Predict The Debate

"“here’s a guy who thinks FDR was President during the depression”. I couldn’t stop laughing. Really put Biden’s “big screw up” in perspective."

It's another one of those things; they have suffered - and I mean suffered - through one gaffe or misstatement or outright mangling of the English language from their Messiah (or at least SF's) for the past 7+ years, and they just were jumping with glee when Obama made his fairly innocuous "57 states" comment, or when Biden said FDR was on TV! Oh, boy...this is so great!
So you don't think Biden's 30 or so years as a senator count as experience in debate?

Or does Palin's year and a half as governor overtake him?

I don't think 35 years as a member of a group that 9% Americans currently approve, is any benefit to Biden at all. I also think there is a reason Biden has more unsuccessful presidential bids than Ralph Nader. The man is an idiot. A plagiarizing sexist buffoon, unlike anyone else in politics. Palin is relatively new to the political scene, but she has accomplished some pretty amazing shit, beating an incumbent in the primaries twice, and a former governor as well, to be elected to office, is pretty remarkable, even in Alaska.

We keep hearing this Democrat mantra of "hope and change" and clearly, the polls indicate people favor change from the status quot in Washington.... well, what do you see when you look at Joe Biden? I see a 35-year relic of the Senate, who represents the status quot. Palin is the opposite of that.
"I think Palin can really clean Biden's clock, and I will humbly give Biden a slight edge in foreign policy. However, that is judging Palin on Palin, and not on Palin watered down with McCainian rhetoric."

Dixie - how do you know who Palin is?

You were completely gaga after her convention speech; you realize that was all written by McCain staffers, with McCainian rhetoric, right?

And the only unscripted Palin we've seen is the Gibson interview, the Couric interview, and some bad impromptu moments where she endorses Obama's Pakistan strategy. Is that what you're going on? Or the fact that she always just says she's a "maverick?"
I don't think 35 years as a member of a group that 9% Americans currently approve, is any benefit to Biden at all. I also think there is a reason Biden has more unsuccessful presidential bids than Ralph Nader. The man is an idiot. A plagiarizing sexist buffoon, unlike anyone else in politics. Palin is relatively new to the political scene, but she has accomplished some pretty amazing shit, beating an incumbent in the primaries twice, and a former governor as well, to be elected to office, is pretty remarkable, even in Alaska.

We keep hearing this Democrat mantra of "hope and change" and clearly, the polls indicate people favor change from the status quot in Washington.... well, what do you see when you look at Joe Biden? I see a 35-year relic of the Senate, who represents the status quot. Palin is the opposite of that.

The people's approval has no bearing on what he has learned about debating.

Have you ever seen Congress at work, Dixie? A big part of what they do is debate. You may not approve of the outcome of the debate, but you cannot deny that they debate a lot.

Now Biden has been in an organization that uses debate as a central tool for 30+ years.

And you still say that Palin's year and a half as Gov of Alaska trumps his experience as a debator?
The people's approval has no bearing on what he has learned about debating.

Have you ever seen Congress at work, Dixie? A big part of what they do is debate. You may not approve of the outcome of the debate, but you cannot deny that they debate a lot.

Now Biden has been in an organization that uses debate as a central tool for 30+ years.

And you still say that Palin's year and a half as Gov of Alaska trumps his experience as a debator?

There are very few as talented as Senators at talking for long period of times while saying nothing.
"I think Palin can really clean Biden's clock, and I will humbly give Biden a slight edge in foreign policy. However, that is judging Palin on Palin, and not on Palin watered down with McCainian rhetoric."

Dixie - how do you know who Palin is?

You were completely gaga after her convention speech; you realize that was all written by McCain staffers, with McCainian rhetoric, right?

And the only unscripted Palin we've seen is the Gibson interview, the Couric interview, and some bad impromptu moments where she endorses Obama's Pakistan strategy. Is that what you're going on? Or the fact that she always just says she's a "maverick?"

As you will recall, I was initially scratching my head at why McCain picked her. After some research on her positions, I discovered she was a true Conservative, who had articulated true Conservative values. I was a true "undecided" voter at that point, and Palin brought me on board the McCain bandwagon. I know you don't believe that, but it's the honest truth. I had some knock down drag out debates with my sister (a McCain supporter) over my inability to support someone I didn't agree with. I really wasn't going to vote in this election, I had pretty much made up my mind. Palin got my attention, because she does represent what I stand for, Conservative principles.

You do realize her teleprompter failed at the convention, and what we saw was 100% pure unfettered Palin, not what the McCain camp had scripted for her, right? The interviews are the result of the McCain camp "instructing" her on what to say, what to avoid, how to spin things... and it came across that way to me. As usual, you have it all ASS-BACKWARDS!

And BTFW... she NEVER endorsed "Obama's Pakistan Strategy", you lying spinning manipulating goofball!
The people's approval has no bearing on what he has learned about debating.

Have you ever seen Congress at work, Dixie? A big part of what they do is debate. You may not approve of the outcome of the debate, but you cannot deny that they debate a lot.

Now Biden has been in an organization that uses debate as a central tool for 30+ years.

And you still say that Palin's year and a half as Gov of Alaska trumps his experience as a debator?

No, I'm saying Palin's intellect on the issues and plain-spoken ability to relate to average Americans, trumps Biden's 35-year record as a pinhead senator, and plagiarizing fool. I'm saying Palin's 'outsider' status trumps Biden's fossilization of status quot politics, in the area of "hope and change" for average Americans.
Palin will know nothing but try to make quick zingers about obama's inexperience or Biden's age. Its all she knows, and it's what she's good at.

Biden if he's smart will stick to the issues and answer the questions and not attack Palin, she's good at doing that herself as of late.
Biden will steamroll Palin! It will be very entertainig to watch as she makes a fool of herself though. :cof1:
Biden will steamroll Palin! It will be very entertainig to watch as she makes a fool of herself though. :cof1:

I think that just the fact that she's required such intensive coaching over several days speaks volumes against her. It depends who's paying attention to that, though. I suspect that she's going to be on information overload and that your prediction will be correct.
I think that just the fact that she's required such intensive coaching over several days speaks volumes against her. It depends who's paying attention to that, though. I suspect that she's going to be on information overload and that your prediction will be correct.

she got trained by a lake outside. typically when your studying or practicing something you usually have it take place in a sitting that will reselmble the actual event. Unless she's having a live feed from one of McCain's resort houses.
she got trained by a lake outside. typically when your studying or practicing something you usually have it take place in a sitting that will reselmble the actual event. Unless she's having a live feed from one of McCain's resort houses.

I see you watch Rachel too! :) Yes, that's going to be a disadvantage for her for sure. OTOH, not much is really going to help her a lot, not at this point. Wait 'til tomorrow; we'll see how many of us have to eat our words, though. Hope not!
Interestingly, in this area, a true Republican stronghold, I've seen political signs up and more of them are for McCain only than McCain/Palin. It happens often enough that I've noted it.
Yeah, I don't think Daily Kos did a story on it.
The Teleprompter story was NOT TRUE. It scrolled a head a couple of times but just a line or two. Johnathan Martin, reporter from politico sat in the press section within eye shot of the teleprompter and said it never scrolled more than a line or two and it did not totally malfunction. That is an eyewitness report.
Palin will do well. She will not speak in any detales or specifics. She will speak only in generalities so she wont make any big gaffs.

Biden will play it safe, no zingers or even pointing out that Palin did not really say anything.

It will be basically a tie... Biden will win, but because expectations are so low for Palin, she will be seen as a winner.

In all it will have 0 effect on the poll numbers, the campaign, or who the eventual winner will be.
Palin's performance will be irrelevant to how this debate is perceived.....
She will be deemed the loser....the headlines are already written and the mornings newspapers are already being printed as of this second....
There is simply no way MSM will give her any quarter.....