Poll shows 6 in 10 Americans don't care if they lose their job

I'd say that 6 in 10 have a complete lack of understanding of the interdependence among all sectors of the country. I thought they taught basic economics in HS here in this country. Never mind, I take that back. :rolleyes:

Yeah, I think you have it right.

I don't think the auto industry is going to get the bailout that wall street got anyway. They are going to try and use this to break the unions.
The auto companies say that if they don't receive government assistance, they could go into bankruptcy. If that happens, only 15 percent of those polled think they would be immediately affected, with another 19 percent saying they would feel the impact within a year or so.

Forty-three percent say they would eventually feel an effect from such a bankruptcy, and 24 percent say they will never feel the impact.

They dont understand how hard it would impact the overall economy
Yeah, I think you have it right.

I don't think the auto industry is going to get the bailout that wall street got anyway. They are going to try and use this to break the unions.

That is so misdirected. It's as someone from the UAW said recently, "we just build the cars and trucks they tell us to build". The problem is in the structure of the corporations, their priorities, and the products they sell. That latter in itself is a topic that could fill a LOT of space.

When we traded in my old Jeep for a new one three years ago, I received 3 or 4 surveys from Chrysler -- about my damned marketing experience!, not how I found the vehicle. Some time later there was an emailed survey for former Jeep owners. Apparently I wasn't eligible to respond because I was also a current Jeep owner. So they didn't give a crap how I felt about my vehicle (and I'd written three single-spaced pages but couldn't find where in Chrysler to send them. The quality control was abominable, the seats were so badly designed that I had them rebuilt, the windshield is less than 1/16 inch thick, and on and on and on. I do love the transmission, though. There apparently was a reason why so much emphasis was placed on the sound system and nothing, seriously, nothing else.
They want you to not like it enough to keep it more than three to five years.

It was the marketing plan.
That is so misdirected. It's as someone from the UAW said recently, "we just build the cars and trucks they tell us to build". The problem is in the structure of the corporations, their priorities, and the products they sell. That latter in itself is a topic that could fill a LOT of space.

When we traded in my old Jeep for a new one three years ago, I received 3 or 4 surveys from Chrysler -- about my damned marketing experience!, not how I found the vehicle. Some time later there was an emailed survey for former Jeep owners. Apparently I wasn't eligible to respond because I was also a current Jeep owner. So they didn't give a crap how I felt about my vehicle (and I'd written three single-spaced pages but couldn't find where in Chrysler to send them. The quality control was abominable, the seats were so badly designed that I had them rebuilt, the windshield is less than 1/16 inch thick, and on and on and on. I do love the transmission, though. There apparently was a reason why so much emphasis was placed on the sound system and nothing, seriously, nothing else.

Jesus, that just sounds so typical.
when your so upsidown from the beginning on a car -2000 before it even hits the assembly line because you have to pay for health care of 3 retired GED's there is no way to compete in quality versus Toyota or Honda build down the street who don't have to pay any retired GED's

Solution. US governement picks up tab of the healthcare for the retired workers and no more free healthcare to any new employees.
This so reminds me of my first job out of college. I worked the fidelity 401k line for Ford and General Motors. Factory workers calling with 900,000 in there 401k's. By far the best matches and pension plans compared to thousands of other companies. Yah thanks UAW for hooking up a select few people in this country in exchange for dismantling the American auto industry.
when your so upsidown from the beginning on a car -2000 before it even hits the assembly line because you have to pay for health care of 3 retired GED's there is no way to compete in quality versus Toyota or Honda build down the street who don't have to pay any retired GED's

Solution. US governement picks up tab of the healthcare for the retired workers and no more free healthcare to any new employees.

You're the new topspin. Congrats!

when your so upsidown from the beginning on a car -2000 before it even hits the assembly line because you have to pay for health care of 3 retired GED's there is no way to compete in quality versus Toyota or Honda build down the street who don't have to pay any retired GED's

Solution. US governement picks up tab of the healthcare for the retired workers and no more free healthcare to any new employees.

That's oversimplifying the issue. The big 3 have resisted innovation for the most part, and it has nothing to do with their back-end costs.

I'm encouraged by the way they are framing the bailout, and tying it to real change in the industry.
This so reminds me of my first job out of college. I worked the fidelity 401k line for Ford and General Motors. Factory workers calling with 900,000 in there 401k's. By far the best matches and pension plans compared to thousands of other companies. Yah thanks UAW for hooking up a select few people in this country in exchange for dismantling the American auto industry.

So it's the union's fault that the company failed to plan to pay for benefits that the company promised to retirees and that the retirees bargained for when they were workers in exchange for less compensation.

Interesting concept.
So much resentment Chap. Just as I was reading your resentment-filled posts, I also came across an interesting story. One might call it, a tale told of an idiot.

Here is how David Gregory got the most sought after job in news -the host of Meet The Press. His hair went prematurely grey, and this gave him "gravitas". Do you know what a woman gets if her hair goes grey, prematurely or otherwise? Sent to the hairdresser and told to lose ten pounds. Just because a woman should always knock off ten pounds.

But David Gregory, one of the least talented, most shallow, most ignorant of even basic journalistic principles, got the job because he's white, his hair went grey, and he palled around with Tom Brokaw. Before you start screeching about how Tom Brokaw could have palled around with and mentored a woman or a black man...he didn't. He hasn't. He won't.

and yet you white males, you have so much resentment built up at the world. Gregory himself has built up a very righteous amount of resentment - after all, someone criticized his performance in the run up to the IRaq war, and he did nothing wrong, and he is personally insulted, and he means insulted! that anyone would imply otherwise. Meantime, a lot of Jose's and Mohammads? Yeah, dead.

"NBC News plans to name David Gregory as moderator of “Meet the Press,” infusing one of television’s most prized franchises with a sharp edge leavened by a youthful style and versatility, according to network executives.

Gregory, 38, celebrated his 30th birthday — complete with cake — aboard George W. Bush’s presidential campaign plane, the assignment that solidified his stature as a network rising star. Enjoying a gravitas boost from his prematurely salt-and-pepper mane and friendships with Tom Brokaw and other of the legendary figures of NBC News, the Los Angeles native quickly became one of the hottest personalities in network news.

That's oversimplifying the issue. The big 3 have resisted innovation for the most part, and it has nothing to do with their back-end costs.

I'm encouraged by the way they are framing the bailout, and tying it to real change in the industry.

Either that or let them die then nobody gets anything promised to them.
What are you so angry about?

Well im annoyed that my wife's union totally fucked her for 1. She was a staff nurse. we had a kid and per diem seemed to work better for awhile. while per diem they striked to get raises but changed the pension so that no new nurses could get pension. When she went back to staff they now call her a new nurse with no pension. Now they wont even return the calls about the issue.. but they did call like 20 times to tell her to vote for hillary, no vote for obama, vote for state income taxes.

But thats not what im annoyed at. Im just tired of people defending unions when they are clearly corrupt.
Just out of curiosity, since Chap brought up an interesting point...

How many of you have worked for a union before? Or had your spouse/signficant other work for one?
Just out of curiosity, since Chap brought up an interesting point...

How many of you have worked for a union before? Or had your spouse/signficant other work for one?

It's not an interesting point. I couldn't believe he wrote it, but I figured it was some personal grievance bs. Meanwhile, every single person who has ever held a job has some grievance against some past, or present employer.

to anyone who knows social history in this country, it's meaningless drivel. I on't give a fuck if Damo's union called him needledick the bugfucker and made him wear pink panties, and I don't care if Chap's wife's union put a hit out on her.

We are talking about the standard of living in this country, and it's only the truly clueless, and the truly elite, who don't understand it. Now, as Krugman says, it's a difficult thing to get a man to understand something when his job depends on his not understanding it - and that explains one half of our problem. the rest of the people involved are clueless.