Poll: Conservatives still largest ideological group


Independent Thinker
Republican affiliation is down in almost every major demographic. A majority of Americans say there's no clear leader for the GOP. And its top House Republican, John Boehner of Ohio, acknowledges that his party is in a "deep hole" right now.

Despite all the bad news for the country's right, here's one good: conservatives remain the largest ideological group in the U.S.

Today's Gallup Poll reports that 40% of Americans identify their political views as conservative, while 35% say they're moderate and 21% call themselves liberal. And though Dems won control of Congress and the White House last November, the percentage of self-identified conservatives is actually up from last year, when 37% of Americans put themselves in the conservative bracket.

"While these figures have shown little change over the past decade, the nation appears to be more polarized than it was in the early 1990s," pollster Lydia Saad noted.

Another note: Republicans tend to be more ideologically unified, with 73% of the GOP calling themselves conservative, while Dems are more split -- 40% say they're moderate, while 38% identify themselves as liberal and 22% say they're conservative.

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This seems to demonstrate that being ideologically pure does not always woirk in a political parties best interest.

It also demonstrates that being "conservative" does not necessarily mean the right-wing definition of conservative.

More than a third of all African-Americans identify themselves as conservative .. but less than 10% of African-Americans vote for the Republican Party.

... but I guess you have to look for good news where you can find it.
nice burn,
I heard on the news the other day that latino's vote dem by a large margin and are closing in on double digit percentage of the electorate.
Many are conservative as long as conservatism does not impact them negatively.
Same with liberals they are liberal but do not want to pay more taxes for social programs, then they claim to be conservative.

Pretty funny.
So long as one substitutes for "Ideological group:" greedy, self centered, cheap labor, social darwinist, corporate tools, and makes it clear ideology is limited and excludes the good sensible people of America who are more free, tolerant, and empathetic, I have no trouble that this would be a majority.
This poll must burn a lot of lefty liberals ass...who continually lie and say conservatives and conservatism are "in the wilderness, and liberalism is now the majority...:)
This poll must burn a lot of lefty liberals ass...who continually lie and say conservatives and conservatism are "in the wilderness, and liberalism is now the majority...:)

I would think the exact opposite.

Conservatives are supposedly the majority .. but the conservative movement is as dead Reagan, and conservatives control NOTHING, and the Republican Party controls NOTHING and is viewed as a failed and rejected party on its way to oblivion.

If one believes this poll, then obviously there are some really dumb people leading the conservative charge.
This poll must burn a lot of lefty liberals ass...who continually lie and say conservatives and conservatism are "in the wilderness, and liberalism is now the majority...:)

you and your other KKK christians will be crying when you lose next time again.
I would think the exact opposite.

Conservatives are supposedly the majority .. but the conservative movement is as dead Reagan, and conservatives control NOTHING, and the Republican Party controls NOTHING and is viewed as a failed and rejected party on its way to oblivion.

If one believes this poll, then obviously there are some really dumb people leading the conservative charge.

Well your final statement is obvious from con posters on this board.
you and your other KKK christians will be crying when you lose next time again.

after the Obama and these crooks in his administration are done, I'd expect another land slide victory by Republicans, kinda like Reagan..
after the Obama and these crooks in his administration are done, I'd expect another land slide victory by Republicans, kinda like Reagan..


When the Messiah is done changing the world, I fully expect members of both parties in Congress to do away with term limits, and welcome in the new Obama monarchy...
CHANGING THE WORLD...oh my sides hurt..

You side may indeed hurt, but the changing of America is undeniable .. and that change does not bode well for conservatives or the Republican Party.

You're quickly morphing into a minority.

... oh the irony.
You side may indeed hurt, but the changing of America is undeniable .. and that change does not bode well for conservatives or the Republican Party.

You're quickly morphing into a minority.

... oh the irony.

I don't believe there are that many immoral people in this country..
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see what I mean...even in a thread with a poll that shows that a majority of Americans still hold conservative ideals, they still spread a lie...I guess it's that repeat a lie enough, some idiots will fall for it...

What this poll demonstrates is that the term "conservative" is almost meaningless when it comes to political power.

"Conservatives" are supposedly the majority, but they control NOTHING .. and the conservative political party is totally rejected and they are bankrupt of ideas on how to gain the trust of the American people.

.. AND, central to my comment, America's changing demographics do not work in favor of either conservative ideas or the Republican Party.

Sorry that I didn't have crayons to draw you something you could understand.