads--don't get excited), and he was too much competition for gas cars, who then ruled the road ways.

Thats what happens folks, when you have less taxes (which you can't have with a huge government--we were not ment to be huge) and a free market system. The cream rises to the top, and that cream could come from anywhere. That is the USA experiment from over only 200 years ago. That is why America became the most prosperous in the world in record time. That is a fact!! We don't let people, or small business keep their money now, so they could grow in a free market. And with todays slave competition---we really need the most free market in the world. May be even Lasifair (sp--of course).

Now, we have large coporations calling the shots, and suppluying the stuff we use. Do they want that new product johnnys dad built to ever hit the market? Nope--They don't want johnny dads working on stuff that conflicts their interest------so they buy off the senate, congress, judges with strong lobby groups, and a good for the all mentality--and they take all of johnnys dads money, to insure he will never get off the ground. Becuase--the free market is now the big coporations competition.

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I would just like clean elections for a fucking start.

You don't understand. That would be against the interest of the elite that own us. If we can get a way of electing clean people that know who they are working for constitutionally, a dirty election would only be one more of those issues we spend to much time on--that would fade away. I am coming to the conclusion that most issues should be a non issue, but are now a smoke screen to point fingers at one another, while leglislation slips under the door against our will. Clear the smoke, and the problem is right there at your feet---right there imbedded in the grass roots level of politics---the people we elect is from a stacked deck. The game is rigged folks.

If we fix the skewed methods of running for office, so other sharp people can run--I think you may be amazed that talk boards lkke this may face extinction. Of course, natural progression will always work it's way back to where we are some way. (I don't think this is evil government--even the libs--just a natural progression of people in power over time, that desire more power, over time) But we put it in check again if we can keep a sharp citizenery. That is what this country is about, and right now, the voting method is skewed heavily to the elite. We all need a equal shot of running and winning if we are qualified mentally--not monitiraly---or we will be owned. Like now.

Thank goodness for our constitution and the wise and experienced men who wrote it, for popular demand that it serves. We can do this. Ya hear me! WE CAN DO THIS!

After we beat that socialistic amnisty bill--I am convienced we still have the power. My new motto is now--- IF THERE ARE MORE OF US--WE CAN TAKE THEM!!! (we just have to learn how to get started as a whole)

Balance in candidates and elected officials = balance for---dare I say it---oh shit. "The good for the all". (but in a individual way of freedom and individual achievement and prosperity---not a welfare program)

One more time

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If that is ture--then why do you keep voting for some rich runners who do not give a crap about you? Answer--we have no choice, because one has to be filthey rich to have a shot at willing. Like I said, about the last DEM debate. I know of one (can't remember his name) that was not allowed to debate, because he did not have enough campaign contributions.

Do you understand that I want you to either agree or disagree with the statement? Sorry--I got you off on a tangent there.

There is a process I learned about in manufacturing quality control. It is called "sampeling". Example---when a batch of parts come into your shop from a vendor who did some work on the parts, you may use the statistical method of sampeling to determine the quality of the population of parts. You randomly select several parts out of thousands to check. If you are random (most don't know that to be totally random, you have to put the part back to pick the next--so every part always has a equal chance of being picked), and you check the right amount of parts/probability formulas, you can come up with a probability on how those parts represent the whole population of parts. Now, I am not saying voting could work in a random way, because we are picking individuals who are suppose to represent the whole population. We pick them because they are running for office willingly (and are the only ones that can afford to do so).---But, If I were to only pick parts from the bin full of parts from one little corner of the bin, the priveledged corner that was easier for me to reach. I could not say that the samples I picked accuratly represents the whole population with any confidence--because the parts did not come from the whole population. They just all came from one little corner.

Please----just add to the thread if you agree or disagree (no matter what side of the fence your on--or stuck on the post) with the statement---

"We are effectivly forced to vote from a small top percentile of elite people for major public offices. This unbalance of selection, as a whole, from a very small, elite population, can not possibly represent the will of the majority of the people in any or all economic classes below them, and hold those people in the top priority. To have a government for the population of people, by the population of people, we need to select people from the large population that is to be represented. Selecting any people, in masses, from any specific economic class will show favortism to that class."

Do you agree, or disagree?

Before you answer--condiser this quote from Warren Buffet.

"I could have lived most of my adult life with out paying one dime in federal taxes. This country caters to the rich very well, and it is not fair." (PBS program, Warren and Bill go back to school)

Thanks. Please realize the profounity and power of this topic. It may be the key to the freedom we all want again IMO.

yea I agree the choices we have usually run from bad to worse.
The only way to fix this is for more people to get more involved politically.

Either straighten out their parties or make more.

but people are lazy apathatic sheep eager to be misled....
yea I agree the choices we have usually run from bad to worse.
The only way to fix this is for more people to get more involved politically.

Either straighten out their parties or make more.

but people are lazy apathatic sheep eager to be misled....

people to get more involved--yes. But that is just to a point. You still have to be rich to win, and most do not get rich by caring about othr people first--espically if they are in a lower economic class.

More parties? may be. But you know the strngle hold the right and the left have. You won't get on TV, and you still have to be rich to pay you way into the limelight--espically if your not backed by special interests. More parties---yes. No major parties though--just individuals going at it head to ahead in front of the public. They are their own party.

Ever notice in some of these modern interviews, you will see candidates make a joke out of feeling like they are on American Idol? Yea--that is funy---so funny, it would work--and I think they know it.

All we have to do is petition that we need balance in our election process, so we can choose people from the majority of the population. That is totally fair--and it is totally against their interests. But tney can't fight it if we are large enough--because we will vote them out---DEPORT!! You better believe, if joe blow never voted sees somebody he likes--he will vote (and we don't need them--because everybody agrees already). I predect that voting numbers go up to over 50%.

There are more of us, and we can take them.

I know we can do this, and we have way to many sharp people in this country to ignore.
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the methods we use are set to not even allow to truely pick even from the people who make it on the ballot.
the methods we use are set to not even allow to truely pick even from the people who make it on the ballot.

Not sure what you mean exactly--but yea man---the game is rigged. It is easy to fix though--you just have to know we can change something as a majority---and do it as a majority.

So far---the majoriy (100% still) seem to agree with the concept of electing from a pool of the total population. it is obvious that the method has to be changed to achieve this fairness. it is also obvious that there are a lot of people that don't want to see that happen. Boy--that's too bad. Ya might have to get a job. But that is OK--because wages will come up, and you will be able to support your upwardly future--if you work for it and are actually as sharp as your campaign ads suggest. You either do what the people want--or my I am voting for my neighbor--Billy Bob Simons. He did kick your butt on the last American idol debate---so shape up, or ship out! Check mate!

With the internet, and talk raido, it is much easier to get a buzz going. Simple ideas that seem effective, always are--and this is so simple, the cells don't divide.

On a serious side folks---

Do you folks also agree that we need to be able to elect sharp people from the whole population--and not just a select few from any one particular segment?

Does that not make sence to anybody? if not, please speak up. May be I am missing something. Just be carefull, and don't tell the people it can't be done---because we can change anything.

Now I have to go get some work done. For what, I am not sure--but the bills need to be paid.
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And any conversation or policy that counters the rich getting richer is called socialism.


LOL--In some ways, like redistrubution of wealth, that is true. But not for a government that is suppose to be "by the people, for the people".

It still looks like we are batting 100% guys, since nobody has said they disagree that we are forced to elect people from only one little segment of the population. That is powerfull stuff. do you guys realize how powerfull 100% concurance is in any country--let alone the USA with a constitution for the people? This can be huge---simply huge!

Does anybody here have any really good petitioning skills, and the time?
Sorry guys. I really believe this one is too important to let drop. I have to bump it up so people can see it more


We all agree--now we have to see how the rest of the country agrees. I bet at least 90% do. That is power--no matter what country you live in.

I think this is the single biggest factor to fix, that would keep Government fair for the people--and you guys show no support? I feel like that environmental Whore telling congress that the earth is going to be a ball of flames in 10 years, and nobody stood up. Am I a fool also? Do you people really think it is OK for a small group of the population to instill their interests over the majorities interests? That is what has been happening since the early 1800's--and that is why the majority lives from pay check to pay check today. As long as you keep enough money to pay your bills and be taxed the rest--all is good to them.

You do understand that is true---don't you?
I think this is the single biggest factor to fix, that would keep Government fair for the people--and you guys show no support? I feel like that environmental Whore telling congress that the earth is going to be a ball of flames in 10 years, and nobody stood up. Am I a fool also? Do you people really think it is OK for a small group of the population to instill their interests over the majorities interests? That is what has been happening since the early 1800's--and that is why the majority lives from pay check to pay check today. As long as you keep enough money to pay your bills and be taxed the rest--all is good to them.

You do understand that is true---don't you?

The biggest single biggest factor to fix is the fiat currency system which allows government to create value out of nothing, thus causing the entire society to become warped by the agenda of the fascist paymaster.
The biggest single biggest factor to fix is the fiat currency system which allows government to create value out of nothing, thus causing the entire society to become warped by the agenda of the fascist paymaster.

Again--you name a individual issue--which is merly a symptom of the real problem. Rich people support rich people first--it is human nature. The shrinnking dollar is a direct result of that also.
Again--you name a individual issue--which is merly a symptom of the real problem. Rich people support rich people first--it is human nature. The shrinnking dollar is a direct result of that also.

No. a policy of allowing an elite corrupt class to create money from thin air which it uses to control an indebted society is a policy which guarantees totalitarianism. It is a symptom, of course, of the elitist morality you mention, but it is also their primary mechanism of control.

Currency Reform Now!