Politics politics

No. a policy of allowing an elite corrupt class to create money from thin air which it uses to control an indebted society is a policy which guarantees totalitarianism. It is a symptom, of course, of the elitist morality you mention, but it is also their primary mechanism of control.

Currency Reform Now!

We are on the same track, I think. I just wish you were rich enough to run for office (it should not be that way). You, I and everybody here are not part of "The big club". We can change that. There are more of us, and we can take them. We just need the option for sharp people like you to have a shot of winning a election for a major office---not because of your wealth, but because of your intellect and willingness to die for the majority of the people in this country. OK, may be your not willing to die for the freedom and liberity of the American people---but I am.
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We are on the same track, I think. I just wish you were rich enough to run for office (it should not be that way). You, I and everybody here are not part of "The big club". We can change that. There are more of us, and we can take them. We just need the option for sharp people like you to have a shot of winning a election for a major office---not because of your wealth, but because of your intellect and willingness to die for the majority of the people in this country. OK, may be your not willing to die for the freedom and liberity of the American people---but I am.

I am too. But we may not have to. The internationalist fascist brainwash can be easily reversed with basic logic and by pointing out the many logical errors and erroneous and hackneyed frame jobs of the NWO perpetrators.
This is amazing folks. It really is. I think this statement can not be refuted. If that is true, or anywhere near true, that is a very powerfull statement in this country. It might be about the only thing we can do to save ourselfs from the machine that rolls us over at times.

Really, I am not kidding. I talk to as many people as I can about the interesting times we live in, and when I make the statement "we are forced to elect rich see- suckers, who really don't care about us."---nobody--not one--NOBODY NO MATTER WHAT SIDE OF THE FENCE YOUR ON--has ever disagreed.

Is that the reason why nobody out of 17 people responded to it this time? lets do it this way---If you agree that "we are forced to elect rich people to any major public office in the USA, and those people (the elected) really don't care about the majority of the people in this country (US) before they care about themself"-------speak up, and say you agree, like 100% of the other people I talk to do.

100% so far---that is powerfull man. Really really powerfull.

I want a candidate that will say "I will die for the freedoms of the people in this country" That could be pretty powerfull also, as it shows a unselfish nature right on the sleeve.
What statement is that? Or, more appropriately, which statement are you talking about?

Is our political system, as it exists today, heavily skewed to favor the wealthy elite? Yes, absolutely. I have no quarrel with that statement at all. It doesn't tell us much, though, if you think about it.

Why does the system favor the rich? Where does personal wealth influence the process most strongly? And, most of all, are there any places at which we might cut off or at least reduce the influence of wealth?
the rich are just like you majority and asshatinhand.
Except much better educated, much better looking.
And not as inclined to be a whiny little bitch.
What statement is that? Or, more appropriately, which statement are you talking about?

Is our political system, as it exists today, heavily skewed to favor the wealthy elite? Yes, absolutely. I have no quarrel with that statement at all. It doesn't tell us much, though, if you think about it.

Why does the system favor the rich? Where does personal wealth influence the process most strongly? And, most of all, are there any places at which we might cut off or at least reduce the influence of wealth?

you obivously understood what statement he was talking about.

The illusory and transient nature of our currency is a big problem, which causes the entire society to jump to the agenda of the fascists in control.

No. a policy of allowing an elite corrupt class to create money from thin air which it uses to control an indebted society is a policy which guarantees totalitarianism. It is a symptom, of course, of the elitist morality you mention, but it is also their primary mechanism of control.

Currency Reform Now!

asshat...are you also a fan of Andrew Jackson?...I believe he was the one and only true Conservative Democtrat!Where are the Andrew Jacksons when ya need em?:D

right skinhead
you community college cop degree is wofkng great for you.

sorry bison breath...but it did workout quite well along with the follow-up BS!
I am retired and watching your type fall from grace...as for skinhead!...Not hardly...still have a fullhead of mostly black hair slightly salted with grey!

I say to you...sola washnee naw whashita! You my friend(used loosely) are the scalp head!
no fall here buddy you have fun at the bowling alley I'll be at the country club you cousin kissing ghestapo kid arresting ass

no fall here buddy you have fun at the bowling alley I'll be at the country club you cousin kissing ghestapo kid arresting ass

Right the country club...you really read too many 'Ritchie Rich' comic books...everything you claim to be is like a paragraph from 'Ritchie Rich'...yeah baby you do lunch at the club after a hot tennis match...:rolleyes:
ahhh...not hardly...............

that I do and you glow from arresting black kids foe smoking pot.
Your a mental midget.

Never worked small street busts...I was involved with mega ton smuggling...went after the Big Boys!...Something you are lacking...you are a small fry who owes his soul to the company store...Chevron giving you a Christmas bonus for carrying their water like a good little waterboy?
What you got against chevron.
I do project finance.
For 125,000 I'd carry water or whatever the fuck they told me too.
Glad you weren't busting kids. Need more who were doing what you did. Judo's
I retract my previous set of assinibe slams.
Never worked small street busts...I was involved with mega ton smuggling...went after the Big Boys!...Something you are lacking...you are a small fry who owes his soul to the company store...Chevron giving you a Christmas bonus for carrying their water like a good little waterboy?

But, you made your money as a state paid employee against the war on drugs (which is not winnable--or ever will be)--and never caught one politican as an importer. (yes people---it happens--probably every year)

Back to the topic.

Still---nobody has put up a case agains my statement. Still batting 100% power.


Lets make this simple. True, or False---and why a false answer if that is your answer.---We all know why and how it is true.
The problem, as I see it, is that Americans are an invented, controlled, and manipulated people, and we always have been.

We glorify greed, so why would anyone expect that we wouldn't elect greedy politicians? Why would our politics be any different than our society? There are astronomical death rates by gun violence in America EVERY year because we glorify guns and rich politicians control America because we glorify money. The resluts are inevitable.

Money is the gaping hole in the concept of democracy, and money, which is the root of capitalism, morphs democracy into a plutocracy, which is what exists in America today.

But Americans are far too invented and manipulated to ever honestly deal with the problems of capitalism.
The problem, as I see it, is that Americans are an invented, controlled, and manipulated people, and we always have been.

We glorify greed, so why would anyone expect that we wouldn't elect greedy politicians? Why would our politics be any different than our society? There are astronomical death rates by gun violence in America EVERY year because we glorify guns and rich politicians control America because we glorify money. The resluts are inevitable.

Money is the gaping hole in the concept of democracy, and money, which is the root of capitalism, morphs democracy into a plutocracy, which is what exists in America today.

But Americans are far too invented and manipulated to ever honestly deal with the problems of capitalism.

Good points---but lets get to the root.

The elite is a small segment of the population (what is it--like the top 5% of the population?). Of course, they have the money and the power, but it really does not matter what small segment gets continiously elected---no small segment can possibly represent the whole population, and do what is in the best interest of the majority of the population. Any segment will always take care of themself first--that is why we have to be able to elect people from the whole population. The method of running and voting is greatly flawed, and it is not possible to elect people from the whole population.

Yes people are manipluated all over the world, not just here. But who is it you think will manipulate you first. The guy who got rich doing it, or your neighbor who is a sharp guy, but does not have the money to run for office, with a chance of winning? I know your gut tells you that you trust your neighbor, who faces the same challenges you do--more than some guy who does not even know that you don't grow that vegtable in that state (O-Bamma when he mentioned the rising cost of a piece of food I have never heard of to a crowd of farmers earlier this year while campaigning---yea--the crowd was silent)

When we change the way we vote and run for office, so the whole population is considered as viable candidates, and have a equal shot of winning---we will once again become the greatist country this world has ever seen (surpassing our last 150 or so years). We did it once and it lasted only about fifty years (the door was open for the corruption---we can shut that door)---we can do it again.
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