Predict The Debate

"You do realize her teleprompter failed at the convention, and what we saw was 100% pure unfettered Palin, not what the McCain camp had scripted for her, right?" really fell for that?
Palin's performance will be irrelevant to how this debate is perceived.....
She will be deemed the loser....the headlines are already written and the mornings newspapers are already being printed as of this second....
There is simply no way MSM will give her any quarter.....

That's funny, I work for a morning newspaper, and we don't have a single headline about who won the debate.
Bush was deemed the winner of his debates for the same reason Palin will be - Bush is a fuck-tard, everyone knows it, and nobody expects him to perform well or actually answer any questions. Just getting by without falling flat on his face is enough.

It's the curse of being the party of intellect - the Democrats have higher expectations.