Poor "picked on" Joe the Plumber

I love it! All the people here that are saying that $250k should NOT be considered rich. Allright, if that's the case, how about all those people (the majority) who are making less than that amount? How are they supposed to survive? How can they get better paying jobs? How can they afford a home? How can they afford a better education? How can they pay for health insurance, or any other type of insurance for that matter? :lmao:

Please post your solutions, since you have all the answers. I can't wait to see what some of you will come up with. All of you who don't respond, are liars, hyprocrits and cowards.

P.S. I will vote for anyone of you for President in 2012 (if you so choose to run) that convinces me of your ingenious plan. :clink:

Reposted for the next Republican financial wizard to tackle. :cof1:
Joe the plumber asked a fair question regardless of if he could afford a business or not. The American people have the right to hear Obama's tax plan and have a full understanding of how it will effect them. If the dems cant coherently explain it to the avg Americans so they an understand it then they are doing something wrong.

Just because we are holding our criticizing for the most part right now and supporting obama now in order to keep mccain out of office doesn't mean a whole shit storm isnt gonna come down on him after he is in. I can guarantee you that he will be heavily questioned daily and any major move against independents and upper middle class will result in a republican congress in 2 years and obama out in 4years.
I love it! All the people here that are saying that $250k should NOT be considered rich. Allright, if that's the case, how about all those people (the majority) who are making less than that amount? How are they supposed to survive? How can they get better paying jobs? How can they afford a home? How can they afford a better education? How can they pay for health insurance, or any other type of insurance for that matter? :lmao:

Please post your solutions, since you have all the answers. I can't wait to see what some of you will come up with. All of you who don't respond, are liars, hyprocrits and cowards.

P.S. I will vote for anyone of you for President in 2012 (if you so choose to run) that convinces me of your ingenious plan. :clink:

Costs 800k for a house in CA. costs 150k for same house in the middle of the country. So how can you come up with some avg number and then force that number on everyone living in the more expensive areas of the country? 250k is agreed to cover all areas of the country (even if it seems high to some living in lower cost areas of the country) as the cutoff of not bing rich by the Democrats currently.
i know. i cannot get over how badly mccain has run this thing. i think that running campaigns like the ones we have these days, which go on for what, two years basically? is a huge job. he has fucked it up royally. obama has run a nearly flawless campaign, and any mistakes he made, he made early on, and you saw how he learned from them. if these were job interviews, only someone who was trying to drive themselves out of business would hire mccain over obama.

It's all part of Rove's plan. Let Obama win, blame him for the troubles that will result from Bush/Greenspan created messes, recapture majority.
It's all part of Rove's plan. Let Obama win, blame him for the troubles that will result from Bush/Greenspan created messes, recapture majority.

Yeah, I don’t discount that. I remember that Pat Buchanan actually (this was before the palin pick , he’s in love with her), said that there was a good case to be made that the republicans were just giving the dems the election this year, for exactly that reason. But, even so, no one can guarantee how someone else is going to rise to the occasion.
It's all part of Rove's plan. Let Obama win, blame him for the troubles that will result from Bush/Greenspan created messes, recapture majority.

Uh "let"? Rove is not advising McCain. And Rove's strategy of plucking Liberal ideas like the Pill Bill and large education increase is why we are in this mess. Policies Obama will continue and expand (ie: universal healthcare), not diverge from. What does Rove gain by screwing McCain? He's a Republican advisor. As well even when Obama and Dems launch massive new spending increases like $1.2 trillion dollar universal healthcare, they will milk and blame a $100 billion Iraq war for any ensuing financial mess and deficits. Just like the left successfully convinced people in the worsening fiscal mess of the 30's that is was Hoover's fault for any mess from the big spending policies that FDR enacted.

Also Rove has nothing to do with Greenspan, who followed the same policies years before Rove was on the scene.

Seriously Ron, out of all the things you've written I think this is the first time I'd have to say it was nonsense, conspirational nonsense even. The only thing I give you kudos for is Rove is a fucker I probably hate more than anyone else. He has not only ruined the country but worse allowed the left to claim that economic Conservatism, capitalism and free market ideology were the reason it failed because it didn't work under a (fake) Conservative, (fake) capitalist president in Bush.
Costs 800k for a house in CA. costs 150k for same house in the middle of the country. So how can you come up with some avg number and then force that number on everyone living in the more expensive areas of the country? 250k is agreed to cover all areas of the country (even if it seems high to some living in lower cost areas of the country) as the cutoff of not bing rich by the Democrats currently.

First, I didn't come up with that number, you guys did. Use any numbers you wish, but answer the questions. Solutions please, not word games. I'm waiting!
First, I didn't come up with that number, you guys did. Use any numbers you wish, but answer the questions. Solutions please, not word games. I'm waiting!

I would like to attempt to answer your question but the best way to do that imo is to understand the question first. I will paraphrase how I interpret the question you are asking and you can let me know if I'm on the right track. From there I can attempt to answer it.

I believe you are asking if we don't define $250k as rich then how then how can anyone making less than that expect to survive with our basic needs.

Am I on the right track there?
I would like to attempt to answer your question but the best way to do that imo is to understand the question first. I will paraphrase how I interpret the question you are asking and you can let me know if I'm on the right track. From there I can attempt to answer it.

I believe you are asking if we don't define $250k as rich then how then how can anyone making less than that expect to survive with our basic needs.

Am I on the right track there?

Wow, you got it? Yes, and you can use any amout you wish depending on where you live. Better?
Wow, you got it? Yes, and you can use any amout you wish depending on where you live. Better?

Even if I got it I still don't get it. Let's say you can label rich as any amount you want. You can say someone making $50k/yr is rich or someone must make $1 miilion/yr to be rich. Regardless of how or who you want to label as rich isn't going to effect others. There are millions of people that live great lives that make less than one you may want to define as rich.
Even if I got it I still don't get it. Let's say you can label rich as any amount you want. You can say someone making $50k/yr is rich or someone must make $1 miilion/yr to be rich. Regardless of how or who you want to label as rich isn't going to effect others. There are millions of people that live great lives that make less than one you may want to define as rich.

More word games I see, or maybe you actually just don't get it.... like most me, me, me capitalsts. The questions are simple ones, but to hard for you apparentely. Maybe if I sent you $10,000 and forced you to live on that for all of next year, you might get a dose of reality.

Where's all the other financial geniuses? Avoiding this one like the plague as you always do. You people are a joke!

Come on Dano, Damo, SF, Kathianne, Dixie, RStrinfield, webbway, Good Luck, Little Accorn, Epicurus and Beefy. Where are you? You run like the true cowards, liars and hypocrits that you are. When the going gets rough, Republicans and Libertarians fold!

That's why I don't stay at this site for extended periods of time. :rolleyes:
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