Pope Frank Is More Than A Hardcore Communist


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Big Frank is a charity hustler. Big Frank would be a charity hustler had Karl Marx never been born. Frank is no different than every parasite that dined on sheep and fools centuries before Communism’s evil contaminated the human race. If Jorge Mario Bergoglio was still doubling as a bouncer and janitor in a Buenos Aires nightclub preaching the garbage he preaches as pope nobody would report anything he says.



homily (noun)
plural homilies

1. A sermon, especially one intended to edify a congregation on a practical matter and not intended to be a theological discourse.

2. A tedious moralizing lecture or admonition.

The fact is: When Pope Francis preaches his charity hustle in full regalia, a billion Roman Catholics worldwide put stock in his idiotic homilies.

In a few small ways, Pope Francis is a traditionalist. He opposes abortion, gay marriage (although he supports gay civil unions), and the notion of infinite genders.

In most other ways, though, the Pope constantly demonstrates that he emerged from a Marxist background. Despite being the Catholic Church’s preeminent man of God, he has a Gaia-centric view of nature. He also brings a Marxist’s understanding of economics (i.e., simplistic and wrong) to the papacy. That’s why, on Wednesday, the Pope suggested that COVID-19 is the earth’s revenge for climate change and then implied that politicians concerned about the economy are akin to Hitler in 1933.

To understand how the head of the Catholic Church can make statements so perfectly aligned with leftism, one has to go back to the left’s long March through the Church.

The Latin American Catholic Church went Leftist in the 1950s and 1960s, when it developed “liberation theology.” This was also when Pope Francis came of age as a Catholic priest. “Liberation theology” is a pure Leftist doctrine tacked onto Catholicism:

Liberation theology proposes to fight poverty by addressing its alleged source: sin. In so doing, it explores the relationship between Christian theology — especially Roman Catholic theology — and political activism, especially in relation to social justice, poverty, and human rights. The principal methodological innovation is seeing theology from the perspective of the poor and the oppressed.

Liberation theology’s defining concept is “social justice.” That’s how a Latin American leftist now heads the institution that, under Pope John Paul II, once stood firmly with Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher in the West’s existential fight against socialism.

Francis’s push to the left began early in his papacy when, in December 2013, he preached economic Marxism to the flock. The Pope's Marxist world view also means he supports the whole idea of anthropogenic climate change. In his 2015 encyclical on ecology, Laudato Si, Pope Francis said that climate change is real and is primarily “a result of human activity.”

Both these beliefs came to the fore on Wednesday when The Tablet and Commonwealth magazines published an email interview with the Pope. Regarding COVID-19, Francis reverted to animism – that is, the view of Nature as a living, god-like being:

"We did not respond to the partial catastrophes. Who now speaks of the fires in Australia, or remembers that 18 months ago a boat could cross the North Pole because the glaciers had all melted? Who speaks now of the floods?" the Pope said.

"I don't know if these are the revenge of nature, but they are certainly nature's responses," he added.

Ignore the silliness of glacial melt. What's significant is that this viewpoint is totally antithetical to Judeo-Christian doctrine. The Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments, long ago abandoned animism in favor of a single divine entity, that created the earth and all that is upon it.

In the same interview, Pope Francis took a swipe at Donald Trump, who is very worried that extreme measures against COVID-19 will destroy the American economy, leading to Depression and everything that flows from it (e.g., suicide, depression-related health events, drug addiction, alcoholism, etc.). That’s not how Pope Francis sees things, though:

The Pope also warned against the rise of populist politicians -- who he said are giving speeches reminiscent of Hitler in 1933 -- and others who are focusing solely on the economy.​

What in hell does Pope Francis think Communist populism is? ANSWER: Somehow the biggest charity hustler in the world convinced himself that his tax dollar hustle is not focused on the economy.

The Catholic Church has survived for close to 2,000 years, so it’s not likely that a single Marxist pope can destroy it. Nevertheless, traditionalists have to be worried when the Pope starts speaking of Gaia with the same immediacy he speaks of God. Moreover, everyone should look askance at a Pope who joins with the world’s Marxists to attack Trump with Hitler insults because Trump is worried about the economic costs attendant upon flowing from the same questionable models that have led to twenty years of climate change hysteria.

April 9, 2020
Pope Francis's approach to COVID-19 is a reminder that he is a leftist
By Andrea Widburg


p.s. See this thread for an interesting bit about Big Frank and Eggs Benedict:

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What in hell does Pope Francis think Communist populism is?

I doubt if it is a mistake:

Mistaking Communism for Christianity

Pope Francis and Mike Lindell: Two Men of Faith Confront the Pandemic
By Elizabeth Fortunato
April 9, 2020


Incidentally, Mark Twain elaborated on Shakespeare:

Act 1 Scene 3

POLONIUS: Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, but not express’d in fancy; rich, not gaudy; for the apparel oft proclaims the man, and they in France of the best rank and station are of a most select and generous chief in that.
The pagan Roman Catholic Church is a marxist religion, spreading marxism, poverty, disease, and idolatry anywhere it can.


The Catholic Church went against Soviets in Polish Solidarity movement.

Protestants spread violence & ignorance.
I doubt if it is a mistake:

Mistaking Communism for Christianity

Pope Francis and Mike Lindell: Two Men of Faith Confront the Pandemic
By Elizabeth Fortunato
April 9, 2020


Incidentally, Mark Twain elaborated on Shakespeare:

Act 1 Scene 3

POLONIUS: Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, but not express’d in fancy; rich, not gaudy; for the apparel oft proclaims the man, and they in France of the best rank and station are of a most select and generous chief in that.

Because most Libertarians are retards.

They often think the whole World is Marxist.

Oh Marxist Sweden because of National healthcare.

Give me a break.
I doubt if it is a mistake:

Mistaking Communism for Christianity

Pope Francis and Mike Lindell: Two Men of Faith Confront the Pandemic
By Elizabeth Fortunato
April 9, 2020


Incidentally, Mark Twain elaborated on Shakespeare:

Act 1 Scene 3

POLONIUS: Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, but not express’d in fancy; rich, not gaudy; for the apparel oft proclaims the man, and they in France of the best rank and station are of a most select and generous chief in that.

Because caring about the environment & poor doesn't automatically make one a Marxist.
Because caring about the environment & poor doesn't automatically make one a Marxist.

Flanders is a write-off. All he does is post obscure and weird shit that could be seen as trolling at times. His titles often read like he is. I don't bet but I might take a guess that even the link posted might not fit his title exactly the way he portrays. I'm not going to a sewer site to check though.
Well it's not exactly Marxism, but the philosophy is pretty damn Marxist. It's basically Marxism meets Theocracy without the promise of eventual Anarchy.

A mix.
Because Jesus promoted a Peaceful kingdom on his word a dig at murderous tyrants.
He also went against the money changers a dig at Capitalism.
A mix.
Because Jesus promoted a Peaceful kingdom on his word a dig at murderous tyrants.
He also went against the money changers a dig at Capitalism.

They all promise a peaceful kingdom. Lenin and Stalin did too. This is why any system that doesn't have checks and balances, transparency, and elections is garbage.
A mix.
Because Jesus promoted a Peaceful kingdom on his word a dig at murderous tyrants.
He also went against the money changers a dig at Capitalism.

Jesus went against the God damned Jews because they were doing business in the Temple. He had no objection to capitalism. He told a number of parables that embraced capitalism.
Where did Jesus embrace Capitalism?

The story of the capital investors where Jesus condemned the man who just his money rather than investing it. The story of the man hiring laborers. The story of the steward making deals with debtors. The declaration that Jews are the spawn of Satan. Oh wait, maybe that last thing doesn't have anything to do with capitalism. Maybe you should try the Old Testament, were other than a 10% tax, everything was Free Market.
The story of the capital investors where Jesus condemned the man who just his money rather than investing it. The story of the man hiring laborers. The story of the steward making deals with debtors. The declaration that Jews are the spawn of Satan. Oh wait, maybe that last thing doesn't have anything to do with capitalism. Maybe you should try the Old Testament, were other than a 10% tax, everything was Free Market.

Acts 2:44-45 English Standard Version (ESV)
44 And all who believed were together and had all things in common. 45 And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.

Quote Originally Posted by Bobb View Post
The pagan Roman Catholic Church is a marxist religion, spreading marxism, poverty, disease, and idolatry anywhere it can.

LMAO. Let me guess, Southern Evangelical. Even Atheists usually have better tact and intellect in their views of Catholicism than that hogwash. What is with some of you Evangelicals and your hater nonsense over Catholicism? I'd take an angry racist pissing and moaning about how bad your religion is as a compliment. So, thanks.
LMAO. Let me guess, Southern Evangelical. Even Atheists usually have better tact and intellect in their views of Catholicism than that hogwash. What is with some of you Evangelicals and your hater nonsense over Catholicism? I'd take an angry racist pissing and moaning about how bad your religion is as a compliment. So, thanks.

What the fuck do you have against Evangelicals? Why are you now sucking the dicks of atheists? Where the hell have ANY Evangelicals hated on Catholicism? We never even criticized you over your perverted priests.
So fuck off, you pathetic waste of flesh and taxes.