Pope Frank Is More Than A Hardcore Communist

Acts 2:44-45 English Standard Version (ESV)
44 And all who believed were together and had all things in common. 45 And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.


1) Voluntary sharing is absolutely not socialism. Socialism is government-directed, involuntary wealth redistribution.

2) They faced intense persecution and they knew the end was coming, that they'd have eventually flee from Jerusalem. It's hard to flee with lots of possessions, and you can't take your land with you.

3) The Bible's idea of someone in "need" is not anything close to a socialist's or idiot Dem's idea of need. They only supported each other, not outsiders. They only supported those who contributed time to the church, and who were of good character. They only supported the non-lazy who had no one else to support them.
1) Voluntary sharing is absolutely not socialism. Socialism is government-directed, involuntary wealth redistribution.

2) They faced intense persecution and they knew the end was coming, that they'd have eventually flee from Jerusalem. It's hard to flee with lots of possessions, and you can't take your land with you.

3) The Bible's idea of someone in "need" is not anything close to a socialist's or idiot Dem's idea of need. They only supported each other, not outsiders. They only supported those who contributed time to the church, and who were of good character. They only supported the non-lazy who had no one else to support them.

No, the quote supports Socialism.

Because greed is Sin.

Christianity is not a Capitalist religion.

I'm not sure what Protestants support but it sure seems like Satan.
Francis wrote in the preface of a collection of writings of Pope emeritus Benedict XVI on faith and politics that Marxism is wrong to deny humanity’s dependence on God.


To WitoldPilecki:
Do not tie God to organized religion regardless of which cleric makes the claim. T.P. & T.J. sum up my case:

Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst; every other species of tyranny is limited to the world we live in; but this attempts to stride beyond the grave, and seeks to pursue us into eternity. Thomas Paine

NOTE: Democrat opposition to repealing the inheritance tax finally defined Socialism as a tyrannical religion, because it, too, follows you into the grave, and it does so without claiming God as an ally.

History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes. Thomas Jefferson --Letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813

See number 25 permalink in this thread for my views on God and religion:

The following observations will not help religious fanatics see the light, but it might offer food for thought to normal people:


To WitoldPilecki:
Do not tie God to organized religion regardless of which cleric makes the claim. T.P. & T.J. sum up my case:

Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst; every other species of tyranny is limited to the world we live in; but this attempts to stride beyond the grave, and seeks to pursue us into eternity. Thomas Paine

NOTE: Democrat opposition to repealing the inheritance tax finally defined Socialism as a tyrannical religion, because it, too, follows you into the grave, and it does so without claiming God as an ally.

History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes. Thomas Jefferson --Letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813

See number 25 permalink in this thread for my views on God and religion:

The following observations will not help religious fanatics see the light, but it might offer food for thought to normal people:


Are you saying Catholics are Tyrannical?

Keep in mind most White people causing mayhem today are American Evangelicals & Russian Orthodox Christians.
They all promise a peaceful kingdom. Lenin and Stalin did too. This is why any system that doesn't have checks and balances, transparency, and elections is garbage.

Any system which, like that run by Stalin, works by a market means people are still squabbling for money and power, and is anti-human. All capitalisms are. The current Pope is one of the first who has some vague awareness of what Christianity is about. Is that the subject of discussion here, or is it some Republican object of reverence like trumpf's arsehole?
Are you saying Catholics are Tyrannical?

To WitoldPilecki:
No. You are separating Catholics from every other religion.

Keep in mind most White people causing mayhem today are American Evangelicals & Russian Orthodox Christians.

To WitoldPilecki:
You are obviously a race hustler trying to be clever. Give it up. You only prove how stupid you are.

In case you missed it, most black Americans belong to one or another Christian sect. Da Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s mayhem embraced by his star pupil, the Chicago sewer rat, comes to mind.

p.s. Notice how Da Reverend claims God for his church so he, Wright, can spew his own hatred in God's name:

Any system which, like that run by Stalin, works by a market means people are still squabbling for money and power, and is anti-human. All capitalisms are.

To Penderyn: Try to understand the difference:

1. Capitalism is an economic system that works to perfection for the most people in a severely limited form of government.

2. Socialism is a form of government that works for the least number of people.

Flanders is a write-off. All he does is post obscure and weird shit that could be seen as trolling at times. His titles often read like he is. I don't bet but I might take a guess that even the link posted might not fit his title exactly the way he portrays. I'm not going to a sewer site to check though.

He's a hater. Just look through his threads, nothing but bitch and lie, bitch and lie. He's a bitter little person.
Acts 2:44-45 English Standard Version (ESV)
44 And all who believed were together and had all things in common. 45 And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.


You know, you're a fcking moron. Every relevant thing Jesus said approved of capitalism (I pointed out several). Nothing Jesus said supports socialism. You're a fcking moron who can't see the massive chasm between voluntary sharing (charity) and socialism. You're also too fcking stupid to appreciate the situation those Christians in Acts 2 were in (even after I explained it to you). You're just a stupid, petty thief who'll burn in Hell, if you don't repent. Stop coveting other people's money.
What the fuck do you have against Evangelicals? Why are you now sucking the dicks of atheists? Where the hell have ANY Evangelicals hated on Catholicism? We never even criticized you over your perverted priests.
So fuck off, you pathetic waste of flesh and taxes.

If you don't think evangelicals dislike Catholicism you haven't been paying attention. John Hagee, Kenneth Copeland and Pat Robertson are three who come to mind. I've had arguments with people on this forum who lie about the teachings of Catholicism.
LMAO. Let me guess, Southern Evangelical. Even Atheists usually have better tact and intellect in their views of Catholicism than that hogwash. What is with some of you Evangelicals and your hater nonsense over Catholicism? I'd take an angry racist pissing and moaning about how bad your religion is as a compliment. So, thanks.

Here are some articles on evangelicals and Catholics. I'm so sick of them lying that Catholics aren't Christian.



He's a hater. Just look through his threads, nothing but bitch and lie, bitch and lie. He's a bitter little person.

There are a couple of them here. Look at the one frothing over "evangelicals don't hate Catholics." He's got to have brown eyes, all that shit piled up in there.
If you don't think evangelicals dislike Catholicism you haven't been paying attention. John Hagee, Kenneth Copeland and Pat Robertson are three who come to mind. I've had arguments with people on this forum who lie about the teachings of Catholicism.

And I unfortunately attended a non-denominational fundie church for two years too long. They do indeed hate Catholics, and Lutherans too. I was even told that my Lutheran baptism didn't count because they're not really a Christian faith.
And I unfortunately attended a non-denominational fundie church for two years too long. They do indeed hate Catholics, and Lutherans too. I was even told that my Lutheran baptism didn't count because they're not really a Christian faith.

That's interesting about them hating Lutherans, I didn't know that. Guess your Lutheran and my Catholic baptisms don't count because we weren't "born again."
And I unfortunately attended a non-denominational fundie church for two years too long. They do indeed hate Catholics, and Lutherans too. I was even told that my Lutheran baptism didn't count because they're not really a Christian faith.

What's funny is the ones complaining others aren't real Christians are groups full of some of the biggest phonies. You just listen to them and realize they got the ways of Christ cherry-picked to pieces.
If you don't think evangelicals dislike Catholicism you haven't been paying attention. John Hagee, Kenneth Copeland and Pat Robertson are three who come to mind.

Those three men think the spawn of Satan are God's chosen people. They won't know who Jesus is until he is tossing their pathetic souls into Hell.