Predict The Debate


Staff member
How do you think this will go? Will Palin give a better than expected performance? Will she bomb like Dan Quayle? Will she be gassy enough to be heard on the micophone?

Will Biden own the day? Will Biden accidentally belch as he tries to explain what a magazine is? Will he go off on how clean his running mate really is? Will he maintain a mostly hidden but noticeable erection throughout the time of the debate after shaking the hand of Palin?

You tell me how you think this will go... and do it before the debate, there is a timestamp people!!

Palin will do better than expected, and Biden will, as well. Biden won't be a gaffe machine; he'll steer clear of Palin, and go for McCain.

Palin still won't pass a threshold of competence in most people's minds, though. Still, she can't help but beat expectations at this point...
Palin will do fine. She will not answer a single question though she will sound like she is actually answering the question. No one will notice and there will not be any effective follow up questioning.

Biden will do fine. He will speak longer than he is permitted but will not do anything stupid. He will use the word "malarkey" at least once.

In the end, people will remark about how unremarkable the debate was.
As with Bush, expectations have been lowered so much for Palin she will have a very hard time coming across as poorly as we all expect.
I think that Dixie and Majority will swear that Palin destroyed Biden. Darla and Onceler will swear that Biden killed Palin.

I think that it will be a case of both sides saying their candidate won.
I think that Dixie and Majority will swear that Palin destroyed Biden. Darla and Onceler will swear that Biden killed Palin.

I think that it will be a case of both sides saying their candidate won.

Well, I do think that if there was a way to check all expectations at the door, and a way to erase the last couple of days scrutiny over Ifill, that Biden - from an objective, debate-points standpoint - would wipe the floor w/ her.
I think I'm going to stop and get some trail mix on the way home so I have something to eat while I'm watching it.
I don't consider a left wing interview pop quiz a good method to gauge her.

I am sick of you guys just talking crap--and not betting any money with me. Your all a bunch of wind bags--like obama.

Here is what will most likely happen---knowing the tactics of the dem party espically.

Palin will kick his ass. It is also part of bidens plan to get mad at the end of the debate. he will then go to his hotel, fake a heart attack to allow another VP to be choosen---and strong dem forces to not have a second VP debate with the new commie on the ticket against Palin.

You guys are such pussies---I don't think you would even bet against me with that prediction.
Well, I do think that if there was a way to check all expectations at the door, and a way to erase the last couple of days scrutiny over Ifill, that Biden - from an objective, debate-points standpoint - would wipe the floor w/ her.

Considering his experience, I would agree with you.

If it were run like a real debate, that is.

I am going to miss the actual debate. I am taking my family out to eat tonight. Its rare that I am home on a weeknight, so we are celebrating.
I just read an AP piece citing some McCain campaign staffers who said that Palin will "go after" Biden for some of his statements and positions over the years. That is, if she can get/keep them straight,

Biden's people say he'll stick to the issues and go after McCain on his policies, not Palin.

We'll see how it goes, if it gets personal or if the rhetoric becomes heated then all bets are off. I'm hoping that Biden can maintain his composure and do a good job.

Palin -- well, it will depend in part on how much she's had to absorb over the past few days. If she's on overload it could be amusing.
I just read an AP piece citing some McCain campaign staffers who said that Palin will "go after" Biden for some of his statements and positions over the years. That is, if she can get/keep them straight,

Biden's people say he'll stick to the issues and go after McCain on his policies, not Palin.

We'll see how it goes, if it gets personal or if the rhetoric becomes heated then all bets are off. I'm hoping that Biden can maintain his composure and do a good job.

Palin -- well, it will depend in part on how much she's had to absorb over the past few days. If she's on overload it could be amusing.

I think she is going to attack. I said earlier, the only time I have noticed her seeming really comfortable, and in her element, is when she is being nasty and sarcastic. She enjoys that.

I hope she does. I think that Biden can really do something with that. It's not sexist to turn around to a nasty sarcastic bitch, and dismiss her as "do we really want more of this??" I think he can do her in if she takes that route.
I think she is going to attack. I said earlier, the only time I have noticed her seeming really comfortable, and in her element, is when she is being nasty and sarcastic. She enjoys that.

I hope she does. I think that Biden can really do something with that. It's not sexist to turn around to a nasty sarcastic bitch, and dismiss her as "do we really want more of this??" I think he can do her in if she takes that route.

I agree. It's the best thing she could do for the Dems; opens herself up to reprisal and makes herself look as bad as she is.
I think I am going to be watching something important, i.e., the playoffs. Unless somebody makes a real ass of themselves, I won't view it later.
I find it mildly amusing the pinhead contingent thinks Palin will do okay in this debate. Are you downplaying expectations, or what? Maybe you are realizing how a governor of a state of 600k, might just be slightly more qualified in leadership questions than a senator of a state of 800k, who thinks FDR was on television? After all, it IS two against one here... Biden and Ifill vs. Palin.

I think as long as Palin doesn't pull out an AK-47 and mow down Biden and Ifill, she will do just fine, but I am not very confident of the McCain camp's "prep" for this debate. On the issues of energy and the economy, I think Palin can really clean Biden's clock, and I will humbly give Biden a slight edge in foreign policy. However, that is judging Palin on Palin, and not on Palin watered down with McCainian rhetoric. No telling what they have fed her the past few weeks, and if she follows the McCain camp's 'advice' it will be a Biden win, in spite of his propensity to gaffe all over the place. Still, there is an outside chance of Biden saying something REALLY stupid, and you have to think, the Obama campaign is seeing some wisdom in the McCain strategy of keeping the VP candidate insulated from the media. If only they could take back that FDR comment! LOL
So you don't think Biden's 30 or so years as a senator count as experience in debate?

Or does Palin's year and a half as governor overtake him?
"I find it mildly amusing the pinhead contingent thinks Palin will do okay in this debate. Are you downplaying expectations, or what? Maybe you are realizing how a governor of a state of 600k, might just be slightly more qualified in leadership questions than a senator of a state of 800k, who thinks FDR was on television? After all, it IS two against one here... Biden and Ifill vs. Palin."

I said she'd beat expectations, which is almost a given. I didn't say she'd impress, or meet any kind of threshold of competence.

Dixie - you have to realize that she has come across as a total airhead over the past few weeks. You're latching onto the FDR gaffe like it's manna from heaven, but it was just a gaffe; people generally know that Biden knows his way around foreign & domestic policy pretty well.
Rumor has it that Palin plans to attack Biden on . . . foreign policy. It's the old Rovian strategy of attacking the opponent's strength but I don't this she can pull it off.

Should be interesting to watch.
One of those Republican people who go around defending Republicans, his name is Brad something, he’s a real ass. (I am trying to clean up my language a little bit, I guess I am overusing the word ass, I can’t think of that many replacements for dick, asshole, emofucktard emotional fuckwit etc) So anyway, he is a real ass, and I am listening to him attack Biden last week, and he actually said, “here’s a guy who thinks FDR was President during the depression”. I couldn’t stop laughing. Really put Biden’s “big screw up” in perspective.