Poll shows 6 in 10 Americans don't care if they lose their job

Translation: I don't know how to respond so I'll say "meaningless drivel" and try and get out.

LMAO... whatever. Your line of crap (and it is indeed crap) that suggests only unions recognize standard of living is a perfect example of meaningless drivel.

Do you really expect anyone to believe that only 10% of the country understands?

Your a brainwashed fool if you do.
LMAO... whatever. Your line of crap (and it is indeed crap) that suggests only unions recognize standard of living is a perfect example of meaningless drivel.

Do you really expect anyone to believe that only 10% of the country understands?

Your a brainwashed fool if you do.

Only unions recognize standard of living?

That's a meaningless statement, and it's for that reason, we can be certain that I did not make it.
Chap, don't call me crazy. I don't know who you think you are talking to, but I'm not some yahoo. I live in NY, and have all my life, whether it be, at different times, in Manhattan or LI. My long-time fiance made 350k, and I know a lot of people who are over 200, so stop acting like I'm crazy. You have already stated in the past that your household is pulling in more than 250. Give me a break.

Firstly, the auto unions aren't making upwards of 100k. Secondly, if your neighbor is, good for him. why do you hate him for it? You seem to have some sense of entitlement which tells you that anyone you look down upon socially, has no right to a comfortable life. While that may be fine for your personal viewpoint, it's no way to set national policy.

I never said my household made over 250k. we are in the 180 gross range. My point im trying to make is that you seem for some reason to view me or any other highly college educated professional as privileged and that's not the case. People with no college or minimal college can and are making just as much and more as members of a unions.

How can we expect to EVER compete on ANY manufacturing front let alone manufacturing cars when the assembly workers cost as much as a college degreed professional.

I'm happy that a GED can make 80k working on an assembly line but im also not going to pretend this isn't the #1 reason why the us manufacturing on any front cant survive in a global economy.

PS that's great that your fiance is making that absurd salary.. now he is definitely privileged.
Well, I have to go out and earn some money now. I'm not in finance so I can't hang around here all day getting paid hundreds of thousands to bitch about how hard I have it. Here is my prediction of SF's response. And yes, I checked to make sure that's his foot he's holding - I didn't want any surprises in my Pm box when I get back with a note saying "I thought you wanted to see it".

Only unions recognize standard of living?

That's a meaningless statement, and it's for that reason, we can be certain that I did not make it.

you certainly seemed to imply it with your little tirade.

We are discussing unions and Chap said he wife got screwed over by her union. Then you go off on a rant about you not caring if unions mistreat people because well gee golly everyone has beefs and that we are talking about the standard of living .... blah blah blah...

It seems to imply that you think it is the unions that protect the standard of living... which is bullshit.
I never said my household made over 250k. we are in the 180 gross range. My point im trying to make is that you seem for some reason to view me or any other highly college educated professional as privileged and that's not the case. People with no college or minimal college can and are making just as much and more as members of a unions.

How can we expect to EVER compete on ANY manufacturing front let alone manufacturing cars when the assembly workers cost as much as a college degreed professional.

I'm happy that a GED can make 80k working on an assembly line but im also not going to pretend this isn't the #1 reason why the us manufacturing on any front cant survive in a global economy.

PS that's great that your fiance is making that absurd salary.. now he is definitely privileged.

That's ex-fiance. I broke off with him (we are still friends) and fell in love with a poor guy I met while doing an anti-war demonstration. He helped found the IVAW - that's not highly paid work.

The average union auto worker is not making 80k in pay, that's a right wing myth, and the number one reason why manufacturing can't survive in a global economy is because companies offshore their labor for pennies an hour. Would you like the American worker to labor for pennies an hour? I'd like to see, if you had your way, who is going to buy things in this consumer driven country.

You people really would drive this country into third world status over spite. It's amazing.
Well, I have to go out and earn some money now. I'm not in finance so I can't hang around here all day getting paid hundreds of thousands to bitch about how hard I have it. Here is my prediction of SF's response. And yes, I checked to make sure that's his foot he's holding - I didn't want any surprises in my Pm box when I get back with a note saying "I thought you wanted to see it".


says the person with more posts on this board than anyone but the boards owner and the senile one line fool.
you certainly seemed to imply it with your little tirade.

We are discussing unions and Chap said he wife got screwed over by her union. Then you go off on a rant about you not caring if unions mistreat people because well gee golly everyone has beefs and that we are talking about the standard of living .... blah blah blah...

It seems to imply that you think it is the unions that protect the standard of living... which is bullshit.

Oh, unions are a huge factor in standard of living, and worker safety in this country. that's why corporations hate them. Who is financinig the drive against card check? The Chamber of Commerce. They've vowed to spend millions buying your anti-union friends in Congress.

Of course, the Chamber of Commerce is doing it to protect the standard of living of the American worker. LOL
That's ex-fiance. I broke off with him (we are still friends) and fell in love with a poor guy I met while doing an anti-war demonstration. He helped found the IVAW - that's not highly paid work.

The average union auto worker is not making 80k in pay, that's a right wing myth, and the number one reason why manufacturing can't survive in a global economy is because companies offshore their labor for pennies an hour. Would you like the American worker to labor for pennies an hour? I'd like to see, if you had your way, who is going to buy things in this consumer driven country.

You people really would drive this country into third world status over spite. It's amazing.

I want to drive America to be competitive not to be 3rd world. We can do it with fair wages but come on a drop out of high school has no business making anything remotely close to a post graduate.
I want to drive America to be competitive not to be 3rd world. We can do it with fair wages but come on a drop out of high school has no business making anything remotely close to a post graduate.

That's your belief. And even though you can't see this - it's elitist. I don't share that belief.
says the person with more posts on this board than anyone but the boards owner and the senile one line fool.

Most of them made while I was being paid good money by Estee Lauder. Getting paid by a big, greedy corporation to post on here all day. Well, you know how that feels SF. Pretty good work, huh?!

But I have to actually do some work these days. Don't get cranky just because you hate it here when I'm gone.
80k is not a right wing myth. assembly workers make like 30bucks an hour plus time and a half overtime, also get free health care and pensions.
80k is not a right wing myth. assembly workers make like 30bucks an hour plus time and a half overtime, also get free health care and pensions.

"Free health care and pensions?" You're off the deep end. You hate unions. We get it. We would all be better served if you just left it at that and quit making shit up.

And, if you make like 30 bucks and hour, you pull in about 60k. Meanwhile, the average hourly wage of a GM union employee is about 28 bucks an hour.
"I want to drive America to be competitive not to be 3rd world. We can do it with fair wages but come on a drop out of high school has no business making anything remotely close to a post graduate."

Chap, that's an incredible thing to say. It's not just elitist; it's anti-American.

Some of the most prominent self-made millionaires & business leaders in our history did not have a college education. America is that kind of place; if you work hard, no matter where you come from, you can excel and achieve your dreams.

There is no ceiling or discrimination based on who is college educated, and who is not. That's utterly ridiculous.
Oh, unions are a huge factor in standard of living, and worker safety in this country. that's why corporations hate them. Who is financinig the drive against card check? The Chamber of Commerce. They've vowed to spend millions buying your anti-union friends in Congress.

Of course, the Chamber of Commerce is doing it to protect the standard of living of the American worker. LOL

that is because the card check eliminates the need for a secret ballot which opens the door for MORE intimidation of workers.

The Chamber is protecting the rights of the workers. The unions in this case are not doing what is in the best interest of the worker... they are doing what is in the best interest of the unions.
that is because the card check eliminates the need for a secret ballot which opens the door for MORE intimidation of workers.

The Chamber is protecting the rights of the workers. The unions in this case are not doing what is in the best interest of the worker... they are doing what is in the best interest of the unions.

And I bet you believe it too, which is just sad.
"Free health care and pensions?" You're off the deep end. You hate unions. We get it. We would all be better served if you just left it at that and quit making shit up.

And, if you make like 30 bucks and hour, you pull in about 60k. Meanwhile, the average hourly wage of a GM union employee is about 28 bucks an hour.

add in the pension and health care costs including paying for retired workers. Then compete against Toyota and Honda. Goodluck
And I bet you believe it too, which is just sad.

Yes, I do believe that in the case of the secret ballots the workers are being protected by the Chamber and NOT the unions. The Chamber does not gain from their position. The UNION does.

WHY are the unions so scared of the secret ballot Dung? Could it be because they aren't winning as many of the votes as they want?
"I want to drive America to be competitive not to be 3rd world. We can do it with fair wages but come on a drop out of high school has no business making anything remotely close to a post graduate."

Chap, that's an incredible thing to say. It's not just elitist; it's anti-American.

Some of the most prominent self-made millionaires & business leaders in our history did not have a college education. America is that kind of place; if you work hard, no matter where you come from, you can excel and achieve your dreams.

There is no ceiling or discrimination based on who is college educated, and who is not. That's utterly ridiculous.

That is not what im saying at all. Im sorry you think that. Here is a better example of what im trying to say:

Wanted to hire: BSBA at xxx company. Salary 80K with benefits. no pension, no overtime. estimate 50hours per week.

Wanted to hire: No education needed assembly line worker $30an hour. Benefits include free healthcare for life and pension. Time and a half pay over 38hours.
add in the pension and health care costs including paying for retired workers. Then compete against Toyota and Honda. Goodluck

Why should we add the pension and health insurance that retired workers earned when they were working to the pay and benefits of current assembly line workers? That makes no sense whatsoever.

The point you are trying to make kind of makes sense, but it ignores the fact that, had management properly planned for the retirement benefits of workers by making contributions to a fund at the time the retirement benefits were promised instead of falsely believing that they could always use their present income to pay retiree costs, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.

Moreover, Toyota and Honda have no comparable legacy costs because they have no legacy, not because their management properly planned for promised benefit costs.